In Plain Sight

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Ojiko: "as expected from yesterdays results....seems your wounds...healed much faster than i have originally expected to heal" looking at the then looking at Izuku who was in his gown..and he had no cast on or bandages as on the X-ray...was his fractures have completely healed on their own...
Ojiko: "until i suggest you head out and check in with the have some new plans coming in...from Sensei himself" 
Izuku: "alright" he was just tempted to kill this smug bastard...this bastard was one of the people who wronged him...during his appointment...those fucking words he said to him...not yet...otherwise Sensei will lose his assets...
Izuku now gets up and he puts on his outfit....and he takes his leave 
Ojiko: " oh and one more thing...try not to break anymore bones...tissue is easy and requires no effort to heal...but bones...stop it" and he just flips him off and leaves 
Izuku: "not like i'm going to do that all the fucking time...jesus..." ans he exits the building...of course in some form of bad luck..
Izuku: "great" 
Izumi: "Izuku?!" seeing both Izumi and the twats with her 
Yagi: "son?" 
Izuku remains quiet as he clench on the metal railing 
Inko: "Izuku...we...we heard you were here...and we thought you" 
Izuku: "what that i'm injured?...please...say what you want" 
Izumi: "i know you heard about the USJ attack that happened a couple of days ago" 
Izuku: "heard?...nurses looking after my wrist wouldn't shut up about it" 
Yagi: "son" 
Izuku: "i'm not your goddamn son...what the fuck do you want" 
Izumi: "Izuku..w...when we were attacked...we saw the villain..who calls himself the bogeyman...he said things...that...well" 
Yagi: "he talked about your incident at the slime attack..and mentioned...about your undying hatred for all wanted him dead?!" 
Izuku raised his eyebrow: "hmm...never thought someone would hear it" 
Izumi: "so its true?!" 
Izuku: "so what...why the fuck do you even care...not like your related to him" then came the shivers...oof 
Yagi: "look so-...i mean can't say things like that out in public...i know we all have our opinions...but...that is something dangerous to could make you a target...someone to put the blame on" 
Izuku: "please...i'm already a laughing stock...a lot of people don't forget what is 'hilarious' and 'stupid' to them...mindless rats that would believe anything they hear...just like All Might...being the one who acts like some false god...can't believe i used to admire him...i had enough...get out of the way...i need to meet with someone" 
Inko: "please Izuku...just give us one chance to reconnect with you..we..we want to fix everything..we...we could your father" 
Izuku: "hmm...interesting...the fact you bring up that man shows how desperate you'm going to meet that fucker on my own terms...not with you in the picture...get out of my way" walking past them now...
Izumi: "grr" but Yagi raised his hand 
Yagi: leave him be" watching him shrinking...seeing him go over the hill...he then looks back to the metal railing...where his hand was..and sees the thing bend all to hell...
Yagi: "he's been training hard" solemn...noticing the major change in his physical strength..he remembered that he could barely even move a small fridge at the could possibly lift like 5 of them in each arm...
Izumi: "since when could he do that" 
Yagi: "he may be still looking for a chance of becoming a hero on his own he'll do it...who knows" and she receives a call 
Izumi: "hello?"  
Katsumi: "THE FUCK YOU DOING!?" 
Izumi: "I was talking to my brother...trying" 
Katsumi: "well you better hurry up...everyones waiting for you" and she flinches 
Izumi: "oh no...RIGHT!!!" and she turns to tell her parents and she full on sprints towards the mall 
Inko: "hopefully she can master it" 
Yagi: "i hope so" looking to the side...watching the newspaper headline with a picture of the LOV in it

Nejire: "so...what do you want to do first?!" looking at the rest of the class...a lot of the boys were fawning over her...but others are excited to be hanging out with the three strongest students in U.A 
Mirio: "we may be the biggest group yet!" 
Tamaki was a bit nervous...being around this much people at the same time...
Mina was excited as well...seeing everyone here...this is going to help lift their spirits up...
Momo however was still trying to calm herself...paranoid...and for a good reason 
Mineta: "well i'm heading off to the hero store real quick" 
Kaminari: "oh yeah man i'm coming with" 
Kirishima: "why not?" and the three head out towards that way while others like lida and Satou along with Tsuyu went to go look for items that will help them train for the sports festival 
Jirou: "well then" 
Nejire: "guess that leaves you and us?" seeing that Momo and Mina are there as well...the four just hangs out and look around that would help Momo out actually...
Nejire: "wowee...i forgot this was here" 
Mina: "um...don't you come here everyday?" 
Nejire: "oh reason i forgot was because" 
"she can't help it because i'm the one guiding them" they turn to see...
Nejire: "*gasp*!!" and she runs to him 
Izuku: "hey Nej" 
Nejire: "ZUZU!!!" and she jumps on him and eh groans 
Izuku: "owowowow" 
Nejire: "oh sorry..what are you doing here?!...are your bones still broken?!" 
Izuku: "don't worry about it...i had a lot of help from the doc...brought in someone who had a regeneration wrist still needs some time to heal..because of the multiple bones in it...but my ribs are i'm good" 
Mina: " this is the boyfriend?!" checking him out 
Izuku: "hmm?..oh you must be the first year students correct?" 
Mina: "that's right...i'm Mina Ashido and this is " 
Jirou: "Kyoka Jirou...and this is" she stopped for moment as Momo was wide-eyed...when Izuku walked up to hold out to handshake them...she couldn't help but see...the bogeyman reaching out to her USJ...she gasped and she stumbles back now 
Jirou: "woah!" 
Mina: "MO!" and she breaths heavily 
Izuku: "are you alright!?" holding out his hand to help her up...she tries to crawl back...not caring about her skirt rising up looking indecent...she really is frightened 
Izuku holds his hand up: "i don't know what i did" 
Jirou: "It's alright Yaomomo...come on get up...your skirt" and she noticed it and she dusts herself off...
Momo: "i..i'm sorry for how i's just...i" 
Izuku: "Nejire told me about what happened...i didn't mean to" 
Momo: "no it's alright..i just...could we start over?" 
Izuku: " you heard..i'm Izuku Midoriya...Nejires current Boyfriend" holding out his hand and she shakes her head...and she shakes it 
Momo: "i'm Momo Yaoyorozu...and i do apologize for the display" 
Izuku: "you had a traumatic one blames you for your actions" 
Momo: "I see your wounds also healed" 
Izuku: "I see Nejire told you about my recent attack" 
Mina: "you were attacked?" 
Izuku: "just some thug...don't worry about it" 
Jirou: "bro you just got attacked...and we're heroes in training" 
Izuku: "I'm aware" 
Mina: "shouldn't you be like resting?" 
Izuku: "and miss out on this hangout...nah" 
Momo: "you..definitely have a" 
Izuku: "thank you" 
Nejire: "anyways...Izu and i have been together since?...uh" 
Izuku: "since that train ride" 
Nejire: "oh guys said you want to go where again?" 
Mina: "we just told you!" 
Izuku: "that's Nejire alright...hehe" putting his hand around her waist pulling her in as she makes a small oomph noise...she still smiles 
Mina: "ooh..physical are we" 
Izuku: "date me for a few months and this is the result...of course i'm only dedicated to her" 
Mina: "oh well...come on lets go!" and they head off now 
Nejire: "they be fawn of you...i think? it flirting?...or maybe...they like you?" 
Izuku: "No clue about that stuff" 

Mirio: "aw man look at that!" seeing the newest All Might where he's holding a heroic pose...with that big smile 
Kirishima: "bro check this out!" seeing the red riot shirt...the latest item thats been released...
Kaminari: "you see what i'm seeing?" as he and Mineta are oogling at this Mt Lady figurine as she was seen doing a...rather odd pose...something that even the average person wouldn't display openly in their room...
Mineta: "it's quite the stature...but the bust is a little off..but i'm not complaining about that ass." soon around the corner came up Nejire and the others...
Kirishima: "yo!" 
Jirou then went up to jab her earphones on the two perverts
Kaminari: OW...can't we just browse in peace!?" 
Jirou: "yeah and you'll take forever...hurry up...Hados boyfriends here" and now they were curious...releasing a small aura of jealously..they want to see the person who managed to score someone like Nejire..the hottest babe in the third year 
Mineta: "i bet this guy doesn't even have the privilege to be in her presence alone" 
Kaminari: "more so i want him to teach me on how to score a babe like that" 
Kirishima: "oh awesome..been meaning to see him!" 
Mirio: "Midoriya is a pretty awesome dude" and they round the corner..and see him his towering stature wasn't intimidating to the two perverts...makes sense since he was older than them...
Izuku: "Oh hey Mirio" 
Mirio: "what's doing good man!? gave us quite the scare when i heard about you in the hospital" 
Kirishima: "bro..what happened?!" 
Izuku: "nothing much...just got jumped...don't have to worry about it...i'm sure the thug was caught" 
Kirishima: "and the brace" 
Izuku: "i have a small fracture in my it's going to take a while to heal up...but it doesn't mean i'm going to leave you guys hanging" 
Kirishima: "so manly bro...going through that pain like nothing..." 
Izuku: "it's not really a big deal...but then again it guess it's a but concerning" 
Kirishima: "either way got to-" but he was cut off as Mineta jumps on him close to his face 
Kaminari: "teach us your ways!" kneeling he was some starving beggar during the medieval times
Izuku irritated flicks Minetas forehead causing him to fly back and hit Kaminari 
Mina: "woah" 
Jirou: "you sure have quite the Strength quirk...why didn't you apply for U.A?...i'm pretty sure you could be a great hero" 
Nejire: "um Jirou" 
Mina: "yeah just fling that creep back easily..with just the flick of your finger!.." 
Momo: "Ashido" again they were ignored 
Mirio: "Um guys" 
Kirishima: "come on man..lifting weights would make you a beast man!" 
Izuku: "ha...those are pretty good jokes the lot of you just said...look i don't have a strength quirk...or anything...i'm quirkless" oh no 
Jirou: "you...your a quirkless?" 
Mina: " did you managed to be that strong?" 
Izuku: "hard-work and dedication...but i was going to apply for U.A...but..i lost i pursue a different career" 
Momo pinches her nose...annoyed at them right now 
Mina: "but..i don't get sure it's not a quirk?" 
Nejire now grew worried..along with Mirio...Tamaki was hiding somewhere..and the others are doing their own thing 
Izukus eye twitched and his hand was starting to twitch as well...he felt his inner rage building he just wanted to just rip that fucking bitches head off...and then choke Jirou with her own USJ...he soon let out this horrific aura that seemed to make the others freeze 
Izuku: "don't..judge people..based on their appearance don't know don't have a right to tell anyone what they can or can't do..." 
Mina: "r-r-right...s-s-sorry!" 
Jirou: "y-yeah" 
and soon it just disappears...and he smiles happily 
Izuku: "it's not a problem" 
Mina/Jirou: "scary" 
Momo however...shivered from this...she can tell he's been through a whole just build up this level of malice...and it barely seems to scratch the surface of his true feelings 
Nejire: "are you okay?"  
Izuku: "'m going to get a breather...i'll meet up at the food court later...alright?" 
Nejire: "okay...don't want me to go along?" 
Izuku: "nah it's good..just need to make a call at work as well" 
Nejire: "alright then" and he kisses her before heading off 
Mirio whistles: "well i can't say that you just answered all the right questions to NOT push his temper" 

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