Sports Festival: One Vs One

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Midnight: "alright we have seen round onto Round TWO!!" as the screen now is showing the whole contestants 
Midnight: "now we have...lida Tenya vs Mei Hatsume!!" 
lida: "well then...time for me to go" 
Izumi: "good luck lida!" 
lida: "thank you Izumi" and he walks down now...she looks across from her to see Nejire and the others...of course they seem well invested in the matches coming up...but they looked troubled about something...what it is she doesn't know...Nejire she can understand..Momos match was an absolute upset through the crowd..which was the topic everyone was talking they said that it was in fact true she had a horrendous encounter with the bogeyman...on the bright side there were some heroes that actually want to intern her...even the famous Uwabami was said to have put in an application...and the match with lida and Mei was as expected...weirder than the last one...of course they were understanding with Momo having some trauma...but this was just one big Mei effortlessly dodged all of lidas she was presenting her 'babies' aka her support far she's actually gotten a lot of attention from the big corporations...which is good for her...but it was anti climatic as she purposely walked out of bounds giving him the win...lida just stood there confused the entire time..and no one blamed him...this of course pissed a lot of people off...but it was soon made up when the next match was getting set up..this time the teachers decided on choosing the next match better give the crowd the appeal they want...but in any other case Nejire was making mental notes to ask Mei about possibly making her some support gear...the others as well...she knows she made Izumis support she's rather curious on how they work for now...maybe later...

Dabi: "i honestly don't believe one man  has killed this many people..without ever being caught...from my guess is the heroes are sending out their best to catch him..doesn't it mean it will make things harder for us?" 
Kurogiri: "simply to put it this mess is hard to cleanup..and the fact he purposely leaves trails that lead them in one instance he murdered another hero in their own home..only to make his foot steps lead into the closet
"Moving up" as the police follow the bloody footsteps up the stairs...the fairly new pro hero that was killed in cold blood..hanged by his own cape displayed over the stairway railing...a message carved into his stomach region..a language that was unknown to them at the time...head up stairs as the Bogeyman's trail is leading them into the heroes room...where they then see it front of the closet one officer...and by him is detective Naomasa...who looks at a signal to ready the squad now points their weapons at the closet...he and the other one who has a cat head...slowly reach for the knobs...the shivering breathing and stuttered breaths that await them...opening it now...they opened fire...only to see nothing...lowering their weapons they even checked the whole thing...and there was no trace of him there...making it more scary than it should...
flashback ends 
Toga: "wow he's so cool!" 
Ochako though was a bit horrified at first..but then won't ever amount to what he did to his former teacher...
Stain: "behave you two" 
Dabi: "when he gets here i want to really see if he's as intimidating as they say" but then he hears raspy breathing behind him...and he turns around to see him standing there...a lot of things went through his head..when did he get there? long was he standing there?...his height and intimidating stature was one thing..but the red stains on his mask and the coat...give it that he not messing around..he doesn't toy around...and that infamous hammer he's heard from even the common thugs..they pray they don't meet him...praying to god they on't encounter him at all
Izuku doesn't have to say anything to let them know he's here...
Dabi: "so..your him" trying to push past the startled look he had earlier 
Kurogiri: " three..the bogeyman" 
Toga gasped but not out of fear or jumps right up to him 
Toga: "IT'S REALLY YOU!!!" excited...similar to a child meeting their favorite hero
Izuku: "and who is this" 
Toga: "Oh i'm Himiko Toga..newest member of your league!..and this grumpy here is Dabi!" now looking at him..he does seem familiar somehow..maybe it's the scars that's distorting his face for him...either way they are new here...and well...stain 
Izuku although a bit startled didn't see Toga jumping right in front of his face...out of instinct he reaches out and choke holds her...
Dabi was ready to set him alight..until Kurogiri holds his hand up 
Izuku: "it would be wise to not do that" 
Toga: "harder" seeing her blush
Izuku deadpanned behind his mask...and just simply drops her 
Toga: "Oof!" hitting the floor 
Shigaraki: "have a lot on our hands" facepalming himself 
Dabi: "goddamn it" 
Izuku: "an unexpected trait...but i expect to hear your quirks" and now Dabi just sneers 
Dabi: "you'll see it when we actually go out" 
Toga: "if i drink the blood of someone i can turn into them!...although i would have to be naked since whatever they're wearing will overlap mines...and i just love the tast of blood..the more i consume the longer i can remain in their form!...but like to be people i like and love...could i drink your blood?" unfazed by the towering figure in front of some dog begging for a treat...he could only chuckle from this 
Izuku: "if your good enough" ruffling her hair now 
Toga: "aww" 
Ochako leans to Shigaraki: "this is weird" whispering 
Shigaraki: "your telling me..." 
Dabi: "oh look you found a bitch to own now" 
Izuku then turns to look at him: "now you...what is your quirk...drawbacks...the strengths and weaknesses of it." 
Dabi: "how about you show us your face...then maybe i'll tell you" and breathes out 
Izuku: " remind me of someone i once knew" 
Dabi: "heh..really...bullshit" 
Izuku: "i think you are someone i know...Dabi...or should i call you" leaning down towards him and he whispers 
Izuku: "Tou...ya" and he pales from that 
Dabi out of nowhere instinctly releases a flame on him...of course Shigaraki and Kurogiri were unfazed at this  
Toga: "DABI!!" like a small dog barking at a stranger 
Izuku still stands there...the fire had no effect on him 
Izuku: "are you finished" 
dabi: "how the fuck do you...know that" 
Izuku: "you and i had something similar back then...maybe through time...i could show you again" and he turns to Toga 
Toga: " are fireproof as well!" 
Izuku: "well two...pray you do a good job" and he walks out now leaving them alone 
Ochako whistles: "well that happened" 
Dabi though was trying to figure out how he knows that name...that goddamn name...he'll find out." 
AFO: "I see you have met your new friends" emphasis on the friends 
Izuku: "one seems overly attached...the edgelord who thinks he can do anything" 
AFO: "either way they prove to be viable as both allies..and pawns" 
Izuku: "can see flames...turning into people by blood consumption...and then Stain...where he freezes people when tasting their blood...surprised the girl didn't contract anything from drinking all that blood...or even overconsumption of iron" 
AFO: "from what i can see with Miss Himikos quirk...her body has changed since it has developed from childhood..having more tolerance in blood consumption..but in the seems to have a dopamine release..similar to tasting will have the same effect and Ojikos taken some blood samples...and her bodies immune system is stronger than the average persons...keep in mind" 
Izuku: "will do" 
AFO: "and who knows...maybe in the future...i can tell somethings...about your father" and now it's his turn to raise an eyebrow 
Izuku: "you know my father?" 
AFO: "not going to spill any info my prized have new work to do" the portal opens now...and he walks through back into his room
Izuku: 'he knew my father possibly?...or...nah' and he shrugs it off for now

Midnight: "and the next one is...Shoto Todoroki vs Katsumi Bakugo!" showing their pictures being displayed as they now are heading up to face off each other somewhere in the medical bay was something else happening 
RG: "now...are you feeling alright now?" as she was talking with Momo sitting on the edge of the bed...she had finally told her about what happened...even the other parts she left off on purpose..because she didn't want to recount them again...but RG told her that it was heroic of her to push past her fears to tell this...and of course Aizawa was standing outside of the room's worst than he thought...and what did he mean the path to the truth is littered with the bodies of the ignorant...but he can tell she's recovering fine right now...he leaves it be and he has to report this to Nezu now...which in his opinion is a bit farfetched saying that he has multiple's quite obvious that his immunity to gas like quirks comes from the gas mask itself...the resistance to electricity may also be from his actual outfit...then again his ability to regenerate his possible quirk..he's heard tales from others about how the much as they don't possess a power of their own..still evolved like the rest of them...having a much durable body and is able to survive things that would normally kill someone before the age of the whole training the body to become an unstoppable force isn't far from reality as it may seem
back to the fight 
Katsumi: "come on bitch!" as she fires another focused shot at him...Shoto knows Katsumis explosion are more focused...and that gives it power...Katsukis just like a bomb being set off...making another ice wall she of course does one of her so called signature moves...she calls it 'breach' and she holds her hand over the ice wall...and then creates a small concentrated explosion causing it to collapse...jumping over the debris she goes in for another blast...only to see he was nowhere to be seen..until he comes up from behind her 
Katsumi: "son of a bit-" cut she was frozen in place...her face was the only thing that wasn't frozen 
Katsumi: "shit!" cursing out...she lost 
Midnight: "Shoto Todoroki Wins!" and the crowd cheers for him...of course he was as emotionless as ever...and he just walks off...
midnight: "whoo! well that was quite a blast...and it seems to have cooled off..." 
Izumi: "why" cringing a little from the statement 

Nejire: "wow that was a good one!" 
Mirio: "yeah i didn't know who i wanted to cheer for" 
Yuyu: "too bad Midoriya couldn't see this" 
Nejire: "ooh your finally warming up to him" 
Yuyu: " i'm not...i'm still going to monitor on how he treats you" 
Nejire: "he's nothing like that Yu...he's as gentle as he is" 
Mirio: "should...should we comment on that?" 
Tamaki: "rather not" 
Nejire: "i wonder what's the next round going to be?" then...came up the next round 
Mirio: "uh" 
Nejire: "oh...'her'" holding such venom in that 'her' Yuyu and the others thought it was someone else for a moment...even Tamaki was surprised hearing this 
yuyu: "oh boy" now looking at the seems it's going to be one hell of a fight 

Izumi yagi vs Shoka Todoroki 

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