nearing the exams

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3 months later

Yagi: "alright Izumi...that's enough" and she plops down on the ground once more....after six...SIX agonizing months of training...she had cleaned up and made the beach nice and clear now...and to be was beautiful that onlookers now started to gather see the one who had done it all...
Yagi: "now your ready are take the torch now" and she scowls...especially when he told her the news 

flashback 3 months ago 
Izumi: "so dad why are we here again?" asking her father
Yagi: " much as i wanted to put this off...but *sigh* i guess i have no choice" and soon a puff of smoke comes out of nowhere and then 
Izumi: "ALL MIGHT?!!" and thus followed along the generic explanation and one shitstorm...
Izumi after finally calming down had just did nothing but cry 
Izumi: "does Izuku know!?" 
Yagi: "he doesn't" and again he dodged another punch 
Izumi: " could you do that to him?!...why would you embarrass him on the media?!!" her voice cracking 
Yagi: "i know what i did was out in the moment..i couldn't tell him yes...i worried he would get himself killed...i didn't want to encourage him...only for him to end up in a bodybag...i had to do what i had to do" 
Izumi: "damn it" 
Yagi: "it was out of his well being...i didn't want to get him killed...he went through a lot Izumi" 
Izumi: "no shit" 
Yagi; "hey" 
Izumi: "just...stop..." 
Flashback ends 

and soon she felt him nudge her...
Izumi: " what do i need to do?" and then 
Yagi: "Eat this" handing her..a piece of his hair 
Izumi: "...what?" 
Yagi: "the quirk could only transfer through DNA...just eat it" and she looks and sees she drank all her water...oh boy 
Izumi: "oh god" and she then eats it...then immediately gags...
Izumi: "what the hell?!" and then they realized they had an audience..who saw the whole weird shit in front of them 
Yagi: "hehe....oh boy" 
Izumi: "you will speak nothing of this!" yelling at them...and they just scattered...leaving them be as she did clean the beach so they left soon she looks back at him 
Izumi: "so the exams tomorrow...and he's been" 
Yagi: "i know...but it's no use talking to him anymore" 
Izumi: "because of us...we pushed him away...and you and mom are just giving up so easily" 
Yagi: "i just...i have no idea what i'm supposed to do..he's always out..he's never home...and now he spends the night somewhere that even me and your mother can't figure out at all!" 
Izumi: "you want to know...he's been staying with his new girlfriend" and he choked on his water 
Yagi: "what?!" 
Izumi: "exactly" 
Yagi: "and how did you find out about this?" 
Izumi: "uh" 

Bakugo: "so the bullshit thing is we can't just go on and blow shit up...we need to also pass the written test...fucking aid" 
Katsumi: "just shut up about it already" 
Shoto: "wait.." and they stop 
Izumi: "huh?" and they see in the distance Izuku hugging someone.. 
Shoka: "he...he has a girlfriend?!" now stunned 
Katsumi: "since who would ever want to love a fucker like him?!" growling 
Bakugo: "i'm going to give that deku a piece of my mind!!!" about to stomp towards them..only for Izumi to pull them back 
Izumi: "shh..listen!" and they now drop in on the conversation 
Nejire: "and maybe we can just see where we'll go from there right?" 
Izuku: "i'm pretty sure...hehe...look...i'm other guys...i'm pretty much as weak as they is with great honor...if...if you would let me be...uh"
Nejire: "be my boyfriend?..." 
Izuku: "r-right" stuttering..nervously smiling 
Nejire: "then that makes me your girlfriend...right?" and he nods 
Izuku: "yeah" 
Nejire: "i think we should seal that deal then" and soon they both got close to each other...then...
Izumi: 'oh my god' 
Shoto: "he did it' 
Shoka: "heartbroken" she muttered 
Bakugo: 'that fucker gets a girlfriend before me!!!!' growling badly now 
Nejire: "so you still going to move in?" 
Izuku: "oh yeah definitely" ...
Izumi: "..." 
Shoto: "..." 
Shoka: "..." 
Katsumi: "..." 
Bakugo: "..." 
Izumi: "what" 
Shoka: "the" 
Shoto: "actual" 
Bakugo: "Fuck" 
Katsumi: "deku" 
Flashback ends

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