Kamino Ward: 'hunter and prey'

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Izumi: "alright...the signal seems to be getting close..." as the tracker started to ping...the sound would echo through the tunnels...
Jirou: "ugh...this smell...horrible" 
Momo: "well...we're doing this for Ashido...we have to make do with what we are going through" 
Kirishima: "you think Bakugos alright?" 
lida: "I don't know about that...we have to hope for the best of the both of them" 
Jirou: "I could give less of a shit about Bakugo..it's Mina i'm worried about" 
lida: "Jirou that is not the correct way to think of a situation...i know what Bakugo and Izumi has done is quite obvious..but they are still people..and we have to save them...that is the hero way" 
Izumi: "it's starting to get dark...we're making progress...Kirishima can you hand me the night vision goggles?" and he hands them to her...as she turns them on...to find the path through the area...to her surprise this sewage system is much larger than she thought...you could even make a hideout here alone...and stay hidden for a while...looking around the corner she sees another path
*Ping!* now it's louder than before...and it seems to *ping* 
Ping faster than before 
Momo: "what's wrong?" handing the device to her...she looks at it 
Jirou: "are we getting close?" 
Momo: " i don't know" *ping! ping!* seeing the dot...now moving towards them...closer..and closer...and closer 
Momo: "shit..we need to move!" trying to move past the corridor the dot was gone...and it stops 
lida: "what the?...did we lose the signal?" 
Izumi: "i don't know..give us a moment" trying to see if her device is able to pick it up...
Izumi: "got it!" and she was a bit happy about it...then it fades away...
Jirou: "what?" and she turns it to them...to see...the ping...was on top of them...
Momo: "what does that mean?" before any of them could even respond 
*BANG!!* the wall beside them burst open as a hand reaches out to grab Momo and pull her in 
Jirou: "MO!!!" as they desperately try to look into the hole she was pulled into...they see nothing but the dark...
Izuku: "hush hush hush, here comes the bogeyman...and if you get to close he'll try to catch you!" as they see Momo being thrown out now...with the tracker destroyed and Izuku walks out 
Jirou: "shit..of all times!" 
Kirishima: "so we are in the right direction" 
Izuku: "you kids are quite persistent...ah Izumi...so nice to see you...came back for more...makeovers?" as she scowls at him...she tried to use her quirk to push him away..
Izumi: "GO!" and they rush past the hole to make their way towards the hideout  
Izuku: "I should've killed then and there...but now i get to make up that mistake" charging in she jumps out of the way to avoid being crushed...and he cracks the wall again...as he now looks at her he charges...
Izuku: "IZUMI!!!!" in pure rage...as his scream sounded more distorted the farther away they get...like a demon howling in the distance...
Kirishima; "We...should be close...if this bastard is here!" 
Jirou: "WHO CARES KEEP RUNNING!!!" as they turn a corner...Izumi then sees a light ahead of them 
Izumi: "THERE!!" and now they see a very bright light behind them...as Momo looks closely...she started to hyperventilate...as they look behind her...to see the bogeyman..emitting some type of flame?...and it glows brightly...as he now looks like a demon charging at them now...now running out of pure fight or flight responses they jump into the hideout and Izumi uses OFA to make the hole collapse on itself...buying them some time 
lida: "go go..come on..but be quiet" hearing more screams and yelling...thrashing and banging...for the villains are fighting the heroes that have arrived there...now out of all the shit luck they have...the hole they have just collapsed...now started to spark...
Momo: oh no..it's thermite!" 
Kirishima: "therma what now?" 
Momo: "it can cut through any material....we have to go!" and they try to get across the bar area...where 

Ochako: HAH!" hitting away deatharms using her Chakrams to cut into his armor...while Kamui woods tries to capture her...Dabi burns it away...
Endeavor: "You villains have a chance to Surrender...i suggest you take it" 
Mustard: "how annoying" now the villains put on a gas mask...as Mustard now started to emit a gas....
Endeavor: "shit..don't breath it in!" while Aizawa looks at Mustard disabling his quirk...to wrap his scarf around him 
Twices copies started to jump him...while the others are preoccupied with the others....
Shigaraki: "your time to shine kid..don't disappoint us" looking at the door behind him...he sees AM trying rush forward 
Shigaraki: "you bastard" now trying to touch him AM grabs his arm 
AM: "Tell me...where is your leader!?" 
Shigaraki: "You fucking insult me" 
Shigaraki: "oh look at what time it is?" 
AM: "WHAT!" soon he suddenly let go...for he was slammed away by a hammer 
Shigaraki could only smile madly...
Izuku: "All Might...gods righteous man...thinking you can live without chaos...you want me instead" as everyone in the room stopped fighting they look over to see the bogeyman there...who just slammed all might away...
Shigaraki looks at Izuku and he nods...doing the same...as he gets up...
Izuku: "so" walking forward now...as the other villains retreat they managed to capture Mustard...and Mr compress...taking them away...there goes two 
Izuku: "which one of you wants to die first" 
Endeavor: "child killer...you will pay for everything you've done!" 
Deatharms: "we won't let you get away with your horrific acts." 
Midnight: "a monster like you will not roam any farther!" 
Aizawa: "you best surrender now" 
Shigaraki: "HEY CATCH!!" throwing something at him...Izuku just catches it without having to look away from his opponent...he felt the object in his hand and he immediately knew what it was...

another vial, Another quirk...soon the debris breaks and All Might comes forward to punch him...holding up his hammer...he managed to block the attack..at a standstill now... 
AM: "HRAH!!" punching him again..he can feel his quirks being disabled from Aizawa...as Midnight now tears a piece of fabric from her clothing...she tries to put him to sleep..but the mask managed to protect him from that...and  Endeavor now joins in...
Izuku: "GRAH!!" now he is enraged and he grabs All Mights fist to then jab him in the gut...then knee him in the jaw to kick  him away...as he turns to throw his hammer at Endeavor...hitting him and he charges ahead at the other pros...smacking Midnight out of the way he was then punched by Deatharms...to see him unmoving...until he turns to face him...as his strength was nothing...now his eyes glow intensely as he grabs him to swing him towards Mount Lady who tried to hit him...then he slams Deatharms into the ground multiple times...creating a huge dust cloud hindering Eraserheads quirk...for a moment...they see a bright light blind them for a moment...for once the dust clear...they were in complete shock at seeing...the Bogeyman with his mask off..showing his glowing mouth....for thermite poured out of his mouth to melt away Deatharms face...
Midnight: 'what is he?!' as they see this monster that even the gates of hell wouldn't open to let in...put his mask back on to then grabbing his hammer and he slowly walks towards them..with nothing but undying rage...
Endeavor: 'damn it' firing out more flames...it did nothing...as he continued to walk towards them...they took a step back with each step he makes towards them...as the thermite pours out of his outfit...like he's leaking with hate...and malice...Kamui woods then tried to entrap him...but he was useless in the situation...walking through his defenses like it wasn't there...now he throws a chain to then see it wrap around him and he pulls it....
Mt Lady: "NO!" trying to enlarge herself..but she was hit away...as Kamui woods then got into his grip...Aizawa knew what was coming...and he tried to prevent it 
Izuku: "your effort is in vain eraserhead...why do you keep fighting..knowing with your strength combine...you cannot defeat me!" as he grabs his hair...to then punch him away...now Kamui woods...feels the immense pressure that was being forced on his skull...and soon...it was crushed...as they could only watch in horror...he then charges at them...but before he could even get near he was punched away by All Might and then...the heroes try to rush past him...they just need to get the other villains now...leaving All Might with this...thing to be dealt with 
AM: "NO MORE!!!" screaming out now getting up...he just brushes the dust off his shoulder. 
Izuku: "you know something...i used to be a huge fan of you once...but that was a different lifetime ago...You have taken the last thing i have gripped onto this dear life..and broke it right in front of me...i hated you since then...that was when i see how selfish you truly are...your nothing but a false god to the people...I want nothing in this life but to only see your so called society..burn right in front of you...and i will make sure you will experience the cruelty of the world." 
AM: "That may be so...but now matter what..i will defeat you...you have brought an evil so unspeakable that you cannot exist" he just laughs 
Izuku: "i think it's a sign from god...who just wants to balance the game...by giving you something to truly fear" now the whole area started to crumble 
Izuku: "but the time for speaking is over...you have someone to take care of..an old friend you may call him" 
AM: "Old friend?" as a black portal opens behind him...Izuku makes his shh gesture walking backwards in 
AM: "WAIT!!" as he was going to charge him 
Sensei: "All Might...so good of you to see me...old friend" and he now stops...for the building now collapses on him...he only could hope the kidnapped students made it out on time...for in the distance the entire building and then...a wave of debris started to crash into the surrounding structures...but this wasn't the result of a collapse..but a quirk...the sheer power in it..could only make one wonder on who could possess a quirk like this...
AM: "GAH!" breaking out of the rubble...he looks around...to see Kamino ward in shambles...the pro heroes out trying to save the survivors...searching for those in need of help...but that wasn't the case here...he looks up in the distance...to see...him 
AM: "No...it can't be...how" 
AFO: "Now then...lets begin" 

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