Comfort in vain

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TV: 'hello this is Mustafa news coming in to report to you...we...we have some horrible news from this afternoon...the bogeymans identity has been revealed...and that...well...the face behind the slaughters is non other..than the 'clown' of Mustafa Izuku Midoriya" showing his picture now 
TV: "we I have no clue on how a quirkless could have attain these powers ladies and gentlemen...but from what has been said by the last recordings of the video captured" now playing the tape 
Izuku: "NO one knew who i was until i put on this mask....I told you i will tear this society apart...burn it down until there is nothing left" then the recording stops 
TV: "i have no other way to say this....the heroes couldn't stop him..despite all of their efforts something made him stop..and that's this young lady here...proud student Nejire hado and the group known as the big three...well four if you count their other partner....her and some heroes managed to stall the bogeyman until all civilians managed to clear the danger zone...if you have seen anything abnormal or out of place..please do not be afraid to contact the local authority...the police and heroes are here to protect...while the hunt remains on both the league of Villains..and Izuku MIdoriya...if you see any of these not approach or try to confront will not win the fight...that other news...Yakuza members arrested as their leader Overhaul was killed during the his death was caused still remains to be released....for now this is Mustafa news...stay safe" and it turns off 

" about creating the monster"  as one guard checks his weapon...trying to past for time 
"you know they really asked for it...i mean come on my daughter is quirkless and i'm sure she would know what it's like" 
"just goes to show you that quirkless are nothing but trouble" 
"keep saying that i'm going to hit's not like he choosed to be that saw the recordings...he was forced into this..he had a bad life" 
"but who cares...all we can do now is hunt him down..make him pay for what he's done" and while this commotion was happening }
Stain: "Kid" he honestly felt bad for him...all the things have gone from utter he'll get out of this situation he doesn't even know anymore...he's pretty sure they want him dead now...but...there is only one way to find answers...the doctor..." 
Stain: "Just hang in there kid...just a little longer" 

Izuku; "AGH AH AH AH!!" hissing and he crawls through the dark a abnormal rate...he kept on crying out...clinging on to his head...soon he manages to find a different route...he's been going on for hours...he's pretty sure he's far away now...given the situation....
Izuku: "how could i!" he groaned out sobbing as he just looks at the blood on his hand...Nejires blood he clenches his hand as if she was there...her face..he couldn't stop seeing her face 
Izuku: "Eri...i'm sorry i left you...Nejire...Nejire...I can never forgive myself" as he weeps in the dark...he can hear clattering 
Izuku: "who's there!?" as he had his thermite ready..the chains prepared...and he was waiting...
Izuku: "you are thinking are seeing things!" as he leans against the it happens again....this time he fires the chains into it...but it ends up being 
"how did you ever think that was gonna work out?" that thing again...the shadow 
Izuku: "why...are you here?" 
"i just wanted to see how the reunion went out for you" 
Izuku: " don't' was horrible...Nothing ever went right for me!..EVen now..EVEN NOW!" screaming as it echoes in the tunnel...growling 
'poor poor Izuku...heartbroken...betrayed...twice...and most of all...ran away when she needed you...and you just broken hers...hehehehehehe" 
Izuku: "you don't understand...she was indangerthegirlwasgonnadie!" 
'and eri..she's placed her trust in you...and now she's all alone once dull" 
Izuku: "be quiet" 
'i wonder if the heroes will place her in an orphanage...where she'll be judge for her quirk...who knows...she could follow in 'daddies' footsteps" as he hallucinated seeing a grown eri using his hammer...
Izuku: "NO...NO!!!" he claws at the wall...but the vision fade away 
'and where is she now?" 
'and what are you going to do about it?' 
Izuku: "NO...NO i don't want to harm her as well..i..i nearly lost it there before...tomura....Overhaul...Ojiko..OJIKO!!!" as he then snaps back into focus..he runs through the tunnels yet idea on which direction to go...thinking anywhere..will lead him to the he keeps on storming his grunts and growls along with the occasional yelp...away from the light

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