Trip to the forest

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one week later...the beginning of the summer break has everyone excited and ready to do this trip...of course the two buses in front of the school was obvious enough..seeing both class board...and the typical insult from Monoma...once everyone got to their seats..they all had a conversation started....
Aizawa: alright...settle down" and they tried to contain their energy...but they wait for their teacher to finish
Aizawa: "the road to the trip is going to be a long one so we'll be stopping every one hour..know once we get there it's going to be the afternoon...and leave your things on the it?" and they nod 
Aizawa: " continue" and like a lightswitch it got loud immediately...and they begin the trip 
Mina: "so what did you guys do the last week?" 
Kirishima: "nothing much i just got some workouts and there...did you know Tetsutetsu from 1-B also works out..he's a great spotter for the bench presses" 
Mina: "hmm..and i guess he's almost similar to you right?" 
Jirou meanwhile was listening to her music just vibing 
Kaminari and Mineta were discussing on terms of which hero do they think is the hottest...that and he is still trying to figure out how Midoriya gets game
Izumi though...she was still thinking back to what happened in the mall...what that tom guy said to her...about how she hurt someone in her life...does he know what her and the others did to Izuku?...if so why bring it guilt her? torment her?...rubbing the top of her head..the bump was still from when he hit didn't even look like he put any effort into it...
Izumi: 'i wonder why...what connection is he trying to make?' 
"IZUMI!!" and she snaps out of it 
Izumi: "AHH!" 
Bakugo: "goddamn your fucking slow" 
Katsumi: "Enough!" hitting him
Katsumi: "BE NICE!" 
Shoka: "they're going to be at it for a while...are you alright?" 
Izumi: "Um..yeah...yeah why?" 
Shoto: "your more quiet than usual...and more distracted" 
Izumi: "*sigh*...i'm just thinking about what Izukus friend said to me" 
Shoka: "you mean when he said that if we ever hurt anyone?" 
Izumi: "that" 
Shoka: "i mean...i don't want to talk about this right know what i'm going to say right?" 
Izumi: "'s...just scary...on how he just comes out of nowhere and outright says it without any indication or even mentioning it...i'm probably overthinking it...but it just feels like he knows more than he lets on" 
Shoka: "I have a feeling as well..the way Izuku just jumps right in to defend him...saying he was joking around...messed up to think about it" 
Izumi: "and he could care less if he actually tried to kill me" 
Shoto: "i know Midoriya is being a huge ass right now...but i'm pretty positive he wouldn't let that happen" 
Izumi: "i'm pretty sure he want to be the one to do that" 
Shoka: "you don't mean that...i don't think he's capable of doing that" 
Izumi: "i don't know...lately it's been getting me nervous...the more i think about it...i recalled on time...before he moved time i woke up without realizing it..and i just see him...staring at me...and in those was nothing but hate...i wanted to curl up and cry...which is why i'm more cautious on being around him" 
Shoka: "that is freaky" 
Shoto: "why didn't you tell us?" 
Izumi: "i thought he wanted to talk...but..he just left once i opened my eye..." 
Bakugo: "fucking deku being a freak as ever...he doesn't understand that you wouldn't go down without a fight" 
Katsumi: "i'm sure it's just him being a weirdo..he tends to be friends with them" 
Shoto: "but the big three aren't weirdos" 
Shoka: "three strongest students in U.A...nothings normal about Nejire for starters..she's more airheaded and quirky" 
Katsumi: "not really..i think Izuku kinda rubbed off on her..since she keeps some things to herself now..and she has some sass now" 
Shoto: "never noticed" 
Shoka: "you really don't pay attention to details that's why" 
Shoto: "only important ones" 
Izumi: "hm...she really does love him...that much i can tell" 
as Katsumi looks down...sadden 
Shoto: "i know you used to have a crush on him 
Bakugo just scoffs and leaves that part alone..even he knows not to talk shit about that 
Katsumi: "used to...but i knew it wasn't going to ever he thinks he's some big shot who could boss everybody around" 
Momo: "that we can disagree on" they turn to see Momo looking very disappointed
Izumi: "how much did you hear" 
Momo: "as quiet as you five are...i'm literally a seat away...while it's loud...i think it's not a great idea to talk about private things in a bus" 
Bakugo: "how much shit did you hear pony tail" 
Momo: "enough to know what you truly think about your brother" 
Izumi: " have no idea on what the situation is like" 
Momo: "but i know enough to tell you that Izuku is not anything like you just described...and from what we talked about...he doesn't seem like someone who would boss controlling..he would just go with the flow...and he cares about the people he keeps Nejire...she may be getting less talkative..but you need to know she has to deal with the stress of facing 'him'...her and the big five may have nothing but disdain for him, but to me his a very close friend and don't like it when someone trash talks my friends" 
Izumi: "he's been doing odd things...before he's met you all..didn't you hear that?" 
Momo: "i'm sure you picked on him a a time of need...people may have thoughts about doing things they normally wouldn't do...but he didn't...which shows his control of his emotions..." 
Shoka: "why do you even care? only met him like twice now" 
Momo: "even if it was a short moment..he's been nothing but helpful to me and the others...he shows compassion and kindness that is really needed in this world...i don't know what is going on with you...but either way..i'm taking his be quiet...we're going to be approaching the destination soon" even Jirou had her music off to overhear them as say she is shocked is an understatement, but for now she will keep this to herself

Izuku: "and that's when he came up with the name Tomoko" laughing out as he and Ochako just finished up another day of training 
Ochako: "that is ridiculous...Tomoko but everybody calls him tom" 
Izuku: "yeah...*sigh*...i swear...the situation is getting more fragile by the second" 
Ochako: "I'm sure you'll come up with and Tomura are the brains of the group" 
Izuku: " shouldn't be discounting yourself" 
Ochako: "i don't really do much..just help clean the place from time to time" 
Izuku: "and that is very underrated work...Kurogiri keeps it maintained...if it wasn't then the place would be filthy and it would make it hard to live don't think your not doing enough...we all have a part to play here..." leaning back on the sand Ochako also lays next to him both were enjoying the small comfort of each others presence
Izuku: "you know...I always wondered why it pisses me off when someone tries to do something to you" 
Ochako: "I do get worried about you as well...your like...the older brother i never had" 
Izuku: "have any siblings?" 
Ochako: "only child...but i do worry about me parents...if they miss me...i hope they got money out of my life insurance..even though it wasn't enough" 
Izuku: "ah such a bore here...i know you must be eager to do this mission right?" 
Ochako: "'s been a while since i gone out of the's going to be nice...and by nice i mean not hearing Tomura rage at his game every hour" 
Izuku: "yep" 
Ochako: "You know i aways wanted to see the Visiting other see so many places i've never been to and i'm sure there will never be a boring moment" 
Izuku: "Unless it's New Jersey" 
Ochako: "new what?" 
Izuku: "old joke..don't worry about it...i need to get to work soon..." getting up 
Ochako: "you think after all of could be possible to do?" 
Izuku: "I'm sure there is a way...and if there is..i wouldn't mind helping you out" 
Ochako: "thanks" 
Izuku: "just make sure to train..get rest...and i'll be back before the plan..your going to be grouped up with me...and i'll be there to help you out..alright?" holding out his fist..she fist bumps him 
Ochako: "you got it" 
Shigaraki: "holy shit there's too many people" 
Izuku: "no shit" 
Shigaraki: "i can still hear them even with headphones!" 
Izuku: "you can deal with ya Ocha" ruffling her hair 
Ochako: "hey!" 
Shigaraki: "sometimes i wonder if that moron ever runs out of energy" 
Ochako: "sometimes i wonder how many controllers you've destroyed this month alone" 
Shigaraki: " had to go there?" 

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