U.A School Festival: 'debut'

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Mirio: "well then...are you ready to see the festival eri?" and she slowly nods as they head out and enter the elevator 
Nejire: "You want to press the button eri?" and she was shy about it..going up to the panel that has a lot of buttons 
Eri: "uh..." 
Tamaki: "the one with the star" 
Eri: "star?" and she sees it at the bottom of the layout and presses it then lights up...the doors closes and she holds on to Nejires hand feeling the sudden movement from the elevator as it reaches the first floor it opens to Yuyu waiting for them 
Yuyu: "hey there you ready?" looking at eri and she slowly nods 
Mirio: "lets do this then!" as they exit the building and head out towards the festival...already they can hear the crowd with music blaring in a distance 
Eri: "huh?" as they now made it they see all the people there...of course tension is still high...but with the multiple heroes around and patrolling the area...along with the Police being involved and surrounding areas that would keep out any trespassers...
"Hey!" and they both look behind them to see 
Nejire: "MO!" as she sees her friend run up to them with Jirou 
Momo: "so your alright!" hugging her 
Nejire: "aww...it's okay" 
Momo: "I know it's just...with everything that's happened i just" 
Nejire: "shh...not here" and she nods her head and she looks to see 
Momo: "oh hello" seeing Eri hiding behind her mother 
Momo: "what's your name?" 
Nejire: "it's okay" 
Eri: "e...Eri" 
Momo: "aww what a pretty name...are you excited being here at the festival?" 
Eri: "mm" 
Nejire: "her story is a little complicated" 
Momo: "I'm aware...but i'm sure you have more to say" 
Nejire: "again..not here...we'll discuss this later mo...okay?" 
Momo: "right...well...better get going" 
Jirou again just stares and scoffs...before they head off 
Momo; "I'm going to be waiting at your dorms...also make sure to come for the concert alright?" 
Nejire: "We'll make sure hehe" 
Tamaki: "what's going on" looking at Jirou 
Jirou: "nothing...everyones being...a certain mood that it's annoying me" 
Tamaki: "I think i can guess what your talking about" 
Yuyu: "same here" 
Jirou; "whatever" and they continue on 
Nejire: "well..lets keep on going guys" and they continue their browsing...first one was an area where they're selling baked goods 
Nejire: "ooh...they're here as well!" 
Mirio: "probably from the fact you ate their entire stock" 
Nejire: "hey i'm not that much of a glutton!" 
Eri: "what's a glupin" 
Yuyu: "hehe glutton...it's when someone eats a lot" 
Eri: "oh" and Mirio brings one over...a small Macaroon 
Mirio: "here..this is a Macaroon...it's really good" and she sees the different colors they come in...and she was handed a pink one...and she was picking at it for a bit...as she was very intrigued on how cold it feels and possibly...how soft it could be she soon slowly takes a little bite out of it...and she chews for a bit...
Eri; "hmm?!" and she soon takes another...then another...then she eats the whole thing 
Eri: "strawberry" 
Nejire: "yep...want to pick one out?...i have blue berry, mint, chocolate, grape, apple and-" 
Eri: "apple?!" and she sees her eyes light up 
Nejire: "you want the apple flavor?" and she nods 
Eri:  then sees Nejire open the box and pulls out a red macaroon
Mirio: "you like apples eri?" and she nods 
Eri: "P-Papa used to bring me lots of them" and they have to get used to her mentioning Izuku...since he's the one that 'saved' her firsthand and treated her fair and kind...
Nejire just smiles and she grabs the macaroon from her hand...
Eri: "wow" and she soon takes a bite...and she hums in delight...and she eats it whole...some of them smiled seeing her enjoy it...but...it still bothered them that she doesn't smile

Ochako: "unh" barely waking up...she hears dripping in the background as she tries to look where she is...it was too dark for her to see...now jolting awake she tries to move...but she grunts as chains are keeping her bound...to...the ceiling
Ochako: 'what the!?' and she tries to look around for a way to get out of this mess...but...then she sees the detached arms that crawl around her
Ochako: "great" and she tries to break free...as the arms then screech at her and one freezed the wall behind her...causing her to feel a constant burn on her back 
Ochako: "gah!" feeling it...then it stops...
"Why Have you come!?" hearing a voice echo in the dark chamber 
Ochako: "wha?" 
"You have done nothing but deceive and lie....manipulate and slithered like a snake...you are nothing but a pawn to him and yet here you are before me!" 
Ochako: "Izuku!...i need to talk!" then she sees a figure crawling on the walls...as she sees multiple chains helping it climb up...and she then sees the thermite creating light..to see Izuku
Ochako: "Izuku" 
Izuku: "no...NO!" grabbing her as the chains undo and she is slammed into the wall 
Izuku: "YOu have a lot of neRve coming here!...Ochako" whispering her name out...as she shivers from it...as she sees him come real close she got a real look at his face...and by god she could see he's been harming himself...as there were scratches and bruises on him...and he suddenly jolts away as he grumbles more and mumbles...
Izuku: "nothingwillevermakeherinnocentshe'sjustliketherestofthemonlyworseisavedherlifeandi'veneenrepaidwithonlybetrayalandpainihavenomorekindnesslefttogiveishouldjustkillherandbedonewithit" 
Ochako: "Izuku..you need to listen to me...you...you need to come back..we have a way to help you with your situation!" as she was ignored he continues to grumble 
Ochako: "Don't you care about the people who love you!?...what about Eri?" before his grip on her neck tightened and she gasped for air 
Izuku: "don't you dare...SPEAK HER NAME!!!" as he growls and hisses 
Ochako tried to break out but again..she knows he's too strong for her to handle alone...using her quirk on him would only piss him off even more..since he could use his chains to counter her
Ochako: "I can explain!...I can explain!" barely forming the words as she felt her airway close even more soon she felt it loosen and was let go..dropped and she hits the ground...
Izuku: "no...NO..AHH!!!" as he scrambled into the tunnels she was taken aback from it 
Ochako: "Wait IZUKU!!" as she runs after him she could only try to follow the sound of the chain scratching the walls she was gonna use her visors tracker then realized he took it off her...so she continues to run blindly into the dark as she keeps running chains then started to form behind her...blocking the way out...but she's too busy...she keeps running after him...and continues on...

Izumi: "hmm" as she looks around the festival for a moment..of course this is great...seeing everyone enjoying the event...but...she feels something off...something drawing her away...like danger
Katsumi: "oi...what are you doing" 
Izumi: "I just...have a bad feeling in my gut right now" 
Katsumi: "mm....pregnant?" taking a bite out of her crepe 
Izumi: "Wha!...NO!" 
Katsumi: "just teasing...but what's up with that?...there's heroes everywhere...Hell even cops are stationed in places that no one would enter but through the front..everyone is being checked and frisked...what's there to worry about?" 
Izumi: "I don't know...but...I can't do this right now...i'm going to check it out..if it's nothing serious then i'll feel at ease knowing...otherwise it's going to be bothering me all day long" 
Katsumi: "whatever you say...want me to come with?" 
Izumi: "nah it's good..just enjoy yourself...hardly doubt anyone would care if i was gone anyway" 
Katsumi: "Izumi" Concern 
Izumi: "it's fine...i'll be back" 
Katsumi: "Just be careful alright?" 
Izumi: "right" and she heads off towards that direction she then sees in a distance a couple of people exiting a hardware store...looking...sketchy to say the least 
Izumi: "hmm" and she slowly makes her way towards them to see what their deal is

Eri still nervously held on to Nejires hand as they looked around the festival...
Nejire: "hehe" as she makes sure they are together...looking at the food stands there she then overhears 
"You hear the story of the water system in the sewers clogging up recently?" 
"yeah...probably from the amount of debris that caved in at both the compound and the Kamino ward incident...still shakes me to my core" 
"you have me there...what seems more fucked is that hero that apparently from what i've been hearing...was dating that thing" 
"You mean that Nejire hado girl?...man...poor girl...but...do you think she knew about it?" 
"pssh...no one wasn't expecting that...highly doubt that" 
and Eri looks back at Nejire who was frowning at this...without them realizing she is right there 
Yuyu took note of this: "Oi" and she started to scold them for mentioning this type of thing at U.A...being Insensitive and whatnot...
Mirio: "man...just can't be a day without problems huh" 
Nejire: "right" 
Tamaki looks to the left and then he nudges Mirio who looks at him and he looks where he's looking...
Mirio: "hey nej" and she turns to him 
Nejire: "hmm?" 
Mirio: "look" and she looks over to see at a vendor...Inko and Toshinori Yagi as they browse around the area...soon they look over and see Nejire...Nejire looks right at them and they look at her...a long pause ignoring the other bystanders walking around...they maintain eye contact...Nejire looks closely..as sees Inko has very dark bags under her eyes...as she looks into her eyes..she sees she is filled with nothing but grief...
Nejire: "Mirio take Eri for a moment" 
Mirio: "oh uh...is this really a good idea?" 
Nejire: "i just want to get over it" 
Eri: "a...am....am. i in trouble?" shivering a little as Nejire softens her expression and she kneels down to her level 
Nejire: "No...never...Mama has to do something real quick okay?..i'll be back...Mirio will take you to look around...okay?" and she shyly nods
Eri: "okay" slowly letting go of her hand...as Mirio picks her up 
Mirio: "come on...lets go" 
Tamaki: "be careful" 
Nejire: "I will" 
Yuyu: "I'll go" 
Nejire: "yu" 
Yuyu: "i want to look into their eyes to realize what they created...i won't interfere Nej...just...make a statement...please" 
Nejire: "alright" and they soon look at the parents who then take a seat at one of the benches located outside....and they slowly walk towards them...
Nejire controls her breathing...not because she is nervous..but...with each step she can feel her anger rising...every urge to just yell and shout and even curse at them for showing their faces here...to even come to this type of thing disregarding of the evil things they have done...she snapped out of her state and realized she was right in front of them...
Inko and Yagi stayed quiet...as they looks at Nejire  she also had a stern look...seeing her clenching her fist...and with Yu staying a little behind...
Nejire scoffs: "so...where do we start?" 

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