U.A School festival?

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Izumi: "uh" as her and the others are very confused...on the fact that Mina is dancing...showing off her skills...
Kaminari: "huh...what's going on?" curious as to why she's doing this 
Aizawa: "If you all sit down and be quiet i can explain" as he waits for them to go back to their desk as he waits for them to calm down...
Aizawa: "Alright...now...with recent events that have occur...the school is still holding up the annual U.A School festival that would happen every year" which of course a lot of the students lighten up from the announcement...
Kirishima: "Excuse me Mr Aizawa...is...is it really a good idea to hold the festival...despite the recent events? and rise in villain activity?" 
Aizawa: "yes i am aware...take it up with the principal if you have a problem..but one of the reasons why it's happening it's the sponsors and then to help the support course and other departments...that being said...with your class representatives...you all need to agree to perform a certain program to represent your class...it could be anything...as long as it's appropriate and it will have to go through my approval...so...you have the rest of the class to figure out what your going to do...get to it" as he slips back into his sleeping bag he lays back down and heads to sleep (me everyday) 
lida: "okay...now...Yaoyorozu can you please come with me to the board?" as the two representatives stand up
Momo: "alright...so...what should we do?" 
Mina: "hmm...how about a dance off hmm?!" 
lida: "dancing" writing on the board
Momo: "anything else?" 
Kaminari: "how..about!" 
Momo: "no" 
Kaminari: "but i didn't say what it was!" 
Jirou: "we know what your going to say" 
Mineta: "But we would love to see such...babes in maid outfits!" 
Mina: "shameless" as Jirou jabs their jacks at them 
lida: "right...moving on...Izumi have anything to add?" as her name was said...the entire class then just glared right at her and the others...which she has to admit..it scared her
Momo: "Please...why ask her of all people" 
lida: "now Yaoyorozu this is a class effort and we must include everyone" 
Jirou: "whatever just say what she wants and veto that shit" 
Izumi: "Or i don't say anything and let you do your thing" 
Jirou: "or that" 
Tsuyu: "could we continue please kero?" 
Jirou: "right....right so um...Mina...dance clubs or something along the line...Pikachu and the grapist is a goddamn maid cafe or some weird shit...uh...Mo...anything?" 
Momo: "oh me?...well um...i guess a study hall session that could help students who are falling behind on their curriculum improve on subjects they need assistance in" 
Mina: "come on Yaomomo it's a festival...a place to have fun and go all out..not to read some boring books and write!!" (ouch) 
kirishima: "How about a mans club...Work out!...buiid up those muscles to perfection!" 
Jirou: "No..don't want to be sore" 
Kaminari: "well how about music Jirou?..you seem to like it right?" 
Jirou: "I'd rather not" 
Mina: "oh oh...maybe i could dance and Jirou sings her awesome songs!" 
Jirou: "*Sigh*" 
lida: "hold on...anymore ideas?" 
Satou: "a baking shop?..i could bake goods and we could serve it" 
Mina: "I like that idea" 
Sero: "I mean i could help out with things...maybe...don't know" 
Momo: "You know i do want to also see how you fare in music Jirou..I've always was curious about it" 
Jirou: "okay okay fine...jesus" 
Kaminari: "awesome!" hearing him excited about it and along with others..made her embarrassed
Jirou; "it's not going to be like awesome or anything...don't have to make a big deal about it"
Momo; "well i'm sure it's going to be great!" 
Bakugo: "whatever" just scoffing and he looks the other direction
Jirou: "i think we should have more time and think about the final decision...you have the ideas...do something with them" 
lida: "r-right" 
Momo: "is there anything wrong?" 
Jirou: "you really had to ask that?
Momo: "to ensure your wellbeing yes" 
Jirou: "don't get me started...i want to go off right now but i'm holding back with little energy i have left..." as she sits back down into her seat...she gets out her phone and listens to music to try and block out the noise...
Momo: "alright...lets see here...we have...music...dancing...bakery...maid..ugh....and...study hall...so we're going to flush out the bad ones and leave at least three options....so maid cafe out?" and most of them raised their hands 
Kaminari: "come on...uncultured that's what you are" 
Mina: "more like normal...and not perverts" 
Kirishima: "workout?" 
Momo: "all for workout?" and only a few went along...
Momo: "Study hall?" again...besides the representatives no one raised their hands 
lida: "you all don't take education seriously" 
Ojiro: "who wants to study during a festival?" 
Momo: "okay scratch that...next up...Bakery?" and a lot more hands raised 
Momo: "okay that's in the top three" writing it down then came dancing which surprisingly a lot of them raised their hands 
Mina: "it's been a very hard year...at least we can burn some energy that doesn't involve fighting for our lives"  
Kirishima: "I'm with her on this...after you know" deliberately ignoring the problem...Jirou even though she has music on...can't help but just shake...in anger 
Shoka: "hmm...that's okay" 
Kaminari: "next!" 
Momo: "oh right...then the last one is singing" 
Kirishima: "pretty sure only one of us has the vocals for it" 
Momo: "she said she will if none of us has any better idea...but frankly i want to see her sing" 
Kaminari: "same...i think she's going to do an awesome job!" 
Momo: "well" 
lida: "make a vote..this is the final one!" as he hands the last set of paper...they all took their time in what they're going to vote for...in a small moment of silence...they now handed them back...
Momo: "okay lets see here...and the count is...Bakery is out by one vote" 
Satou: "aww" 
Mina: "it's okay..maybe next time..or..oh!...you could have it as some condiments right after the event" trying to cheer him up 
Kaminari: "so what's the next one?" 
Momo: "it's...a tie between dancing and Singing" 
Kirishima: "man that's something....hmm...hey..what if we just combine them both...with Minas dancing she could definitely teach us how to dance right?" 
Momo: "even then we would need someone to help out with the instruments...we know Jirou is a bass player...who else could help out?...someone in music?" waiting for answers...but then she sees Katsumis hand raise 
Momo: "anyone else?" ignoring them...
lida: "come on don't be afraid..it's either this or public speech if we cannot come up with a solution" Katsumi whistles at her
Momo: "*sigh*...Kirishima?" 
Kirishima: "hmm?..i'm willing to learn...we have like what..a whole week?..i'm sure there's something for us to manage" 
Katsumi: "HEY!!" as she screams out 
Momo: "alright Katsumi...what is so important" 
Katsumi: "maybe if you listened a little then you would hear me tell you that this idiot can play drums!" pointing at Bakugo who just muttered 
Momo: "I see...care to demonstrate?" 
Bakugo: "not like you have a fucking drumset" and soon one pops up from existance as Momo made a set 
Momo: "now you can" and he gets up shoving past the crowd and just sits down adjusting the seat to his comforting and then...sighs...and just went ballistic...playing all sorts of rhythm patterns and certain beats that made them speechless 
lida: "hmm..perhaps i underestimate him" 
Jirou: "great he can do that...what else?" 
bakugo just gets up and walks off 
Momo: "well..i can certainly play keyboard i am well trained with the piano" 
Jirou: "uh-huh" 
Kaminari: "and then...there's the two guitarist...i can play it so who else knows?" 
Momo; "and i asked around twice and none of you raised their hands" 
Tokoyami: "I know...plus i thought it would be a waste of time" 
Momo: "Point taken" as she just facepalms 
lida: "now i know all of you are very eager to know how Jirou sings..but we also have to consider her choice on the vocals...we should see if anyone else can sing" 
Jirou: 'thank you' just to be glad not everyone wants to just shove her into the spotlight 
MIna: "yeah...bois and gals...lets get you some dance lessons in then! come on!" as she was about to lead them away 
Momo: "could we at least see who could do the vocals?" 
Mina: "fine fine" 
Momo: "now then..who would want to-" 
Mineta: "OOH ME!!" and two others raised their hands...
Momo: "great!" as she wanted to hear their styles...
Jirou: "I'll be the judge of it" 
Momo: "oh..okay then" 

meanwhile somewhere else 

"*sigh*...and yet here we are again...no luck yet again" 
Gentle: "hmm?...ah La Brava what's the issue?" 
La Brava: "well..the video that's been posted on the robbery..well it hasn't gotten that much views, even when I tried to make it the front page of every site imaginable...no luck" 
Gentle: "I think i can see the reason why" holding his phone up to her to see...the video of the bogeymans reveal...izuku Midoriya
La brava: "oh...yeah that might be the reason" 
Gentle: "come with me" as they head back down into the building...and walked around a few minutes...they then end up in a nice looking room..where he sits at the computer as La Brava brings in a tray that has two cups of tea in it 
Gentle takes a sip as he thinks on what the next step is 
Gentle: "is seems that U.A is still holding up their annual festival...at a time like this?...pretty dull minded of them...trying to push past the fact one of the greatest villains alive..turned out to be a quirkless who became this way...who was driven into the path from heroes and their vulgar natures" 
La Brava: "so what's the plan?" 
Gentle: "with how things are going and the publics loss of faith in them...i believe we should go and pay a visit to our local heroes at U.A...this is for certain that the public would only mistrust them even more...with this in hand it should make a clear message about their rotten hearts" 
La Brava: "that's brilliant!" 
Gentle: "but...i'm sure there are patrols for that very reason...Hounddog is bound to be the one patrolling...if we can disguise our scents then we can find a way in" 
La Brava: "i could also hack into their security systems to make sure their sensors also go blind for our time there" 
Gentle: "again your amazing way of helpin never ceases to amaze me La brava..you truly are the greatest partner" 
La Brava blushes a little: "you flatter me" 
Gentle: "I'm being serious...but there's another solution" 
La Brava: "what's that?" 
Gentle: "is this doesn't acquire the attention we seek..we could simply..and i know this sounds insane...we could try and find the bogeyman to interview him" 
La Brava: "y...you want to find him?...won't we be killed with no hesitation" 
Gentle: "again..it's a last resort AND if we make it out of this one...so...what do you think?" 
La Brava: "first plan...very cool...the other...very crazy...but we're trying to spread the message about the heroes...it surely comes with it's risk right?" 
Gentle: "right indeed" as they raises their cups for a cheers in the start of their new scheme in the making

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