Stray animal

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Ochako: "come on...where are you?" as she tries to navigate through the tunnels...the storm drain was one thing to leave the's another for Dabi to take the blame should they find out about their plan...
Ochako: "hello?" she said out as her voice echoes in the dark environment...the sound traveling and the water flowing out from the streets above...the recent rain that has been coming in and out has the water level up past her foot...but her villain outfit compensates for she continues on...she then peeks out from one of the openings to the see the store that would display the tv out in front of them and it was on the news channel that was displaying the emergency broadcast and it had Izukus picture on it...the message then repeated 
TV: "Be alert and be aware of the Bogeyman who is known as Izuku Midoriya..extremely dangerous, do not confront...alert authorities if sighted!" 
Ochako: "oh Izuku" she had to find him...
Dabi: "you do realize what your going to be doing right?" 
Ochako nods: "it's our fault we didn't stick up for him back at the raid" 
Dabi: "you mean when he begged for help from you" 
Ochako: "you as is not the time for arguing...i will do what i can to locate him" 
Dabi: "even if you do..i'm pretty certain he'll want to kill you" 
Ochako: "I know" 
Dabi: "and lets say if this plan works...where are you going to bring him?" 
Ochako: "to Tartarus of course...Shigarakis plan is to break in and release the captive villains...and of course...bring destruction to the'll be my distraction to have Sensei help out..." 
Dabi: " crazy as it better do it fast...not much time is left for either of us" 
Ochako: "I'll do what i can" as she was about to exit the room "
Dabi: " more thing" 
Ochako: "what?" 
Dabi: "tell him...that i'm sorry" 
Ochako: "I will" and she leaves 
Flashback ends 
Ochako then looks at her watch...seeing it's nearing the night...she continues her hopes of finding him...
Ochako: "damn" muttering to herself...she then makes a rock float and flings it into the dark 
"grah!" hearing hissing noises as she then focuses now on what's in front of her 
Ochako: "hello?" her voice echoing in the the water still she turns the light on her bracelet she points it into the dark...then more hissing is it moves around...
Ochako: "Midoriya?" she said...then more scraping is heard...and a chain is being dragged across the floor
Ochako; "Izuku is that you!?" she was a little louder this time then she manages to shine her light on a chain...following it lead her into a large open chamber...where there was a fourway...
Ochako: "Izuku?!" again...she looks around and finds a pair of chains dangling from the she brushes it made hissing noise....hissing?...she looks back at the chain again...then felt something drip onto her visor...
Ochako: "what the?" she looks at it and it was blood....she then hears she then slowly looks up the chain...and realized...
Ochako: "oh god" she then looks right on top of see...the chains...are not just there for show...
Ochako: "shit" now seeing a chain dangling arm that soon screeched and jumped towards her

Eri dreams about being back in the hideout once's been nonstop since she's been taken away from it...but...she still feels like her mind and spirit is still there she never left and only her shell has been taken she then looks to the see Overhaul coming in again
Overhaul: " nice of you to join us...come on" as she obeyed with no fight...she followed him back into...that she enters the room...she blinks and she ends up chained to that metal chair again..
Overhaul then walks in front of her...bringing in a metal tray setting it down on a counter...she started to feels to real 
Overhaul: "Now then...about those nails?" holding pliers in his hands...she tried to break out of it..but it was no she started crying remembering that pain, that face peering down at she was just an object...
Eri: "PAPA!!" she screamed he was about to touch her...
Overhaul: "what the?" he was grabbed and she looks to see the bogeyman grab him and throw him aside
Eri: "papa" she whimpered out as the bogeyman looks at her and he turns back to grab him and she sees him turn into dust as he slams his hammer on him...she tried to break out...and then...the bogeyman kneels down to her level...and undoes the chains...
Eri: "papa" she held her arms out wanting to be picked up...but...he stands back up 
Eri: "papa?" tilting her she was confused on his sudden jolt away from she now sees him about to walk back into the dark 
Eri; "no..papa...papa don't leave!" as she tried to get up she looked at her legs to see a chain that wrapped around her feet...
Eri; "No!...PAPA!!" as she sees him disappear into the dark again she tried to crawl along the floor...trying to get to him..but no matter how much she tries...he seemed to appear farther..and farther as she goes..
Eri: "please...don't....don't leave...I don't want to be alone!" she whimpered out as she tried to move...she didn' she felt being picked up...seeing a light behind her...she turns to see 
Eri: "mama" 
Nejire: "shh...shh it's okay" as she clings on...she looks back into the dark tunnel...
Nejire: "it's okay Eri....wake up...wake up eri" as she then cries more...she did...wake up 

Eri: "hmm?" she looks around to see the sun blare in from Nejires she looks to see she was laying on her...oh right...the thunder...she was deathly afraid of what was's over...and she looks around 
Eri: "mama?" and she was sitting at her desk 
Nejire: "oh...good morning my little snowball" going up to her...
Eri sniffs 
Nejire: "are you okay?" 
Eri nods: "Just...nother nightmare" 
Nejire just does her best to comfort she sees her clinging on to a hairbrush she had
Nejire: "oh...what is this?" 
Eri: "hmm...oh..." showing it to her 
Nejire: "such a pretty you want me to comb your hair?" and she nods...
Nejire: "come here" as she sits in front of her...she just brushes her hair while looking around...
Eri: "mama" 
Nejire: "hmm?" 
Eri: " you think papa could be saved?" and she was grimace for a bit...since she knows that she's not oblivious to the fact to what happened...she understands completely 
Nejire: "I...I hope so Eri..." 
Eri: "Is he like this because" 
Nejire: " never were the cause's..." 
Eri: "the heroes?" 
Nejire: "'s was everyone...but helped him when...i couldn't" 
Eri: "But...your going to save him right?" 
Nejire: "I don't know Eri...but...I pray that we do" 
Eri nods...knowing this is the case...but then the door knocks 
Nejire: "come in!" and it opens to her friends 
Yuyu: "hey there!" as she waves at Eri 
Mirio: "how are you two feeling?" 
Nejire: "it's been okay" 
Eri nods...but she was looking away shyly...holding on to Nejires hand 
Tamaki: "well...i'm sure she's going to love the big news" 
Eri: "papa?!" 
Mirio: "" 
Eri: "oh" and looks down 
Yuyu: "well...we all had the idea...of you coming with the U.A School Festival" 
Eri: "Festival?" 
Mirio: "'s going to be fun...there's going to be all kinds of activities and things to do there!" trying to hype it up for her 
Eri: "what'" 
and they look at Nejire for a moment 
Nejire: "'s when you have a great time and is happy" 
Eri: "ooh" 
Mirio: "Also i heard there are going to be a lot of sweet vendors...such as candies, baked goods...the type of things everyone loves" 
Tamaki: "are you okay going Eri?..your mother is gonna be there you won't be alone" 
Eri looks at Nejire for a moment and she smiles as she brushes her hair...and then puts it into a single ponytail
Eri: "i...I guess so...okay" and she nods...agreeing with them 
Mirio: "this is going to be you mind if me and your mama talk for a bit?...Yuyu is going to  bring you" 
Eri nods and Nejire calmly hands her to Yu 
Yuyu: "come on kid...lets go get you something" and they head out...waiting or her to get into the elevator...
Nejire: "so what's up" now serious 
Mirio: "I don't know how long i can hold up the facade...everyones is just...ignoring the whole ordeal on who the bogeyman is" 
Nejire: "I noticed" 
Tamaki: "You sure you still want to go through with the plan?" 
Nejire: "It may seem crazy..but...we have no choice in the matter...they aren't going to help at's time we make our own path and do what we think is right...I know it's crazy..but i hope we can at least stop this madness from continuing" 
Mirio: "that's just one problem...the League of Villains...they're hiding somewhere that's almost impossible to locate" 
Nejire: "they seemed to be acting's been noticeable back at the Yakuza hideout...before....*sigh*...right now we need to find we do that we can try and figure out what they did to him..." 
Tamaki: "and for the heroes?" 
Nejire: "what about them?" 
Mirio: "they won't just let this have will she take the news" 
Nejire: "I...I already spoken to her about it...and she understands...and i made a promise to her...and i intend to keep it..." 
Tamaki: "whatever you say...but know we're with you every step of the way" 
Nejire: "thanks guys" 
Mirio: "that being said..lets go get some food..i'm starving" 

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