Hosu city: 'setup'

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22 hours before Hosu city attack    

Nejire: "~oh i hear them say...the angels are calling me...and when...the trumpet play~" quietly singing a song Izuku would often sing...
Yuyu: "watcha singing?" 
Nejire: "hmm?...oh Yu!>..nothing really" 
Yuyu: "if it's gotten your attention..it must be really good" 
Mirio: "oh Midoriya would often sing sometimes without realizing we can hear him" 
Yuyu: "hmm..interesting...a bit surprising but it's his preference...so...anything new yet?" 
Mirio: "uh no...just the first years going on their internships and learn how pro heroes do" 
Tamaki: "..." 
Yuyu: "..." 
Nejire: "was that a reference?" 
Mirio: "i don't know...was it?" smirking 
Yuyu: "so Nej hows Yaoyorozu doing?" 
Nejire: "she's getting better...i asked her multiple times on how she's doing..probably 8 different variations to see if she's hiding anything" seeing how innocently she smiles...doesn't realize how much the three of them wanted to facepalm 
Tamaki: "let me guess...you got this tactic from Midoriya" 
Nejire: "yup" 
Mirio: "and how?" 
Yuyu: "did he tell you or he demonstrated it and you picked it up" 
Nejire: "uuh" 
Izuku: "hey Nej how are you?" 
Nejire: "I'm okay" 
Izuku: "you feeling alright?" 
Nejire: "um...yes?" 
Izuku: "what is your mental state currently" 
Nejire: "...fine?..." 
Izuku: "hmm...fine she says" 
Nejire: "did..wait i thought i was the one who sends out an artillery of questions!" 
Flashback ends 

Nejire: "something along the lines" 
Mirio: "not much explaining" 
Yuyu: "I swear he gets stranger everyday" 
Nejire: "that's his way of being loose" 
Tamaki: "you mean himself" 
Nejire: "what he said!" 
Mirio: "anything else?" 
Nejire: "the fact that his boss called me about his promotion party that's coming up today!...or was it tomorrow?...or did i missed it yesterday!?" 
Yuyu: "pretty sure it's today if you said that first" 
Nejire: "I'm holding that up to you" 
Mirio: "anyways...heard he's not available tonight...reasons he said it wasn't important" 
Yuyu: "i'm sure he'll be fine...he's not a child...i'm sure it's about his party" 
Nejire: "but anyways..i'm going to that party..do you guys want to come?" 
Mirio: "to see our good friend moving up the tier list!?...count me in!" 
tamaki: "oh god" 
Yuyu: "well someone has to watch him...so i'd best be there as well" 
Nejire: "sure it's not about the free food?" smirking 
Yuyu: "n-no" 
Mirio: "I'm in it for free food!" 
Tamaki: "now that you established that..he's definitely going to be there" 
Nejire: "oops...oh well..i'm sure he's going to be happy about it" 

Izuku: "i am not happy" he said to Ochako as he was just observing her practicing 
Ochako: "what's...Hyah!...the problem!?" 
Izuku: "just having to face some complications involving people that i actually value" 
Ochako: "well..i lost my family basically...and having to lose it seems like a nightmare...but from what um..." 
Izuku: "what you ask Kurogiri" and now she shivers 
Ochako: "y-yeah" growing nervous 
Izuku: "I'm not mad...it wouldn't make sense...you're just curious...and to be honest..i wasn't honestly planning for that...all of this..was...unfortunate timing...and thus...the plan must continue" 
Ochako: "even if it...could cost them...their lives?" 
Izuku: "sometimes it requires the strongest will..who can take the weight of the consequences." 
Ochako: "and Nejire?" 
Izuku remains silent and he turns away...and she swore she saw his grip tightened then Shigaraki enters now 
Izuku: "what do you need" 
Shigaraki: "preparations are to be set...the newbies already have been debriefed on their roles...except the hero killer..he has a couple of heroes in mind to kill...and you" 
Izuku: "hurry up and spill it" 
Shigaraki: "Sensei...wants you to blend in for now...until you are called in..the NOMU are programmed to attack anything in their sight...so be aware of that...and the fact the new members don't know your true identity at all..so...be warned" 
Izuku: "of course Ojiko wants to test my abilities...along with Sensei...completely reasonable" 
Ochako: "remember...Izuku..if you need someone to talk to...me and Tomura..we're..alright?" then she elbows him 
Shigaraki: "yeah sure whatever she says" 
Izuku: "heh...i'll keep that in mind...thanks..Ochako" and he exits the building now 
Ochako: "be safe" worried for him...
Shigaraki looks at the door...then back her...then to the door...then back to her
Shigaraki: "Oh for fucks sake" 
Ochako: "what?" 
Shigaraki: "you know what i'm talking about..motherfucker" and he went on to mumble again 
Ochako: "*sigh*" 
Sensei: "you are doing well young Ochako...continue on with your work" and it turns off 
Ochako: "thanks...i guess" 

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