Inevitable demise

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Bakugo and Shoto come out the front doors to U.A...of course their sisters are somewhere hanging out at some random the rest of the class, but to their suspicion 
Mina: "hey...Bakugo...what's that injury on your face?" smirking as the others now look ahead 
Jirou: "Mina" growling out...they have to keep their Kamino ward incident secret 
Ojiro: "did he fight his sister again?" 
Sero: "No clue" 
Tokoyami: "hmm...i noticed some more bandages on Bakugo specifically...what happened" 
Tsuyu: I know what happened" as they look at her...the crew who have partaken in the rescue...tensed up 
Mina: "oh?" 
Tsuyu: "before the Kamino incident..i...I saw you guys leave to go rescue Bakugo and Mina...I...I wanted to go stop you..but...I didn't know what to do" 
Momo: "Tsu" 
Jirou: "we...we had no choice...when we arrived..the heroes were busy fighting 'him'...even before hand..he was chasing us..we had went to go after Ashido and" 
Tsuyu: "not Bakugo kero?" 
Sero: "isn't that biased?" 
lida: "*sigh*...everyone..please...we knew that they wouldn't get to them on time...if we never went..who knows what could've happened to them..." 
Sero: "but you were also kidnapped Mina..why are you asking the questions here?" 
Mina: "I was curious..i sorta forgot he was with me at their hideout hehe" 
Bakugo: "grr...raccoon back-stabbing bitch!" 
lida: "bakugo enough!" 
Shoto: "do i have to call your mother" 
Bakugo: "fuck off don't'll never understand what that fuck did to me!..ALL OF YOU!!" and he stomps away...
Jirou: "damn it Ashido...we said to not discuss this" as she was pulled aside 
Momo: "don't you realize we're going to get into serious trouble!" 
Mina: "well Tsu already knew...It's pointless anyway it's been two three..about nearly three weeks!" 
Momo: "it's been about a week and a half" deadpanning 
Mina: "oh" but unknown to them..this is exactly what she they told her...cause as much tension as possible...and something about Izuku going insane..which is a concern she has to put aside right they see the dorm room doors open rather violently..Izumi rushes past she was seen crying 
lida: "Izumi?!...what's going on!?" but she didn't want to hear them...nor talk..she heads up stairs 
Jirou: "what's up with her?" now dispersing...they then hear another commotion happening outside
Momo: "what?" as the remaining class looks outside to see the big three arguing and Nejire was being held back 
Yuyu: calm down!" as she was struggling to even keep her back 
Nejire: "let me go!...LET GO!!" as she tries to get out 
Mirio: "NO!" holding her
Momo: "what's going on!" as they ran up..they never seen her this angry..
Jirou: "what did she do!?" 
Mirio; "Nothing it's" 
Nejire: "SHE TURNED HIM INTO THIS...IT'S HER FAULT!!!" crying out 
Momo: "turned him into what?" 
Tamaki: "please just go!...we'll talk about this later" 
Jirou: "Nej..please" 
Momo: "Nejire..if anything is going on...we can't listen if you're going to attack" as she tries to steady her breathing...she collapses on the ground...
Yuyu: "it's okay" 
Nejire: "No it's's not's not okay, fine, right, anything that i could think off...I just...I should've been there...I should've" 
Mirio: "we didn't even know if that was him" 
Momo: "what's...what's happening Nej?" kneeling down to her the other class just watch from a small distance...awaiting her answer 
Nejire: "*sniff*...Izukus missing" and now it's put into high gear with her 
Momo: "what...I mean...when was the last time you seen him?" 
Nejire: "we...we were at the bridge we normally meet up at...he talked...about things...but..the day after...He was gone...his boss told me he quit...and when we tried to search his apartment..we...we found" now bawling
Tamaki: "we found the lost weapon...from the Slime incident killings" now gasping...they were in shock at this 
Momo: "I...there's....that has to be a coincidence right?...there's no way that he could..." 
Tamaki shakes his head: "we checked it out...and it's all there...his finger prints...the blood...even a small piece of skin was found...and it was his..he used that weapon on those two students...hes a killer" 
Jirou wanted to throw up 
Ojiro: "a guy like Midoriya..I mean...I never would've expected it" 
Mineta: " she free?" mumbling out..
Kaminari: "not cool dude!" elbowing him
Momo: "Look...Nej...we...we can help you...we just need some info on where he could be right now..." 
Nejire: "I...I don't know...he never told me beyond the things he would do by himself...just work..stay home..we relax..or he comes over...that's it..." 
lida: "we'll find him..and we're going to see to the end of this..I'm sure there is a justifiable reason Midoriya did what he did...or he's being framed..." 
Jirou: "come on...lets get inside" 
Tsuyu: "i can't believe this kero" 
Mina: "me neither" but she couldn't help but just smirk at this...

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