Entrance exams

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Izumi: "so...this is it" standing in front of the gates of U.A...it's a lot more intimidating for some reason soon she sees Bakugo 
Bakugo: "hi miss Jedi...the fucks your standing out here for?" 
Izumi: "just waiting for the others" 
Bakugo: "the fuck why?" 
Izumi: "to be considerate?...to be that good friend you like?" 
Bakugo: "whatever...i'm going in" and he heads towards it...Izumi just shakes her head...
Shoto: "hey Izumi" 
Izumi: "BAH!" jumping...as she sees him pop out of nowhere...
Shoka: "sorry" 
Izumi: "no your good...where's Katsumi?" 
Shoto: "she'll be catching up soon" 
Shoka: "she's late that's what he meant to say" 
Izumi: "of course she is...well lets go in then" 
Bakugo: "STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!!!!" shoving pass a girl as she screams 
Izumi: "before he kills anyone" walking up now to where Bakugo knocked over a girl...she had a bob cut hair style with brown eyes and hair...with also a permanent blush on her face apparently 
Izumi: "hey are you alright?" helping her up with her quirk..
and she chuckles 
Izumi: "it's alright...sorry for using my quirk on you...and please forgive Bakugo..he's really excited for the exams" 
"you call that excited?" 
Shoka: "sadly yes" 
Shoto: "mm-hmm" 
Izumi: "so what's your name?" 
"huh?...oh!...yeah..my name is Ochako Uraraka!...nice to meet you um?" 
Izumi: "Izumi..Izumi Yagi: 
Shoto: "shoto todoroki" 
Shoka: "Shoka Todoroki" 
Ochako: "hello...your siblings?" 
Shoka: "twins to be exact" 
Ochako: "i can see that!...do you have the same quirk?" 
Shoka: "well yes..." 
Shoto: "but actually no" 
Izumi: "well we can explain more later...lets head in!" 
Ochako: "oh right!" and they rush in now...well except for the twins..since they're just doing the written exams...because of recommandations  

Katsumi: "of all the fucking times that bastard turns my alarm off" grumbling..as her hair was in a mess and her outfit is messy as well..she was not in a good mood at all..not to mention she didn't even shower or prepared for this in any sort of way...until she bumps into someone 
Katsumi: "HEY WATCH WHERE YOUR GO-" but she stops midway..as she sees Deku in front of her...he was wearing a black turtleneck...with his black leather jacket...with his brown combat pants and boots...with gloves on...he honestly looked very hot to her...with his new haircut she never really got a proper look at..and his define features...holding an umbrella he just scoffs and continues walking 
Katsumi: "hey...de...Izuku!" and he stops and now he just stands there waiting for whatever bullshit question she's going to pull out of her ass 
Katsumi: "what...what happened to you?!...you...you used to be all nice and giddy...the stuttering nerd that used to dream of being a hero...what happened...besides the whole media thing that fucked up your life from there" wow...smooth...he clenches his fist...just hearing her annoying voice wants to make him slam his hammer onto her head...rip it right off and just feed the fucking beast to the fishes 
Izuku: "you fucking know why...you cunt" and he continues to walk 
Katsumi: "THE FUCK YOU SAY?!!" she was about to stomp towards him until  
Nejire: "HEY ZUZU!!!" rushing pass her was Nejire and just like a switch being turned on 
Izuku: "hey!" he immediately changes behavior...holding her hand and he kisses her...while she stops...she needs to get going anyway...as they walk away...she just couldn't figure it out...
Katsumi: "fuck...fuck...FUCK!" punching the ground she just continues her path towards U.A...too pissed off to look at them even more...
Izuku just glares at her as she walks away...Nejire noticed it
Nejire: "is she your bully?...childhoodfriend?...*gasp* ex?!" 
Izuku: "yes she's my bully...and she's my sisters childhood friend...and no...i did not date her...too young...too violent...and too cruel" 
Nejire: "oof" 
Izuku: "so...i thought your exams today?" 
Nejire: "oh it is...it's happening later since the first years have to go first..it's in the title silly!" 
Izuku: "hehe..i guess so" holding the umbrella over the two of them...they walk around for a while talking...mostly about the situation at her apartment...sure he has a new place to stay...but at some point her parents are going to be coming back from their trip...to her she thinks he's going to be homeless..but he reassured her he has a place to stay...but he couldn't tell her...for obvious reasons...
Nejire: "what about you?...is your orientation today?" 
Izuku: "yeah..but i already know my classes...don't want to deal with my classmates" a blatant lie since he's expelled and forbid to come anywhere near the school...but that's not important to tell her 
Izuku then sees she tugged on his arm..and they both look at the TVs displayed through a tech window...there's also a crowd...and they both look at it 
TV: 'and todays top story...the ruthless killer has struck again...another home invasion has been reported to have happen last night...at about near midnight...witness said they heard screaming and yelling that have disturbed the residence living in the complex...police have managed to identify only one of the victims..for the case was...um...i cannot read it to you...but they hace identified the victim as one Irasai Yuko...a student who had went to the same school the other victims went to..which is Kashyykk Highschool...the authorities have found a connection tieing in to other killings from the past six months..and have concluded that this was all done by one individual...targeting and killing these students...it is advise and recommended for all attending students to stay at home today...until then heroes and pros will be monitoring and doubling the amount of pro heroes investigating the area..in hopes to find this monster...if anyone has any information regarding the killer please contact this number...this is the last known still photo of the killer" showing Izuku in his villain outfit...covered head to toe 
Nejire: "he looks scary...is he really that tall?" 
Izuku: "i guess so...didn't know this was that bad" 
Nejire: "how horrible" 
Izuku: "indeed" now the crowd disperse and Nejire clings on to him even more which made Izuku flinch  
Nejire: "if what they say is true...about the murders being tied to Kashyykk...you need to stay home...i forbid you from going out...could you call out?" 
Izuku: "Nejire" 
Nejire: "NO...i don't...i don't want to lose you...remember we said that we'll watch over each other?...please...i...i don't want to imagine you...somewhere...and i have to be the one to identify you..." crying now 
Izuku felt guilty...so he wipes the tears off
Izuku: "hey...look at me...i'm going to be fine...they seem to be tied to those with a strong quirk...i can see the pattern...and knowing me..i'm quirkless...this guy probably doesn't even see me as a threat or even a problem...plus i'm good at hiding...i don't mean to brag...but i can defend myself pretty well...and i have you there...okay?" and she hugs him..and he drops the umbrella...
Nejire: "okay...i believe you...sorry...for getting us drenched" 
Izuku: "pfft...is that all your worried about?" and he picks it up...and they continue to walk.

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