Annoyance-pestering secret

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Ochako: "at your left" 
Shigaraki: "i know" 
Ochako: "you think it would be nice to survive a shot like that" 
Shigaraki: "goddamn SMGs are too overpowered" 
Ochako: "what's the difference?" 
Shigaraki: "what's the...can't see the fucking thing..and be 'Oh shit i fucked up!'" then he gets killed 
Shigaraki: "damn" 
Ochako: "you mean Eye fucked like E-Y-E?" trying to joke around...
Shigaraki scoffs: "E-Y-E?...that's E-W-E!" 
Ochako: "..." now frozen hearing this headache of a statement 
Dabi: "are you fucking kidding?" 
Shigaraki: "hmm?" 
Ochako: "E-W-E is Ewe Tomura" 
Shigaraki: "E-Y-E oh my bad!" now realizing his mistake 
Ochako: "oh my god" 
Shigaraki: "look i was in the moment i was too focused and misheard and i um" 
Ochako: "you did not misheard me you repeated what i said!" now Dabi was laughing in the background 
Shigaraki: "NO!" 
Shigaraki: "I don't know i'm tired!" 
Ochako: "do you want to spell The!?" now it was his turn to Ochako giggles 
Dabi: "how would that go like T-HE!...T-HE!!" 
Shigaraki: "look i'm in the middle of a fucking game i don't have time to do such bull shit!" 
Ochako: "oh my god!" laughing more 
Shigaraki: "shut up!" 
Ochako: "I will never let you live this down" 
Shigaraki: "no...damn it!" as the two just laugh it off now 
Kurogiri: "*sigh*" 

Jirou: "well?" as they continued their walk...waiting for Izumis answer 
Izumi: "*sigh*...guess i don't have a choice do i" 
Jirou waits
Izumi sits on a log as Jirou leans on a tree 
Izumi: "about some time ago...i acted out on a horrible decision in my see know of his quirkless status...he didn't possess that strength he fact...he was just a frail skinny kid..he had the ideas of becoming a hero..but he never act out on anything to help achieve his goals...he sort of...expected something to happen...if you can understand something like that" 
Jirou: "i think a lot of people can experience that...i had it when i wanted to be like a great musician like my mother...and i was of course waiting for something to happen" 
Izumi: "anyways...his whole relationship with Nejire Hado...i still can't see it as a real thing" 
Jirou: "how could you even say something like that?...shouldn't you be happy that your brother is happy?" 
Izumi: "that's the thing...he's not my brother anymore...he is not the boy i used to know...when were kids" 
Jirou: "People change's the way of life...nothing could avoid either accept it or your against it...i swear i'm just surrounded by problems...." 
Izumi: "what do you mean by that" 
Jirou: "i have to deal with things as well...have you ever tried to fight the bogeyman?" 
Izumi: "no" she had to avoid exposing herself 
Jirou: "you noticed that my jacks seemed damaged...because he yanked them hard enough to slam me into the ground multiple times...then to use it as a choking weapon on Momo...the pain that went through it...was unimaginable...i know what mo went through was just as don't you dare say i wouldn't understand a situation like this..there are far worst things that could've happened to you and your 'friends' really think your brother hates you...then why does he think that...what did you do to him to provoke him" 
Izumi: "i'm not saying"
Jirou: "Izumi i swear...fine...keep your secrets...just know that the longer you keep this hidden from the rest of us...the more it's gonna hurt when it comes out" now walking away from her 
Izumi: "where are you going?!" 
Jirou: "anywhere but here"   

Izuku: "now then the trick here is to add in the aged Tequila...then add in 1 barspoon of agave Nectar, 2-3 dashes of angostura bitters, an Orange twist, and then the chili pepper...again a dash of it...too much will overwhelm the flavor...and finally a hint of any brand of beer imported from mexico" splashing in the he finishes it up 
Izuku: "and voila...have a nice drink" of course he had some of his own supplies to go by....and the costumer he was serving was Deatharms himself
deatharms then takes up the drink and sips it 
Izuku wiping down the counter and then putting the shaker into the dish bin and brings out another shaker and stir from the fridge as he prepares his next drink for Mt Lady right next to him 
Deatharms: "this is amazing!" 
Izuku: "thank you kindly" 
Deatharms: "you sir have a talent...i was having doubts since the agency here has a pretty messed up bar" 
Izuku: "of course i was supposed to be at Endeavor corps..but they are going througha renovation right now" 
Mt Lady: " know your green hair and eyes are easy on the eyes...say, have i seen you somewhere before?...perhaps we rescued you..and adoring fan?" 
Izuku chuckles: "why if i remember running into a lovely lady such as yourself i would never forget it." 
Mt Lady: "ooh...and you wouldn't happen to have a nice drink for a gal like me?" 
Izuku: "certainly" as he brings out a Bucket glass adding in Grenadine and Kinky pink once that was done he adds in the ice then cuts a lime into three pieces...juicing the first two into the drink then tosses a bottle upward and pours in Ginger beer then once last garnish with the lime complimenting the drink
Izuku: "Made with love" handing it to her  as she giggles 
Miruko; "kid....come on i need to talk to you" 
Izuku: "well..let me say that i hope you enjoy your drinks here at the Agency" and now he takes his leave 
Deatharms: "hell of a guy" 
Mt Lady: "hmm...i know i've seen him somewhere before" 
Izuku: "yes boss lady?" 
Miruko: "you've been here for about...three hours and you brought in imported drinks?!" 
Izuku: "your inventory was either expired or had dead bugs in were lucky was able to make a couple of them" 
Miruko: "kid you can' do's not part of the agreement" 
Izuku: "please...agreement...i'm just doing my job...besides they enjoy it...not like i have any reasons to sabotage them" 
Miruko: "your old boss would tell me your one hell of a troublemaker" 
Izuku: "not like you had to tell me" 
Miruko: "and has quite the backtalk" 
Izuku: "if you interrupt my work" 
Miruko: "you are working under my agency right follow the task i give you...until the other place is done you are here with me" 
Izuku: "*sigh*...fine...if you just want me to sit there and do nothing i will...just know what your missing out on" opening the door again to head back to his area...seeing the two heroes are gone now he just takes the empty glasses and he heads into the back to wash them...
Miruko: "grr..this kids already ticking me off" 

Shoto: "hmm" 
shoka: "what?" and he points ahead to see some type of dirt monster thing...that seems to patrol the area 
Mina: "woah" 
lida: "now we have to either fight it or avoid it" 
Shoto: "doesn't seem like it's that powerful...could be easier to just destroy it" 
Shoka: "i'm with my brother on this" 
Mina: "you want to fight that huge thing?" 
lida: "seems like we have no other choice" now seeing the siblings running ahead to go fight it 
Mina: "jeez" 
Jirou: "god you know your an idiot...and that's the nice way of saying it" 
Izumi: "your telling me...look Jirou i would rather prefer if this is kept quiet..." 
Jirou: "really...your asking keep quiet about some evil shit you pulled back then?...not gonna happen" 
Izumi: "Jirou" 
Jirou: "no i don't care should've known that even on the day you pulled that shit...does anyone else know" 
Izumi: "only me" lying again 
Jirou: "you know we're all trying to become heroes Izumi...but they never taught us to lie..which is why your so bad at it" 
Izumi: "i um" 
Jirou: "your not telling everything Izumi...spill it...what happened to Izuku" 
Izumi was not caught up...she didn't want this to come out...she didn't need to tell them she's in a bind now...not even her parents know the true extent of her brothers how he fell victim to one of the worst things they have done in their lives..
Izumi: "'s-" before the ground started to shake they look down to see it burst open to a huge monster like thing made of dirt and rock..roar at them 
Jirou: "shit!" 
Izumi: "another time...we need to settle this now!" as it now slams it's arms on the ground to make them stumble...Jirou really didn't have much use fighting it...except for jacking into it and amplify the sound to make it stumble...
Jirou: "HURRY UP!" and Izumi now jumps from behind 
Izumi: "Detroit SMASH!" as she charges OFA up to 5% destroying the thing completely
Izumi: "yes!" 
Jirou: "don't celebrate yet!" pointing behind her to see three more coming in 
Izumi: "Run!" now turning the other direction they made a complete break for it...hearing the loud stomping makes it seem right out of a movie...Izumi using her telekinesis to knock over some trees and even fling some fairly large rocks at the beasts to deter them in some Jirou keeps her the chance to flee...
Izumi: "damn it!" as she now focuses her power fully...lifting one up...before she slams it down on the ground 
"Izumi...why!?...why are you doing this!?" 
Izumi: "what?!" seeing the thing talk in a kid like wasn't the case 
Izuku: "why...Izumi why are you guys doing this?" as he's being held up in the her quirk 
Izumi: "to teach you a lesson deku...know your place in this can't be a hero...not without a quirk..look how helpless you are right now...weak...frail...useless" 
Izuku: "please..i..I can help..I can help!" 
Izumi: "then name one thing on how will you be helpful!" 
Izuku: "i can distract them..i could be like eraserhead..where i can fight them in close battles!" 
Izumi: "that's being a liability!" now flinging her arms down...he was then slammed into the ground...and he tumbles down into the stream
Katsumi cringed from seeing that 
Shoka: "Izumi" 
Izumi: "your worthless!...YOU WILL NEVER BE A HERO SO STOP BEING IN DENIAL!!!" now turning away and she walks Katsuki does a raspberry at him...and Shoto being silent as usual...while the others walked away...Katsumi...stands there for a moment...before heading off herself..leaving him there...wheezing..making an unnatural he struggles to even crawl...but is too being pulled into the stream..he's afraid he'll drown..
Izuku: 'n-no!-" as he reached for anything to pull himself out of...but to no success...nothing 
Izuku: "someone...anyone..please....h-help" before a figure come up and pulled him out of the stream
Flashback ends
Izumi remembers that day vividly..she went to far..and nearly killed him..if it weren't for that stranger..he would've drowned...why she did...not even she knows to this day

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