Tartarus: 'Aberration'

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Izumi: we're almost there dad...we're almost there!" picking up the pace to Tartarus as more NOMUs are gathering around the prison she sees in the distance...her teacher...
Shoka: "Mr Aizawa!" 
Katsumi: "the fuck is he doing here!?" 
Izumi: "we need to help NOW!!" and no words were said and they went in to help assist him 
Aizawa: "Damn it...Yagi is still inside!" 
PM: "I THOUGHT HE WOULD MEET UP HERE!!" yelling back at him...as he dispatched another NOMU came up from behind Aizawa wrapped his scarf around it and Mic turns around to scream pushing it away as the tartarus security personal open fire on them...since you know..it's a maximum security prison. 
Aizawa: "damn...need to apply more eye drops" feeling his eyes drying up and then it gets even worse...
"*cough*!!" he looks above one of the watch towers to see a NOMU..but it has a very large mouth...and it was coughing...soon it opens it's mouth even wider and a huge wave of sand came out and it covered the entire area 
PM: "Damn!...CAN'T SEE!!" as the sand also got into Aizawas eyes...he closed them as some of the security guards started to scream...from what little vision he had...he saw one trying to fend them off and then the ground broke to a HAG Variant grabbing him and eats him and soon it crawls right back underground 
Aizawa: "heh...guess this is it huh Hizashi?" 
PM: "i guess so" as he tries to find him...
Aizawa: "Hopefully...we get to see Oboro again" as the NOMUs draw near...they then hear their roars fading away...he was confused and tried to see...and he was surprised seeing them frozen and another blown up...
Katsumi: "TEACH!!" and another thrown from some unknown force 
Aizawa: 'great' 
Izumi: "WE'RE HERE TO HELP!!" as she comes down and use OFA at 34% to destroy the sand NOMU and then force another one away...suddenly she felt a surge of power go through her...and she now started to...fly?...
Shoka: "huh?" 
Katsumi: "the fuck?" 
Izumi: "what is this?" and she then hears 
Nana: "You unlocked one of the quirks..specifically my quirk...use it well" 
Izumi: "wait but you didn't tell me what it does!" but then she fell down...
Shoka; "SENSEI!!" as she heads on over...bringing out her cloth to wipe the dirt out of his eyes...along with PM as more guards now come out...
"who sent you!?" 
Izumi: "I'm Izumi Yagi daughter of Toshinori Yagi!" 
"All Might's kid?!" 
"If she's here then...oh fuck" 
"damn it!" 
Izumi: "where is my father!?" 
"he's trapped with AFO!" 
Izumi was growing furious: "AND YOU LEFT HIM THERE!!!?" 
"We had orders to try and secure the breach!..." 
"all the villain cells had open simultaneously and it was just...the west wing is secured but everything else...more of them are coming we need to leave the area now!" 
Izumi: "I'm not leaving without my father!" 
"Face it girl he's dead!" 
Izumi: "NO!...I'm going in and no one will stop me!" and she runs ahead 
Shoka: "IZUMI!" calling out to her..
Katsumi: "I'll follow her...get Sensei out of here!" and she runs ahead to go after her 

Bakugo: "AHH!!" as he being dragged across the ground Shoto froze in place...he was in complete shock and disbelief...hearing Bakugos screams is just the icing on the cake 
Izuku: "hehehehe...and you call yourself a hero...that your not just a spitting image of your father...false..false...FALSE!!" and he slams his hammer down as he felt the ground shake from just the raw power alone in those strikes...
Bakugo: "DAMN IT ICY HOT HELP!!" but then Izuku rolls his eye and fired a chain and it goes through his hand 
Bakugo: "AH!!" 
Shoto: "STOP!!" and now snapping out of it he froze him...and took this opportunity to get Bakugo out of the chains...pulling it out hearing him scream...he then heard the ice shatter and was hit by his hammer flying forward 
Izuku: "tsk tsk tsk and you thought that would be enough?...haven't you forgotten what i did?..i kill heroes like rats...i resist against both your fire and ice...i can withstand even All MIghts most powerful attack..and i can ensure you...that you have no chance in defeating me" as just looks to the side and lets thermite out and started to walk towards them 
Izuku: "and now i will demonstrate on what you got yourselves into hehehe" as shoto regained his composure and got back up he let out flames as Bakugo now tried to release an explosion but his hand was grabbed and the explosion was directed upwards 
Izuku: "i dare you...try it now" as
Bakugo: "What happened to you Deku!?" now his eyes grew brighter 
Izuku: "don't...call..me....DEKU!!" as he brings the pommel of his hammer through his wrist...Bakugo screams in pure agony 
Izuku: "You are so dumb to even have to gall to ask me a dumb question like that...Who was it when i was brought down so far...who was it that humiliated me non-stop!?...that you willingly tortured me...burned me...froze me in place...crush me with telekinesis...all..because...of some stupid plan...to convince me...to not be a heroe?!...You Will witness all that will happen...for you..are not at the top of my priorities right now...so in the mean time..here's a little souvenir!" as he smiles at him he couldn't bear to look at him but at his hand...as it started to emit thermite...he brings it down to his hand...and he felt it burning immensely...he couldn't even scream from how painful it was...only to now slam him into the ground and then he looks at Shoto trying to crawl towards him he smirks and slowly goes up to him 
Shoto: "please...stop" as he felt his head being grabbed 
Izuku: "i wonder how Touya would feel...if he saw you right now" now leaving a mark on him...using the white frost to create a sharp icicle and he jams it into his abdomen 
Shoto: "AHH!!" as the scream echoed into the city...a huge roar was heard 
Izuku: "hmm...that must be it" as he lets go and turns to look where the scream came from...it matters not...as Shoto tried to stay awake...he heard footsteps right by him...seeing that girl from before...Ochako 
Ochako: what's going on?" concerned for him  seeing multiple burn marks on him..but they regenerated immediately 
Izuku: "nothing major...only a task that's on hold...i want to kill AFO...and that's where we're heading" chuckling as they make their way towards Tartarus prison...soon he let his emotions take over...his rage now being released...Ochako then hears his wheezing come back...his animalistic growling...and that look in his eyes...the insanity that's been held back...released...
Izuku: "ALL FOR ONE!!!" and he now charges ahead...and she tried to catch up...along the way multiple NOMUS are in their way...Ochako thought he was just going to run pass them...boy was she wrong...as the first NOMU tried to go after him with one swing of his hammer it splattered into just limbs...and he growls out...as more tried to overrun him...he screams as the thermite covers his entire body and the chains come out...
Izuku: "WORTHLESS!!!" as he charges in and swings his hammer down on a NOMU shattering it's beak...and then another jumped on him and it tried to overpower him...but Izuku emits more Thermite and it burns the NOMU...soon a HAG came out and it grabbed him...trying to break free it soon devoured him 
Ochako: "IZUKU!!" screaming out for him..as the HAG now stops in place...as it now fell over and it started to freeze up...and it tried to claw at it's stomach but it was in vain..as it was now completely frozen...and then with the thermite and explosion was created with the shards hitting the other NOMUS within the area...with them dead he continues his charge towards Tartarus
Ochako: "God" if this is just the six quirks he has...what will the black vial do!?...she can't imagine the horror of what it'll bring...but that will be answered at some point...but right now she needs to catch up with him...and they head towards Tartarus  
Izuku: "RAH!!" screaming out loud for all the world to see...and hear...as in the distance...one particular building...
"my god...Izuku...I'm so sorry" his old employer in complete shock seeing him as he heads to Tartarus

Shigaraki: "hmm...how unfortunate" seeing the NOMUs rip into the security guards...as the dataroom was destroyed all cells have opened freeing the prisoners that are considered the most dangerous individuals in the country...perhaps the world...and he received another message on his phone...
Dabi: "the NOMUs in the downtown region have been dispatched...
Shigaraki: "I sent Gigantomachia there to deal with the problem stalling the heroes long enough is my goal...these guard...are pathetic...like children with toys trying to take out a pitbull...embarrassing" as they continue on they reached the elevator...and of course...it was destroyed from the NOMUs charging in 
Shigaraki: "oh well" and he jumps and grabs the cable and proceeds to head down...Dabi had to follow him...knowing this is just going to be a problematic issue coming up...
Toga: "he's coming" she said into his earpiece...now he was growing nervous even if he doesn't show it...he knows that freak will stop at nothing to get between him and Sensei...and that's not even the worse part..he thinks he could convince the league itself that he's not a true leader...after his attempt in trying to put a leash on him, but that was simply a detour on the grand scheme of things...seeing the cells that are open...sub level 17 is known to be operated on a separate system...meaning they would need to be approved by the warden to open their cells...and they see them
Mr compress: "Shigaraki" seeing his old leader through the glass
Shigaraki: "tell me compress...are you still loyal to me?" 
Mr Compress: "of course...i have not told them anything of you and the bogeymans whereabouts..." 
Shigaraki winced a bit from hearing the word bogeyman...but he ignores it 
Dabi in the background releases more flames out in the elevator shaft as Shigaraki now decays the door and it rusts and soon turns into dust...he was now met with 
Shigaraki: "Mustard" seeing the other former member of the league there 
Mustard remained quiet ignoring him 
Shigaraki: "want to know if you are still willing to follow my lead...to destroy this society once and for all..." 
Mustard: "you can count me out...i'd rather stay in here than be out there again" of course he was annoyed by his decision...but he regained his composure 
Shigaraki: "You might want to think it over...even though we're on short time...i suggest you take the offer." 
Mustard: "if you have to threaten me to try and follow your little league club then forget it...kill me if you want, but i will not follow you...ever" turning to look at him directly
Shigaraki: "why you little!" as he was about to grab him 
"Leave him Shigaraki" stopping and he smirks 
Shigaraki: "Stain" turning around to look at the Hero killer behind the glass who is eyeing him 
Shigaraki leaves Mustard alone...as more screaming in the background is heard 
Stain: "where is he Tomura" 
Shigaraki: "why do you care?...he's not my problem" 
Stain: "not how i see it" 
Shigaraki: "how do you see it then" 
Stain: "that you are incapable of being a leader...that you only care for what happens to you...and you will throw anyone under the bus should it not meet up with your agenda...your just a spoiled selfish kid who never grew up" 
Shigaraki: "if i take away this glass and decay your throat will you still retain that obviously fake facade your putting up?!...i've grown stronger...me and the rest of the league...we are more than capable of taking on the heroes....i am more fitting to be a leader than that damned freak you created...that thing that you offered to train...so isn't those lives technically on your hands?" 
Stain: "I already accepted it...anything you say will never deter me...no matter how strong the wind is...the mountain...will never bow" now gritting his teeth 
Shigaraki: "then maybe i'll decorate the walls with your blood!" now breaking the locks to the door...
Stain: "Gotcha" now kicking the door open he picks up a dead guards nightstick and he sees Mustard now sighing 
Mustard: "if i must" 
Shigaraki: "So you have been cooperating with him" 
Stain: "Dabi!" as Dabi flinched a bit and turned to look at him 
Shigaraki: "DON'T JUST STAND THERE HELP!!" as he was forced to make a choice here...once and for all...
Dabi: 'if i help him now...then all that we planned for will be for nothing...but i can't just back out against stain...he needs to know the extent of what's going on..we can't do this without him...how...how can we?' before he could even finish his thinking 
Shigaraki: "SHIT!!" as Dabi stops for a moment...and he realize why Tomura is freaking out the way he is...hearing the wheezing behind him...he turns around...to see...him 
Izuku: "YOu " he growled out and he slams Dabi out of the way..>
Stain: "Kid"  

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