Sports Festival: "the Cavalries here"

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Izumi: "alright then..lets get this show on the road people!" hearing that they must choose teams...and when Midnight announced that the winners headband would be worth ten million points...everyone glared right at Izumi...who paled at this revelation...she desperately looked around for some teammates so far she has Shoka and Katsumi...but they need one more 
Izumi: "oh no" 
Katsumi: "fucking hell...this is a 50/50 chance here...HEY!!!" yelling at some purple hair boy
Katsumi: "we need a forth could you join us?" before he just shrugs  
"sure why not" 
Katsumi: "thanks'll definitely are a big help..names Katsumi Bakugo" holding out her hand 
Shoka: "just that?" 
Shinso: "just that" 
Izumi: "we need to formulate some sort of plan...Shinsou...what's your quirk?" and he remains quiet 
Izumi: "it's alright to talk about it...mines Telekinesis" 
Bakugo: "controlled explosion" 
Shoka: "freezing things" 
Shinsou: "*sigh*...whatever...mind control..." and he goes to explain it 
Izumi: "wow" 
Katsumi: "that's fucking cool man" 
Shinsou: "what?" 
Shoka: "your quirk is the definition of avoiding bloodshed and avoiding any loss of's perfect" 
Shinsou: "you think so?" 
Izumi: " quirk is evil...only how you use it...and utilize it...doesn't matter" 
Shinsou: "and what do you plan then" 
Izumi: "of course we have to snatch up other peoples can shout out things to catch them off guard...say things that make them question you" 
Katsumi: "of course we have to be in close i'll be the one to give some long range guarding" 
Shoka: "while i distrupt the play a key role in this...that way Izumi can use her quirk to get their bands...possibly more though" 
Izumi: "either way...that's the plan right now" 
Shinsou: "hmm...that could work...alright then...i'll try it" 
Izumi :"yes...thanks" and they got into their positions...ready to go against the others now...
Shoka: "knowing Shoto..he's likely to bee line straight for us 
Katsumi: "I think every fucking person that's in the match is going right for us Shoka" 
Shoka: "oh" 
Izumi: "alright then...get ready guys" 
again seeing this gate open try and steal other contestants headbands...but she is the main attraction right now 

Nejire: "so the winners headband would be worth about ten million this year" 
Mirio: "last year it was nine" 
Izuku: "i see" 
Tamaki: "well in this case the winner seems to have a strong team" 
Izuku: "Indeed...say...wonder what the purple haired kids quirk is?" 
Nejire: "hmm...i don't know" shrugging now 
Yuyu: "way to explain it Neji" 
Izuku then sends a message to Shigaraki...and his quick response...nearly broke him 
Shigaraki: 'lol' 
Izuku: "of course well this Izumi girl seems to have a telekinesis quirk...the blond and the white haired girl...the blond one has an explosion based quirk and the white haired one is quite ice far three offensive quirks...unless the ice is going to be used for defending...way i can see this to flank the from behind..maybe with a distraction...or just charge in all at once...but on an emotional seems to be hot headed...the other sassy...and the idiot"
Tamaki: "guessing the green haired one is the idiot"
Izuku: "bingo" and Nejire giggles from that...then closely he sees that Yaoyorozu girl 
Nejire: "there's mo!" 
Mirio: "who?" 
Tamaki: "the pony tailed one that freaked out from Midoriya" 
Mirio: "oh right" 
Yuyu: "what?" 
Mirio: "so when Yaoyorozu met Midoriya...she freaked out" 
Yuyu: "must be from her USJ incident...heard she was actually taken hostage from the bastard villain" 
Nejire: " really affected her badly...but...the hangout helped her she'll do..well lets hope she'll do fine" 

Momo: 'it's not fine!' panicking now she's lost in thought..trying to figure out what to do...normally she would devise a brilliant plan for these sort of things...she actually likes these type of situations...well...used to...until she sees nothing but that monster in the corner of her eye everytime...
Jirou: "momo!" snapping her out of it 
Momo: "wha?" flinching 
Jirou: "what's the plan?" as her, Kaminari and Shoto are waiting 
Momo: "Um...i...i'm sorry guys...i've been out of it for a while right you know anything that could set Katsumi off?" 
Shoto: "unlike her brother...she's slightly more patient than him....but it still doesn't take much to set her off" 
Momo: "good to know...Jirou...could you use your jacks to reach out for their headbands?" 
Jirou: "yeah...i can" 
Momo: "Kaminari i'm going to make a wire with copper lining...if you could give concentrated jumps of electricity in them can you try and shock their carriers?" 
Kaminari: " could work..but there's a limited amount of power i could use before i go full retard" 
Jirou: "never go full retard...that's what my dad would quote from some movie he would watch" 
Kaminari: "nice" 
Shoto: "what about me?" 
Momo: "well we need some defense right?...try to freeze the ground around us...throw them off balance...but be aware that it could backfire on us..knowing Izumis quirk she could fling that wire back to us...have us slip on the ice instead...or all in all...blow me right off the is a plan in set?" and they it was time...they have a plan in much trust she has in them...she barely has any in herself...she knows she's going to freak out again...there's too many people..too many faces blending in...and with the way her mind is...she may hallucinate seeing 'him' again...but right now it doesn't matter...she will try to overcome it...overcome her the gates open..not realizing it had now started...she was reeled up and she makes the items needed for the team...and they run out she sees all of them heading for Izumi...
Momo: "Pick them off!...getting their bands is the priority!" 
Jirou: "RIGHT!!" 
Kaminari: "You got it boss lady!" 
Shoto: "sure" and they keep their focus on the others now...of course the first one they run into was the guy who talked trash to them the day after the USJ incident...Monoma he's called...
Monoma: "WAH!" as they see Shoto now freeze the ground below them...Kaminari swings the wire around...the orange haired girl...Itsuka Kendo grabbed it...but wasn't aware of the fact that Kaminari let out a jolt of electricity out...and since they all are in contact with each shocked immediately..and Jirou took this chance to snatch up their headbands...
Jirou: "YES!!" 
Momo: "good work!" shouting out...this may work after all


Shigaraki: " it done?" looking at the small doctor 
Ojiko: "yes's been done since the meeting with Stain...of course he gave his own 'unique' opinion of the NOMUs...if our sensei wasn't there...i might as well be a head on a stake right now" 
Shigaraki: 'even Izuku wants to kill you...i get tired of your shit as well' hell even Kurogiri gets annoyed by this fuck..his ego is way too much even for a patient man like him
Ochako now enters: "hey...the second round going to watch?" 
Shigaraki: "discussing some things here..i'll be in there soon" and she nods closing the door 
Ojiko: "the arrangement of their programming is set..they will follow every command...through this" handing him a small earphone 
Ojiko: "what your friend suggested..was to have the message be directly sent to them...of course you can't see all of them...but you will be notified if one of them has been taken are your NOMUS" pressing the button to see about 15 of them in order...each one different than the other...from being infused with a strength one having elongated hands...and then the bat wings and talons that could carry anything off...and he likes it 
Shigaraki: "each ones different" 
Ojiko: "how you will use up to you" and now he could only smile at this fact...this much control over this many at a time...yes...he will need some time..but he will make the most out of it...setting up his 'units' to be grouped and ready to strike the enemy AIs...but unlike a video will be a continuous need to take turns
Shigaraki: "well then...i'm going to take some time on what to do here...your done for the day doc..take the rest of the day off" 
Ojiko: "thank you sir" and he heads off into the next begin his other tend to his senseis condition
shigaraki: "with will definitely leave one hell of a message" heading back into the other room to go watch the second round now, stopping for a moment...he remembers when he first came he was forced to become..something he never asked for...Sensei was the one thing in life that gave out a helping hand...not expecting anything...only his much as he doesn't show it..he sees him as his family...and with Izuku in the fray...not a rival..not as someone who is trying to steal his's the brother he never had...the ally unit he needed from the start...the monster this world time...they know they can't ever have a normal life after this...but it doesn't mean they'll take it away from others as well...and that he swears his life on

the crowds cheering only grew as they witnessed the intense battle for the ten million point headband...seeing how many students were taken out...they saw that Momos team had the right idea of picking them off one by one...until she lost her headband from Bakugos was a back and forth thing...but it all ended with the headband...being non other than Jirou winning them the round...cheering could only grow louder and louder...even Jirou had to cover her ears from the noise growing...of course they were wasn't until she had another moment again 
Momo: 'no' she sees in the crowd...the bogeyman just standing there above the audience...hidden from the public eye...staring only at her...and her alone...she stumbling back a little...Izumi and the others rushed in to help...
Jirou: "mo!" 
Momo: "i see him!...i see hiM!!" pointing and they look over there 
Izumi; "he's not here Momo...he's not here...listen to me!" 
trying to steady her breathing...she soon gets a grip and rubs her eyes....and he was gone...another illusion...not really...
Momo: "I...excuse me" she walked try and catch her breath....Midnight then announces the one on one duels...the final part of the festival...and the big chance..on who the heroes are going to intern...and teach these students...but unknown to may also be...a life changing event...

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