Tartarus: 'death'

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Izuku: "hehehehehehe" as the entire group look at the Bogeyman in front of them...Dabi unconscious from the attack...Mustard now turned his attention to Izuku...and Mr compress also was frightened by this....
Shigaraki: "shit...shit..shit!" he muttered under his breath...as he sees his own failure in front of him 
Izuku: "so how's the life of being the leader...Tenko?!" saying his real name doesn't make it any better for him 
Shigaraki: "You...you should've been dead already!!" knowing the amount of quirks in his body...it should've started to breakdown his Molecular structure..Basically turning him into liquid...as he draws nearer to him...
Stain: "wait...Midoriya!" jumping in front of him...
Izuku wasn't paying any attention...giving his full focus to Tomura that he can't break silence 
as behind him Spinner was about to attack him...but Ochako intervene using her weapons and pulled the chain attacked to it and pulled him back 
Ochako: "Stay down!" very serious as Izuku slowly gets closer to him...
Mr compress: "on second thought...i'd rather stay in here" as he just steps back into his cell...Stain now grabbed one of Spinners swords 
Stain: "Kid...they need him...if we kill him now....their injustice...the NOMUs....they'll kill everyone...COME ON!!" but instead one swing of the hammer he dodges it...and Shigaraki now has his back to the large vault...he puts his hand against it...and it started to rust and decay slowly due to it's immense size 
Izuku: "You...the last time..i will ever...be betrayed...no more...." before he swing down his hammer..
"Izuku" he stops...and he looks past the vault that turned into dust....to see...AFO walk out of the cell 
Stain: "shit" 
Ochako: "oh no" 
Izuku: "All for one" kicking Shigaraki out of the way he makes his way towards him 
AFO: "come now is that how your going to great your 'father?' manners have left your senses" trying to use that term on him...as he now grew angry again 
Shigaraki: "Sensei...please help!" calling out to him 
AFO: "Silence Tomura...Izuku...you are not being in control of your emotions..." 
Izuku: "AND WHO'S FAULT IS IT!!!" yelling at him 
AFO: "Now Izuku...you were fully aware of what you were getting yourself into when you first took the quirks...you know what the consequences were...and look at what happened...you lost control...you instilled fear into everyone that you hold dear...your friends...your allies....your lover" 
AFO: "why?...you were the one who harmed her...you are the one who spilled her blood....on your hands...relentlessly...as if she'll go away..." 
Izuku: "NO!!' 
Ochako: "Izuku don't listen to him!" 
AFO: "and Young Ochako...the one who lacks even the slightest of emotions to her family...as you think your time with Izuku here...would make him look at you in 'that' way...but he sees you nothing more as a pawn until you are used up" as Dabi now started to groan..he looked over to see Izuku growling louder than ever 
AFO: "and for your lover...did you even think on what being a part of this life is?...regardless Izuku...everything you hold dear to yourself is nothing short of a false life your trying to make for yourself...your love...she's a hero...the very thing you despise" 
Izuku: "no" 
AFO: "Face it...Your love for her isn't real!" 
Izuku: "IT IS REAL TO ME!!"as he now started to attack him...he just brings his finger up and he was pushed back 
Izuku: "GAH!!!" as he flies out of the cell 
AFO: "please...your whole life..you've only been a tool...a plaything...have you ever wondered why heroes would ignore people like you?...because you aren't worth the effort such a time...when a little boy...that was crying in the alley when some stranger came over to heal him" his eyes widened 
Izuku: "it was you" and that shit eating grin came  back 
AFO: "Of course...I've been watching you ever since Izuku" 
Izuku: "You..." now thinking back to it...he always remembered the stranger that healed his leg...the one who saved him from drowning in the river...the one...
Izuku: "how...did you know my father" and now his grin grew even wider...which unnerved him 
AFO: "How?...hehehehe....as you may know...i have many quirks to my disposal...to disguising myself would be rather simple...fake having injurys...saying he died valiantly in a villain attack..was a complete overstatement" 
Izuku: "What do you mean!?" 
AFO: "Your father...died by just a stab wound to the gut...as he laid there sprawled over on the ground begging for mercy 
Hisashi: "Why...why would you do this!?" looking over at AFO that had lodged the knife in...twisted it and pulled it out...causing him to keep over in pain...as he couldn't use his quirk to breath fire on it...for some reason..he couldn't feel it anymore 
HIsashi: "who...who are you!?" 
AFO: "the one who came for his debt...Hisashi" 
Hisashi: "No...no i can't...i can't die...i still...i still have work...my...my boy..he...I can't...I can't leave him" 
AFO: "a son?...hmhmhm...don't worry about it Firedrake" lifting his head up bringing him close to his face...as he grunts out seeing the blood pouring out..
AFO: "I'll be sure to take good care of him" 
Hisashi: "no.." he groaned out 
AFO: "the great firedrake...taken down...to just lay here and die alone...hehehehe...fitting end for a lowly man like you..." as he walks away...he tried to reach out for him...but he couldn't 
HIsashi: "no...I'm...sorry...I...zu...ku" and he went limp 
Flashback ends 

Izuku now started to have tears come out now...at this revelation 
AFO: "of course you were bound to find out about it...and the time has come...you may take your revenge on me if you want...no tricks...nothing up my sleeves" 
Shigaraki: "wait...Sensei" 
Dabi: "holy shit" as Izuku now shakes...looking down 
Izuku: 'for my whole life...i never really knew if i had exist...that if i ever had a purpose in my life...that i would be doing things for the good of the people...but..it was all just a blatant lie...from my fathers death...to my mother keeping it a secret from me...to now...now knowing he died a horrible and cold way...to just...believing that people do good things without wanting anything from it...but to find out...it was all...HIM...
Izuku: "through pain...there is anger' 
AFO: "Hmm?" 
Izuku: "through Anger comes passion" 
Shigaraki: "the hell?" 
Izuku: "Through betrayal...comes hate...through hate...my chains are broken...the hatred...will set...me....free" as he looks right him...it's begun...instead of the yellow glow there was a hint of red in it now...and the black veins grew even larger...the thermite emitting off his back while the white frost covered his heart...the chains flowing from his back and through his arms...now detaching his arms....and they regrew...he used the chains to grab them and it reattached on his back...as he grabs his hammer
Izuku: "You say you care....you say that your our mentor...that you'll lead us into success...no...you...are the reason we will be disposed up...Tenko is no more than a tool to you" 
Shigaraki: "that's a lie!...tell him he's wrong!...you don't think that right...Sensei?" he was hesitant 
Izuku: "how about a test..." 
AFO: "hmhmhm and what do you propose we do?..play cards?" chuckling as he mocks him 
Izuku: "No..." turning to Shigaraki 
Shigaraki: "no...you can't do this..I am the successor...i'm the leader of the LOV....I AM THE ONE WHO ORCHESTRATED THIS MEETING...YOU ARE THE TOOL AND I AM THE GODDAMN PRODI-" but it was cut short as out of nowhere a chain whips around and cuts his neck...shocking the others....even though it can't be scene...AFO was amused by this as Shigaraki gagged out and was choking in his blood..
Izuku: "go on...save him....save him from the nightmare" as he just watches and doesn't do anything 
Shigaraki: MM...Ss...en....Sei" he gagged out from it...as AFO slowly approaches him...walking slowly...as Shigaraki holds out his hand begging him to grab it...he simply kneels down 
AFO: "I'm Sadden Tomura...you could've been a great successor...but...your own plans..lead you into your own demise....so...goodbye" as Tomura tried to cry out again...he soon..started to lose his strength...and then....he went limp 
Dabi: "holy shit" as Spinner gasped at this and Ochako could only stare...Stain then finally opened the other cell...and then 
Izuku: "Now then....'Sensei'...it's your turn" now swinging his hammer down on him...whatever occured left an explosion that pushed the others away...seeing the body of their former leader...buried underneath the rubble now
Ochako gets up..and sees Dabi hold out his hand...she takes it and helps her up 
Dabi: "we need to stop him" 
Ochako: "I think we don't have a choice in the matter" as they now try to find another way to get to them

Nejire: "almost there!" as they have cleared out the northern wing of the prison...a huge explosion had occured...
Mirio: "What was that?!" 
Tamaki: "nothing good...lets go!" and they head out trying to find the source of where it happened...
Izumi: "NEJIRE!!" now looking back to see both Katsumi and Izumi enter in the northern wing 
Nejire: "what do you want!?" now furious as to why she's here 
Izumi: "My father is in here and we can't find him...." 
Nejire: "Not my concern" 
Mirio: "nej" 
Katsumi: "please...the people still look up to All MIght...if he dies...we won't have any support from the people..at least think of that" 
Nejire growls in frustration: "Fine!..lets hurry up and find him" 
Tamaki: "I suspect it could be the reason why an explosion happened" 
Mirio: "well lets hurry up then" and they continue on...
Katsumi: "her father was supposed to be talking to that All for one guy..." 
Izumi: "I hope he's still there" which of course is false...making it through another explosion seeing prisoners trying to run away...as some are even dead and sprawled all over the floor. 
Mirio: "what happened here?" seeing the bodies scattered 
Izumi: "oh god...dad...please be safe" continuing down the stench that is lingering in the air was foul...and Katsumi was heard gagging along with Yuyu...Nejire covered her nose...and continued 
Izumi: 'why isn't she fazed by it?' as she also couldn't bear it as well...seeing the elevator door forced open  a NOMU now jumps out from it and Nejire with no Hesitation swings her saber lance (i have no original name for it because i lack creative names) and kills it...leaving the others to watch a bit scared seeing this side of her...
Nejire: "there's a way down...maybe he's here" 
Izumi: "huh?..oh...r-r-right" 
Mirio: "looks pretty high"
Nejire: "i can hold onto Yu and take her down" 
Izumi: "Katsumi hang on" 
Tamaki i'm good" 
Mirio; "I can phase through" as they did these methods going down the elevator shaft...they see that there are numbers in large print on each floor...starting from S1
Izumi: "if i were a very powerful villain where would i be?" 
Mirio: "the bottom" which make sense finally they made it to sublevel 17...and they see the large chamber that leads into other corridors...which of course each one holds a different cell...but a lot of blood is on the walls and floor soon they hear a commotion going on....and they continue to the source of the sound...
"goddamn it...i can't get a hold of the others...we're stuck here!" as they go around the corner...they are met with 
Nejire: "You" seeing
Mirio: "Stain!" as in front of them are both Stain and 
Izumi: "Ochako" the current follower of the bogeyman 
Ochako: "great" and right of the bat Nejire pins her against the wall...while stain was forced against it by Izumi 
Nejire: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!?" as she tries to get answers out of her...
Ochako: "gah!" being choked  makes it hard to get words out 
Mirio: "Nej she can't breath" 
Nejire: "she's part of the group..the same group that took my izu away from me!" 
Ochako: "I..I'm...he...helping him!" she gagged out 
Nejire: "LIAR!!" 
Stain: "it's true...she was defending him...from...the LOV!" 
Tamaki: "you think we would believe you!?" 
"they aren't lying" as they turn to see the rest of the league there..well...the ones that aren't part of it
Dabi: "we tried to hold them off...but we were too late" 
Mirio: "where is Shigaraki!?" 
Mustard: "dead...obviously..bastard got what's coming to him" 
Mirio: "dead?...who...who killed him!?" 
Izumi: "where is All might!" 
Dabi: "Boy wouldn't you like to know" 
Nejire: "Enough..where is All Might!" 
Mustard: "last i saw him he managed to get out of All For Ones cell..before those two started fighting" 
Mirio: "those two?" 
Mustard: "are you stupid?...him and the Bogeyman!" now they froze up...
Nejire: "zuzu" she muttered out 
Mustard: "oh..she's here" 
Nejire: "where is he!" 
Mustard: "Like i said...they both got into a conflict...which is the very large explosion...and then shit went down from there..." 
Dabi: "We have to find him" 
Mirio: "You really think we're going to help you!" 
Yuyu: "I'd rather be slammed by that fucking hammer than to be even six feet from you!" 
Dabi: "Ouch" 
Stain: "they are not lying...Midoriya is planning on using the last vial" 
Mirio: "last...you mean there's a seventh!" 
Nejire: "oh no" Nejire ends up releasing Ochako 
Ochako: "the Black vial..from what our intel tells us...it's something far more dangerous than the others" 
Dabi: "Apparently the quirk in it has been enhanced and it will mutate the other quirks in his body...awaken them all" now they are horrified by this 
Nejire: "how much time do we have?" and then another explosion happened 
Dabi: "none" 

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