Provisional License Exam: 'Deception'

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Momo: "shoot" as her and the others got split apart from an unexpected's an ambush...what do you expect?...either way she sees this Arena has multiple layers to it...from the top side which is a bunch of rock formations that can protect them...then there's the underground layer...where it's a bunch of tunnels leads to somewhere so you can't hide or even create a defense point...but all she knows is that it's dark...and unnervingly the sounds of students shouting and yelling is fading as she proceeds further into the tunnels...but she hopes the others can meetup...they had a plan to regroup at the center should they get separated...making some night vision goggles she puts them on to help her navigate...
"I saw one of them run down here!" crap she soon makes a run for it...until she bumps into someone 
Bogeyman: "You cannot outrun what's already in set" as she couldn't breath...she sees him reach out to her...but she pushes him away...and falls back 
Momo: "NO!!" but she then realized...he wasn't there...but one things certain...she subconsciously...made a gas mask as it was on the same place she saw the illusion" 
Momo: " can do can do this Momo" and she puts the Night vision goggles back on...and proceeds through the dark tunnels...

Izumi: "Shit" as she flings another ball away...
Katsumi: "come on...damn idiots think they can get a score off me!" as she hits another student...
Shoka: "how the hell did we lose them?!" 
Izumi: "beats big is this place!?" 
Katsumi: "it has at least five, pipes, urban, something else, tunnels...that's it" 
Shoka: " wonder" 
Izumi: "there's over a thousand of us..of course it's going to be a huge thing" 
Shoka: "right...OVER THERE!!" as five of them came in from the left...Izumi Uses OFA to push them back as Shoka creates an ice wall 
Katsumi: "You fuckers!" soon she starts to smile 
Izumi: "what?" 
Katsumi: "i wonder if i should use my supermove right now" 
Shoka: "no...not here...your going to level the whole area if you under might bury someone" 
Katsumi: "i can go easy" 
Izumi: "Katsumi NO!" too late...she jumps up to the highest point 
Katsumi: "Dreadnaught EXPLOSION!!" of course it's a weaker variant of her supermove...doesn't mean that it blast away her brother jumps up to stop her...she ends up firing it upward...forcing them to be launched into the ground...breaking through it...
Katsumi: "Bro the fuck was that!?" pissed off now 
Bakugo: "You could've fucking murdered someone you cunt!" 
Katsumi: "Please they would've moved if they didn't want to get caught" 
Bakugo: "that's one is going to outrun an want blood on your hands Katsumi!?...because i'm going to tell you doesn't feel fucking good...shit matter how many try to wash your may want to ignore will haunt you for the rest of your life...taking a so much worse than the shit we've done" 
Katsumi: "shut up" 
Bakugo: " listen to me sis...because it may just save your life...I know that recently you and mom have been reluctant on me becoming a pro hero...from some shit i pulled in USJ...having his...his fucking guts spew all over me...thinking it was just a dream..but it wasn't...this has been torturing me...i can't...i can't get his face out of my head...his screams...his...his cries out for help..he was like us...he was like us" 
Katsumi just listens in....despite the obvious arena going on...and also the fact she nearly leveled the whole area...sure her quirk is more precise and requires precision..but it's still an explosion...and hearing her brother talk about his's something they needed...he refused to answer any of the questions her and their mother wanted to ask him time..but she can see this is eating him...rotting his's horrible 
Katsumi: "listen...bro...I didn't know" 
Bakugo: "...i know...that's why i'm telling you...fucking shit that's happened...with everything going on...the damn metal that's still in my wrist...and that freak lurking out there somewhere...plotting his next bitch plan...don't make the same mistakes i made...come on...we have a fucking contest to burn" as they now both get up and head out to rejoin Izumi and the others 

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