Finding her

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Izumi: " did the music instructor when his student missed a lesson?" 
Nighteye: "..." silent...unmoving
Izumi: "Your in 'treble' hehe..ha..ha...shit" muttering he was not amused at all 
now trying to think of another joke...she's  soon got it 
Izumi: "oh...why do we call seagulls that name?" 
Nighteye: "..." 
Izumi: "because is they only flew over bays...they would be called...Bagels...huh...huh!?" again...not amused at all
Nighteye: "I can see why you lack a sense of humor" ouch
Izumi: "*sigh*" 
Nighteye: "But of course...if you cannot tell me a joke...then you can choose the alternative..." opening his small briefcase and pulls out the intership papers...and a which he just tosses it on her lap 
Izumi: "uh?" 
Nighteye: "now...the you must get this paper...out of my hand...of course...using only One For All...not your other quirk..." it was near lunch..she was tired of this already...but..she has to get this...
Izumi: "" smirking now...and she was going to charge up OFA...and jumped forward...reaching for the paper...only for it to vanish quickly 
Izumi: "HUH!?" and she crashed into the she looks up to see Nighteye looking out the window holding it 
Nighteye: "is that how easy you thought it would be?" and she jumps again...but he moves she faceplant into the window
Nighteye: "and this is the hero who fought off the Bogeyman?" taunting her...which worked...she was getting irritated...and she jumps off the window to then boost off the ceiling going right for the paper...but again..he moves his arm just slightly...and she missed...rolling and she jumps for it...but she ends up hurting her hitting into the ceiling 
Izumi: "AH!" hissing as she feels the pain 
Nighteye: "if it only took this much to provoke you..i could only imagine on what you did to your brother" okay now he's done it
Izumi: "SHUT UP!!" using more power now as she lunges at him...but again..he see she was about to go through the window 
Izumi: "SHIT!!" but she didn't go she was caught at the last second 
Nighteye: "and doing so...makes you act recklessly...meaning you still have a lot to learn" letting she falls down now...groaning...
Nighteye: "but i can't say that you at least have the drive...but who am i to judge on what should happen to you...if you didn't have that quirk i would've have bat an eye and even have you taken away...just sign it...and go...Mirio is waiting for you...go do a routine...and be back here right after...Bubblegirl will give the details on what to do and what to look for..and how to make a field report...I have business to discuss" as she just gets up...taking the paper out of his hand aggressively..she just signs it and just barges out of the door
NIghteye: "my my Yagi, have truly messed up" even is she was too occupied with the paper...he looked into her future...and saw things he shouldn't...things he should tell the press about...but...that would be taking the punchline out of a joke...and he drinks his coffee...
Nighteye: "Izuku truly are an enigma" 

Mirio: "so yeah..that's the whole situation right now..." scratching his head 
Tamaki: "hmm..interesting...and has anyone else reported it?" 
Mirio: "'s nearly impossible to even find out what even happened....she's all over the place now" 
Tamaki: "I know Mirio...Yuyu has been trying to calm her down as well...but i'm sure it's going to be fine..he seems to be...trying to let out some steam i'm guessing...but if what your saying is true..then we have a lot of work on our hands then" 
Izumi walks up to them 
Izumi: "what's going on?" 
Mirio: "Oh's nothing important" 
Tamaki: "Have you seen izuku lately?" 
Izumi: "what? course not...he would rather be in some other country than be in the same area i'm in" 
Mirio: "well...that's the thing" 
Tamaki: "his boss..Miruko..came to us earlier...asking if we had seen him at all today...and he didn't come into work" 
MIrio: "In fact..he left his resignation papers..." 
Izumi: "what?!...di...did he talked to anyone else?" 
they both shook their heads 
Tamaki: "We know how much you and him...well...we thought you would know where he could be" 
Kirishima: "hey Tamaki..lets go...oh..Izumi" losing his grin completely 
Mirio: "don't worry...we're just leaving...well..lets go" as the two now exit...she has to find out...did her brother run away again?...what's going on?...Nejire is going crazy right now...and she no idea on what to do 
Nejire: "I just...i don't know what to do Yu..I...we just talked the other day and everything seemed fine...i'm trying to find out what i did...i just...i just" 
Yuyu: "'s going to be fine...he probably needs to let out some steam...who knows what goes on in that head of his...but...if you think the league took him...then this is much more serious...we'll have to take it slow as it seems to be a fragile thing" 
Miruko: "I already told the rest of the hero board...again..they don't seem keen on trying to find a quirkless...even if he did worked for me...bastards" tapping her foot against the door...
she looks around to find anything out of the blue...but nothing came up...
Yuyu: "well lets just look around if we can find anything...i'm sure he's left some clues for us" 
Nejire: "*sniff*...okay" as they seem to look in the other room he has...the bathroom...nothing out of the blue...
Miruko opens his kitchen covers...
Miruko: 'well that's something you don't see everyday' seeing in front of her was just one set of utensils...the fridge does have some spices and food 
Nejire: "he only has two sets of dishes...since no one really comes to this's his way of saving" 
Miruko: "smart" 
Yuyu: "but a pain like the time we had Katsudon having to bring over bowls" looking around somemore...Miruko looks under the sink...and pulls out 
Yuyu: "a crowbar?" 
Miruko: "probably a means of defense...again he's prepared...knowing his strength" and then looking under the small table...more tools are there...even a small knife...
Nejire: "I think we checked everything in here...his bedroom is over here" 
Yuyu: "but he sleeps on a futon" 
Nejire: "he likes to store things here" 
Miruko: "I see" this is starting to get hey look into the just a pile of boxes and containers...some having hero merchandise...even Miruko was impressed finding 
Miruko: " he's the one that owns this" 
Yuyu: "what's that?" showing them a hero figure of Miruko 
Miruko: "the limited edition of the cyberpunk style outfit i wore...have to say it's in a nice condition" 
Nejire: "yeah..only fifteen of those were made" 
Miruko: "big fan" 
Yuyu: "pretty sure he was trying to sell it" seeing the box she took it out of had an address to be sent to and delivered...she puts it back...knowing how expensive it can be...but as Nejire looks around his closet...she finds something strange...
Nejire: "hey...Miruko..look" and she comes she moves some of his work coats aside...the trio then see...a rusted pipe...jagged and was corroded...
Miruko kneels to get a closer look at it...
Miruko: "now this is concerning" putting on gloves...she gets a paper towel to pick it up...studying it closely...but then she gasped...dropping it 
Yuyu: "what!?" as the two are scared
Miruko: " it can't be" 
Nejire: "what's going on?" 
Miruko: "we need to leave...and have this place under lockdown" 
Yuyu: "what..why!?" 
Nejire; "please tell us" 
Miruko: "I don't think it will" 
Nejire: "please Miruko for once in your FUCKING life...tell me!" and now Yuyu was surprised..she has never hear Nejire curse out someone..let alone say something like that as her anger is now beyond what she can comprehend...
Miruko: "*sigh*...about...roughly two years ago...during the time of the slime incident...two students that were from Kashyykk high...were found murdered...brutally beaten to death by a blunt force object...the killer had used a steel pipe at first...but one of the students had a quirk allowing him to be a lot denser than normal..which in his favor caused the pipe to break...but...we then found evidence that the killer used a second that seemed to be much sharper...much heavier...and stabbed the two students before beating them again...the murderer was never found...the weapon...wasn't found..until now" 
Yuyu: "you think he did it" 
Miruko: "I don't know what to think...all i know is the pipe matches the description...the fact it still had dried blood on it proves it enough" 
Nejire: " that can't be true...zuzu would never..he wouldn't!" 
Yuyu: "think about...this was moments right after All Might humiliated him...being a quirkless does a lot of shit to you...i know..i've seen it" looking at Nejire 
Miruko: "i'm not saying Izuku was the one who had done all the other killings that had happened after...but if he's the one who did the first two...then we have enough evidence to put him under arrest...but i know the court would want him to be sentenced to tartarus" 
Yuyu: "A fucking quirkless!? tartarus..are they even thinking straight!" 
Miruko: "look...we have to find least get a confession...he told me on what he's been through..we can try to make seem like it was an act of self defense...i don't like this as much you two right now...he...he's like a little brother to me...and i don't want this happening to him..." 
Nejire: "alright..alright...lets hurry then" regaining her composure..they head out..locking the door up..and they leave...but what they had failed to notice...was the obvious empty vial that lay in the corner of the closet...the vial he used to get the white frost quirk 

Izumi: "whew...what a day" as they do their patrol...which of course is near Kamino ward...about to miles from it...they managed to find out that a festival is going on...
Mirio: "woah..what's all this for?" 
Izumi: "I don't know" looking up at the signs they was a festival filled with quirkless...and they seem to be celebrating...
Mirio: "QFC?...Quirkless festival campaign? maybe" 
Izumi: "I never knew about this" seeing all the quirkless that are in Japan alone..knowing they had the third largest population of quirkless in the world...she sees it could pass off as a fairly large fair...but they continue their patrol..observing them dancing and having they head on over to an alleyway...Izumi hears some scurrying 
Izumi: "hmm?" Mirio on the otherhand was caught up with the event and was taking some pictures...
Izumi: "hello?" walking towards the she looks more...hearing the scurrying..
Izumi: "I'm not gonna hurt's okay..come on out now" trying to make them feel safe...she then turns on her flash light to see a little girl now scampering back into the trash bin trying to hide 
Izumi: "hey..hey...are you lost?...don't worry..i'm a hero" 
as the girl pokes her head out from the side of the bin...she then slowly comes on out 
Izumi: "don't worry..i'm not gonna hurt you" putting her light down and held her hands up...smiling at she slowly makes her way to her...she then touches her hand...but....she gasped and immediately recoiled 
Izumi: "hey!" she was she had seen something vile in her 
"ERI!!" and she flinched again...Izumi looks up to see a man wearing a bird mask..and overcoat..dressed in casual clothing 
Overhaul: "oh thank goodness you found her" she can see right through him...she looks to see Eri had bandages on her...
Izumi: "who are you?" 
Overhaul: "her father...she ran off from me when i was trying to get something for her mother" 
Izumi: "she ran off without shoes?" 
Overhaul: "we don't live to far from here...we thought having a bit of fun at the local park would do good for her" holding up sandals 
Izumi: "I see...what's this bandage on her" 
Overhaul: " how they rough...roughhousing..the whole package...come on eri...we need to go..your 'brother' has to watch you for the night" as the girl now named eri reluctantly stands up...and whimpers a little 
Mirio: "hey..where'd you go?....oh hello sir" 
Overhaul: "don't worry..she's found my daughter..she ran off from the park...thank you again 'hero'" and they head off 
Mirio: "so...anything to tell me?" 
Izumi: "that the girl he likely not his daughter...i was going to take her away..but she recoiled from me as well" 
Mirio: "You know how kids can be...they can probably sense things...even evil" and he walks off...oh boy

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