proving his worth

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Toga: "so that's about it...hehe" she just told the whole league the location and position this so called 'gift' sensei left for them....although some may be a little skeptical...since they didn't really think Ujiko was going to be this easy to find...and just blatantly tell her where it is...
Shigaraki: "so in a if Kurogiri couldn't just tell us where and had to be cryptic about it...what for...just to stall time and keep things delayed...who am i kidding...lets go...we have a beast to tame" as each one got up 
Spinner: "good...beginning to get bored" 
Twice: "but what about the other problem?/the damn bogeyman!" 
Dabi: "then we better be prepared to fight him should it come to that situation" 
Shigaraki: "don't worry about that...his mind is turning against itself...he'll be dead sooner than we think" getting the coordinates in...seeing the location of the compound now...and he gets his gear ready 
Shigaraki: "lets go" and one by one...all of them exit the gain their trump card...
Spinner: "better hope none of us dies" 
Shigaraki: "beh" and he continues on...they will prosper..they will reach their goal..with or without their tool

Izuku: "GAH!!" pulling down another victim 
"oh my god..please..please!" 
Izuku: "so much talking...somuchfighting...must kill...kILL!" dragging the person along the ground as he crawls abnormally fast while his chains keep a grip on them 
"HELP!!..HELP!!!" growling out Izuku now is back in the main chamber seeing Ochako there shocked from this 
Ochako: "what is this!?" seeing Izuku bringing this random person in 
Izuku now undoes the chains and he picks them up to throw them in the middle of the chamber breathing heavily 
"You..please...please help..he's..he's the bogeyman!...PLEASE!!" as they tried to crawl away 
Izuku grabs them by their foot: "you talk to much" 
Ochako: "Izuku..." trying to get his attention 
Izuku: "come here" as she obeyed his command she walks right up to him
Ochako: "y-yes?" worried 
Izuku detached his arms and regrew the creatures pin the person down hearing them scramble and pleading for help 
Izuku: "You said you will follow whatever order i give" 
Ochako: "y-yes" confirming he gives her weapons to her...and now she was wondering what he wants her to do 
Izuku: "kill him" 
Ochako: "huh?" 
Izuku: "Shut up" and he kicks them Ochako now looks at her weapons...and then looks back to Izuku 
Izuku: "You want to prove your not betraying kill this man...get a little red on those blades of could prove to be calming...ease those nerves" getting close to her face...she couldn't help but recoil back 
Ochako: "I" and then he grabs her 
Izuku: "or would you like to let me set an example and have you go out and get one on your own" as she now thought about it more...she had no choice 
"please...please....please!" and she clenched her fist...and brought her weapon up...and swinged it down 
"NOOO!!!" as his screams echoed in the dark chamber...piercing through the tunnels...after blocking out everything that has happened...she finished...and then held her breath...even though she has killed before...killing an innocent...out of spite..but to also prove to him that she is worth the effort...once she stops...he grabs her arm to make her stop...
Izuku looks at her she drops her weapon...her breathing was heavy and then looked at him...
Izuku: "Hmm...perhaps you are being is nearly time...we must make it to Tartarus...kill all those who wronged me...and i will make sure that HE...will regret the day he used me as his tool...his ideal weapon...some lint that could be tossed aside...and then Shigaraki will die" now more chains emerged from him and he grabs the fresh corpse...and soon...ripped it apart limb from limb...and cast it into the drains...
Izuku: "and with this power i will destroy his foundation...upon this rock...he will be entombed...forever shunned from the light..." and he now regained his true purpose..his Original purpose...he looks at the black vial...and he keeps it close...soon the time will come...he's ready...
Izuku: "we make way for" and he walks into the tunnel 
Ochako: "uh...wait!" and she catches up with him...following him down the the water flowing in the darken tube is the only sound with the occasional chain dragging along the wall...Ochako sees the thermite glowing on Izukus hand...using it as a light source...
Izuku: "all those times i had thought i was given power...but now i have nothing...they took everything from me once more...the child that used to dream of being a hero is now long gone...I..Killed...him...only i remain..the true Izuku Midoriya...and once the world gets a glimpse of who i truly am...they will all fear their new nightmare!" growling out the last sentence 
Ochako lets him continue his ramble 
Izuku: "then...hopefully" his harden expression changed to a pained she also noticed he had some tears coming down...
Izuku: "hopefully they will accept me back..i want to see her...i want to love heart...and my soul" from what she can his eri...and his thinks...
Ochako: "do you have a plan on how to get in?" 
Izuku: "by this time Shigaraki is trying to get that weapon...knowing him he probably sent either Spinner...or TOGA" saying their names with venom...
Izuku: "if all goes to their plan...they will have already barged through the prison once i arrive...most of the work is done for me already...let us go" and he continues on into the tunnel system following him...into the darkness 

Shigaraki: "Damn...where the hell is it!?" coming back out from the abandoned building and he sits in front of the entrance...
Dabi: "well there goes that plan" 
Shigaraki: "i don't need to hear that from you" 
Spinner: "well for the most part...we could resort retreating back to here...should it be necessary...we barely escaped last time...if it weren't for the heroes redirecting their attention to him...
Toga: "I miss zuzu" 
Shigaraki: "Shut up...we managed to do things without him...he isn't part of this fucking group quit whining and be-" before he could even finish his sentence...the ground started to shake...and then the whole building...
Shigaraki: "WHAT DID YOU DO!!?" seeing twice running out 
Twice: "NOTHING/ FUCK YOU!!" then the ground began to crack open 
Shigaraki: "GET AWAY!!" and the group started to retreat from the area as the building now collapsed and a huge cloud of dust covered the area....
Shigaraki: "*Cough*!....damn it...the hell was that?" looking back at the they see right in front of them..a very large man? it was gigantic
Toga: "oooh" seeing how huge it is 
Shigaraki: "what the?" now it looks at them 
???: "" it asked them 
Shigaraki smiled...this is it...this is the weapon Sensei left for use for his gain 
Shigaraki: "I...Am Tomura Shigaraki...I am my Senseis will be under my command" 
Dabi: "nice" sarcastic..seeing how obnoxious he is 
Toga: "um..i failed to mention." now seeing the thing started to grow angry 
Shigaraki: "What...what did you forget" 
Toga: "Ujiko said you need to prove to him that you are a worthy successor to him" 
Shigaraki: "I worked my ass off to keep this group going...and  NOw you tell me this!...YOU Listen up here you will follow whatever orders i give you...i am a definite worthy successor to Sensei...we will free him" 
???: "You..Sully masters name....YOU..Are..NOt...WORTHY!!" and it roars he charges at them now...
Shigaraki: "great" 
Dabi: "Great job Tomura you want to get a sticker for your fuck up!?" 
Shigaraki: "we'll figure something out...move out of the way for now" as they jump out of the way...
Shigaraki: "Dabi flames...Twice try to pin him not kill it!" and they get into position as Dabi releases a barrage of flames....but to his surprise it didn't do anything to it as it now towers over them it swipes it's left arm to now clapping his hands...creating a burst of wind that blows the flames towards the others...
Toga: "GAH!!" as she felt Dabis flames hit her arm...she was picked up and thrown 
???: "RAH!!" as it charges again...spinner dodges and then Twice had twenty copies jump on it stops and one by one crushes each copy and even started to throw them at the hitting dabi directly...
Shigaraki: "Damn the hell" soon his radio started to screech and he held his ear in pain...
Ujiko: "So i take it you found your senseis gift?" 
Shigaraki: "Ujiko.." 

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