U.A School Festival: "Fading light"

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Izumi: "Hmm" as she walks around more...following the pair that was acting quite suspicious to her...she kept a note on them to ensure they aren't doing anything wrong...that is...until her suspicions are correct 
Gentle: "here we are...now...the plan is simple...once we make it in...we simply...just broadcast the whole thing..." 
La Brava: "I have the live feed ready!" 
Gentle: "Excellent...now...to pass by the hound...
Izumi gets closer as she noticed them looking at another way into U.A...heading towards the construction site where it never struck her as the site literally is a clear path into the school grounds...
Izumi: "I need to warn them...but...if i let them go...the heroes reputation will be tainted even more...no...I'll settle this myself" now continuing to follow them...hoping to hear them explain their plan more...following them discreetly...she sends out a message to Katsumi and others....then again her number was blocked on most of the people she knows...annoying...but she has to make due with what she has right now...they then stop in the middle of the sight 
La Brava: "okay it's ready" giving a thumbs up 
Gentle: "excellent...now...lets get the session started 
La brava then points the camera at him..and then counts down from 3...then she gives a thumbs up 
Gentle: "Hello my dear viewers...tis is i Gentle your most astound and elegant criminal...today we are here at the entrance to U.A..making our great debut since our great withdraw from the local bank...*ahem* not robbed obviously...just a lesson to make sure your safe should be a thicker metal..." La Brava had a sweat drop on her side...nervous 
Gentle: "now...and we are going to ensure we will put up a great show for all to see" 
Izumi: "HEY!" and they then stop 
Gentle: "keep rolling" as the stream chat was going berserk and La Brava turned to see Izumi right up to them 
Gentle: "well...if it isn't the Daughter of the former symbol of Peace...Izumi Yagi!...i'm sorry miss Yagi but we cannot take time out of our day as we are very busy...so please excuse us"
Izumi: "It's not too late to turn and walk away...didn't enough attacks happened already?...come on...please just give the people this moment of safe-" and immediately a steel beam?...that was bent like it was made of rubber slammed into her and launched her away 
Gentle: "sorry for the rude interruption but the show must go on...now then..on to the main event!" as they now run and past over the gates Gentle puts La Brava down and they continue on with their streaming but they started rushing 
Izumi: "grr!" as she emerges from the debris she then started to chase after them now..using OFA and jumped over the gate and now rushed after them 

then another whole different battle was being take place...verbally 
Nejire: "you dare show your faces at this event...this time...after what had just happened...after what you...and...that godforsaken thing you call a daughter...and her monstrous friends...created...and yet..you show up...like nothing had happened...like nothing was wrong..." she didn't shed any tears...they don't deserve to see how bad they fucked up..she's sure his reveal was enough
Inko: "we...you don't understand what this means to us..to me...you could never understand what we feel!...how me and him feel...you think we just brushed it off...no...we know what we had done...we knew...how bad we messed up..don't you dare...ever DARE!...say that...you never understood him like us!" 
Nejire scoffs
Yagi: "We didn't know this was even possible...for god knows...how long he has been like this...before he...took action" 
Nejire: "and yet you still did nothing" 
Inko: "we thought he was-" Nejire cuts them off 
Nejire: "No...you just didn't want to take responsibility...you just don't stop caring...or stop being concern for someone...you ghosted him like he never existed...i'm sure you were also hoping that he would run away...but he never did...because in his own words he believed that you still loved him at the time...but now..." she tried to finish her words 
Yagi: "this conversations is running us in circles...there's no point" 
Yuyu: "No POint!" 
Nejire: "yu" 
Yuyu: "your fucking 'method' of how to raise a child...caused hundreds of lives...and your still trying to take the high ground in this!...and saying that Nej would never understand on how she would know...how stupid are you really...she's the one who he didn't want to hurt...the one who she loves with all her heart...the one...who brought him some joy in his life...even if we couldn't do anything about his choice...she has done more for him than what you could have done for his whole fucking life!" but then it grew silent...as the two then noticed...that they see in the corner of their eyes...Mirio holding up Eri in the small crowd...as she looks up to see Jirou...along with her other classmates...singing...
Inko just stands up and walks away 
Yagi: "Inko" trying to have her stay...but Yu just spits at the ground...as they walk away...and she turns to to Nej...who then sees her staring at Eri...
Yuyu: 'hmm?' and she then sees why...as she gasped...as the crowd was roaring and cheering Jirou on with her singing...she sees a sight to behold...Eri...smiling...and holding her arms out as she was filled with nothing but joy...and it made her smile as was...seeing Mirio cheering out...Tamaki also cracking a smile from this...
Nejire: "i wish you could see this" 

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