A Gamble

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eight hours later

Izumi: "AH!" 
Jirou: "SHIT!" tripping over a small rock to then fall off a small ledge...caused the two to land on top another 
Izumi: "ow" 
Jirou: "fuck...been nothing but those goddamn things for eight...fucking..HOURS!!" getting up...dusting herself off again 
Izumi: "your telling me" 
Jirou: "fuck...if we did this much..we should be close right?" 
Izumi: "should be...look!" seeing smoke in the distance 
Jirou: "i'm guessing that's the camp we need to be at...finally" now taking a slow pace...since the dirt beast are nowhere to be seen
Izumi: "at least you stunned them long enough for us to head out" 
Jirou: "mm-hmm..kinda hoped you would do the work" 
Izumi: "wow" 
Jirou: "whatever...this doesn't mean i'm not going to let go of the conversation we had earlier" 
Izumi: "can you just drop it right now" 
Jirou: "i'm going to ask you later...and you better give me a goddamn answer" trying to empty the pockets of dirt that got into her jacket
Jirou: "because right now..i'm tired, sweaty, and had run for however long we've been doing this" 
Izumi: "fine..." now approaching the campground..they see the others there waiting 
lida: "looks like you two made it fine...however your attire seems messy" 
Jirou: "we had a whole group of those things chase us..with only two of us..you really blame us for bolting!?" 
Mina: "i don't blame you...it was difficult enough to take one down...so...what now?" 
lida: "we have taken up more than three hours to get here..we failed the first task..i feel ashamed" 
Izumi: "well the good thing is we made here..don't beat yourself up lida...remember we can learn from our mistakes" 
lida: "i see...very well...thank you Izumi for this" 
Jirou: "hmph" 
Momo: "*sigh*...this is tiring" as she sits down on a log...
lida: 'so far that's 13 accounted for...others are still missing" 
"AHH!!" hearing screaming in the distance 
Jirou: 'that's pikachu' 
Izumi: "jesus..you think it would be a movie" now seeing both Kaminari with Mineta on his back running in now 
Mineta: "never again!" 
Kaminari: "please!" 
gasping for air...
Izumi: "are you guys okay?" kneeling down to help him up 
Kaminari: "*sniff* so sweet" 
Mineta: "yeah..we....we're fine" crying out 
Izumi: "hehe" 
Ojiro: "well that was uneventful" as the rest of them come in now...finally everyone is here! 
Mandalay: "wow...you were correct" gritting under her breath 
Pixie-bob: "hehe..hehe...oh shoot" 
Aizawa: "you all made it within...eight hours...congrats to you all..your all failures" and they lookd down 
Ragdoll: "Eraser!" 
Mandalay: "well..that doesn't matter..you all made it...unharmed mostly...tired mainly...well that calls for a nice dip in the hotsprings don't you think?" and their faces light up now
Mina: "REALLY!" 
Momo: "oh thank goodness" 
Kirishima: "bro that sounds nice!...i've been getting a stiff back lately" and they now got their spirits back up now seeing them run along towards the lodge...the four of them handed Aizawa money 
Aizawa: "you still doubted me" 
Mandalay: "for once i thought we would be right" 
Aizawa: "if you teached as long as me...you know who or what your working with" 

Izuku: "well now that was a shit day" walking out of the agency...he proceeds to head towards the hideout...as there are others going by...getting off the same time as him...just another day of work...of course there's curfew...and he could care less about that...what has been bothering him...is the two obvious muggers that are following him
Izuku: "really?..right now?...my luck" as he now heads up the next block he sees two more approaching...a whole group this will be a interesting event...as he just turns into an alleyway..and waits for a moment...getting his leather gloves on...taking off his jacket to hang it on the latter to the fire escape...now the four come in approaching him...as he tidies up his attire
Izuku: "may i help you?" 
"your wallet, cash, anything you have that's valuable..hand them over" 
Izuku: "and why would i do that?...i'm simply just making a days work go over quickly" 
"we saw you exit the hero agency..they must pay a pretty buck to work there" 
Izuku: "wrong...it's average...but the tips are nice...however i doubt your feeble minds would even know what work is" 
"why you" 
Izuku: "now here are two options you have...because i'm rather feeling generous lately...you let me go on my merry way and mug another poor soul..." 
"or what pipsqueak" 
Izuku: "or else you'll need your families to identify your mutilated corpse once i'm done with you" 
and they looked at each other 
"are you kidding it's 4 to 1" and Izuku shakes his head 
Izuku: "see where your mistake is?" now they had enough and one of them comes at him with a knife 
Izuku: "so i guess you choosed the hardway then" grabbing his arm and he pulls the knife out of his hand 
Izuku: "cute" before he rams it down his mouth and tossed him aside like nothing 
"what the?!" 
Izuku: "again...you have a chance...you should really take it" now two more are running in 
Izuku: "pathetic" as they try to attack him from both sides..he kicks one away to grab the other and twisted his head 180 degrees...now the last two charged in as he was grabbed and lift up with one arm 
"who...who are you!?" as the other had a gun out 
"let him go" 
Izuku: "please you really think a peashooter is going to-" 
Izuku looks down to see a hole in his shirt...blood pouring all over it...now he was breathing heavily and he tightens his grip breaking the other thugs neck and his eyes are yellow 
Izuku: "you realize how much this shit cost!" now charging in to pull the gun out of his hands...as he slams him into the ground multiple times...
Izuku: "RAH!!!!" holding over his head he brings him down to slam his back into his knees...and throws him off...now he was done...
Izuku: "fuck this shit" and he calms himself down...now turning back to normal...except for the obvious bullet wound in his side...he just calls in a transport...then a black portal appears...now entering...he is met with 
Ochako: "what happened now?" 
Izuku: "another run in...don't worry about it" 
Ochako: "*gasp* your shirt" seeing blood on it 
Izuku: "that's what i'm pissed about" 
Ochako: "do you need medical attention?" 
Izuku: "nah...it's going to heal" as he held his hand over the bullet wound...now the bullet pops out...which hurts..but he shows no sign of pain...taking his shirt off 
Ochako: "oh um" blushing a little 
Izuku: "heh...it's fine..just need to get my extra shirt here..." opening a drawer to pull out another white shirt similar to the one he's wearing..and switching out his shoes...now all set again 
Izuku: "sorry you had to see that Ochako" 
Ochako: "it's okay...oh i have to tell you what happened today" 
Izuku: "I'm sure it can wait..i have some ordeals to be settling right now" 
Ochako: "oh...okay then" 
Izuku: "well..i'll see ya later then" 
Ochako: "um...bye?" 
Shigaraki then barges in: "hey...don't forget the meeting tomorrow" 
Izuku: "i got your message...don't worry" 
Shigaraki: "good" and he walks through 
Ochako: "he's really busy" 
Shigaraki: "that's how it is living a double life..." 

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