Under his wing

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Izuku wakes up early...he jumps out of bed to get ready...taking a shower...of course he felt his muscles telling him to stay in bed...that he is sore...he needs to recover...but he will get nowhere if he does nothing...he will teach them to endure the pain...afterall he is used to it...he gets out a book that teaches him on how to make certain drinks...certain martinis, margaritas....certain drinks that will show him to blend in with the crowd...while in the background he will make sure he will get the training he needs to ensure his skills don't dull...
Izuku: "the entrance exam for U.A is 6 months away...wonder if i'll be done by then" soon he looks at his phone again...and he got a message...
'your package is located in your spot' and he smirks...now getting his outfit ready...he walks down stairs and sees his mother there drinking coffee 
Inko: "oh Izuku...your up early" 
Izuku: "i'm going out 
Inko: "this early?...Izuku the suns not up yet" 
Izuku: "want to get a certain item from the shop...i want to ensure i have some form of education...i'll be back quickly" and she nods 
Inko: "okay...but please please...be careful" 
Izuku: "i will" and he exits now...
Inko: "*sigh*" and she soon texts Toshinori...who is in his All Might form patrolling the area he got the message and now..he makes sure his routine has him in his sights...seeing him walking along town he sees him just looking at him phone...where is he going?...soon he enters the hardware store...is he going to build something?...no he soon stops on top of a roof...and observes closely...only to see him shake hands with the store owner and he exits...and now he heads for the book store...and he enters now...of course these parlors are known for illegal activities based on how early they open...Toshinori is in disbelief that his son is out here making deals...soon he exits holding a plastic bag and tells the clerk thank you...he then heads back towards the house now...now it was his mothers turn so he sent the message to her but as Izuku was walking back he stops in front of the bus station...where someone who he can't see comes up to him...and they sit next to him...he now listens in 
Izuku: "so hows business" 
"the usual...busy...but i know that you are just a novice and i do apologize for calling you here so early...but i must see who i am dealing with before i hire them" 
Izuku: "no problems...i need to wake up anyway" 
"I heard about your little debut and how other jobs aren't taking you in because of that...but know that my work has no tolerance for such behaviors...i will assure you that you will be treated equally...and this will help you in your career" 
Izuku: "thank you very much...and i know you didn't have take time out of your day to meet up with me..." 
"nonsense i'm the one who called you here...and for the job...i will have you in an apprenticeship with me...i will teach you everything you need to know about the business and how to satisfy the costumers that will come in...i reckoned your answer to be yes?" 
Izuku: "absolutely i will give only my best efforts like my life depends on it..." 
"now that's what i needed to hear...you will start training on friday...will that work for you?" 
Izuku: "yes it will" 
"good i look forward in seeing you shine...once you come please talk to the waiter he will take you to the back to my office...have a good day Izuku Midoriya" and he shakes his hand and leaves...
AM: "so he was getting an interview" soon Izuku gets up to leave and he then stops...to turn to look right at him...shaking his head..now he jumps down to his level 
Izuku: "why are you here All Might...didn't you have enough ridiculing me"
AM: "my boy...please...i want to apologize for what i said to you" 
Izuku: "nothing will ever make up for what you did....it's bad enough i deal with the same shit at home" what?
AM: "pray tell...what do you mean by that?!" 
Izuku: "something you don't have a fucking right to know" 
AM: "please my s...my boy please let me make it up to you" 
Izuku: "if it's about being a hero or some other shit too bad...i have a new career and i'm sure it's going to be out of your way you false god...now excuse me i have to go workout" and he leaves from there...
AM: "nothing will ever fix what's been broken" seeing him walk away now...

Izumi wakes up still tired because she still couldn't stop thinking about that nightmare she had...what was those words that whispered in her ear...it still frightens her...she gets ready for the day...since her last day of her school break she decided to hang out with the others...well mainly Katsumi and Shoka...the other duo stayed saying they're training for the exams and want no distractions...well Shoto didn't had a choice...recommendations or not...his father is training him...she still looks on her phone to see it now...
Izumi: "Captain celebrity...famed hero...died in his sleep...what?!" 
seeing this she was in disbelief...he seemed to be very healthy...as it's mandatory to be in shape at all times for hero work...just how...soon she looks over to Izukus room and opens it to see him missing...he was out somewhere...again...he's been away from home for so long she's never gotten a chance to tell him how sorry she was for everything....she wants to make it up to him...but that was about to change for the worse as she sees more packages ready to be mailed off...but what caught her eye...was the pinned picture of allmight...with a black X covering the whole thing...this told her that he hates him now...the number one heros fan...hates him...and to be honest she doesn't even blame him especially for what he did...but soon 
Izuku: "what are you doing here" she jumps and squeaks seeing him right behind her...how did he?..
Izumi: "i uh..i was um" 
Izuku: "get out" and she obeyed 
Izumi: "wait i need to tell you-" but in vain the door was slammed shut in front of her again no word has to be said on what the situation is 
Izumi: "something" she just sighs and leaves again 

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