What if: 'A faded memory'

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as the snow falls lightly all over the city...the cold breeze that goes on through...the lights of many different colors decorated in festive colors...for what?...of course...christmas...
Nejire: "here we are!" 
Eri: "wow" seeing all the festivities going on in downtown Tokyo...Might tower is also decorated...about a year after the defeat of both All For one and the Bogeyman...things have been slowly returning to 'Normal'...as Nejire carrys Eri around in the festival...seeing all types of vendors...
Mirio: "YO!!" 
Yuyu: "HEY!!" Yelling out to them throughout the crowd noises..as they finally get together 
Eri: "Uncle!...Aunty!" as she jumps up to them Mirio of course caught her 
Mirio: "Merry christmas Eri" 
Eri: "hehe" Yuyu now grabs her she hugs her tightly 
Yuyu: "oh your just so cute!" seeing her wearing a santa hat and red clothes...with even a small brown sack with her...as she hands her
Eri: "here...they said that to show kindness is an egg!" handing her a decorated colored egg...as Nejire giggles 
Yuyu: "technically..but you got the spirit!" 
Mirio: "where's tamaki?" 
Nejire: "he's going to be here soon..." 
Mirio: "so how's everything going Nej?" 
Nejire: "oh it's the usual..." not wanting to delve deep into the topic...she knows if she did quit being a hero...she won't be able to provide for eri...which has been hard for her...Ochako does help her...even after all of the whole 'bogeymans apprentice' image they tried to put up for her...she managed to retain her innocence in some form...although she never told them about the incident in the tunnels she had proven herself to be given those privileges...either way...this is one of the many times she has had the chance on spending time with her daughter...even though she doesn't say it...Eri doesn't mind her mom being gone...she understands...
Mirio: "well look at that" as they approach the center...Eri gazes on the largest christmas tree she has ever seen...it's taller than the buildings...even the star looks huge!...she's sure no house could fit it...but that's of course...not the issue here...seeing them have a great time...celebrating and being happy...is what one would want......even him...the one who's decayed heart wished to have 
Izuku: "I will never forget you...Your death..is what makes this all the more worth it hehe" as he brings his hammer down...to kill Izumi...he stops...turning around 
Eri: "papa?" seeing his daughter there...Nejire...his friends...staring him down 
Nejire: "..." 
Mirio: "damn it" seeing Izumis Mutilated corpse...as Eri looked away 
Izuku: "Don't look Eri...don't look...Don't let this be the last thing you see of me" of course he then coughs up more black sludge...and he gets on his knees...he drops the hammer...
Izuku: "I have fulfilled my purpose....You hear that heroes?...I...I am done...You can kill me if you wish" blinded by the overwhelming sickness...he started to see things...as the police and the rest of the heroes come in...to take him away...eri couldn't say anything...as she sees her papa...be taken from her once more...perhaps for good...
Nejire: "Izuku" she could only mutter his name...even his friends didn't even make one step forward...to try and protest that he is done...he is close to death..but they won't give him the privilege...and be locked up forever
Flashback ends 

Eri frowns...knowing this...she knows her papa is still alive out there somewhere...wherever they took him...she wishes....she wishes he is safe...even if her mama doesn't show it...she also wishes the same thing 

as doors have opened...the bulkheads now clicking....as two guards are there 
"Warden" seeing the warden of the new Tartarus...come in...
Warden: "you both...go home....spend time with your families...you are dismissed" 
"but...sir what about?" 
Warden: "it's going to be fine...nothing will happen" reassuring the guards...they reluctantly comply 
"Merry christmas sir" 
Warden: "mm" as the two guards leave...he presses another button...to open up a more secure door...and in it...is a long chamber...where...bounded  in chains...
Izuku: "..." he could only breath...as his arms were stretched out to his sides...where a rod is inserted in his wrist...his feet also have a rod going through both of them...to keep him in place...even if he tried to escape...they had a contraption inserted through his back...as a claw like clamp wrapped around his ribcage and spine...if he were to break free...it would kill him...as his neck was hanging to the side...he only looked down..into the void...the long drop that is below him...a metal plate burned into his mouth and jaw to prevent him from ever using his quirk...forever keeps him from talking...of course...this is the only way to keep him bound...as the quirk suppressant cuffs on his wrist and even a device that looked like a 'crown' lays on his head...his scars exposed for all of them to see...through the year...he's been in this position...the warden decided...to take some pity on the kid 
Warden: "I see you never moved at all...but...even if you shouldn't deserve any type of kindness...I'm willing...to show you these..." holding up pictures...as he lays them out on the surface of the railing...Izuku doesn't dare look...
Warden: "Your kid is happy...she is also happy...but they don't know where you are...nor will they ever know...an evil like you...cannot escape this place...merry christmas" as he turns around he closes the door once more...leaving him in this place...Izuku then...turns his head...for the first time in a year...to look over at the picture...seeing both Eri and Nejire happy...enjoying the festivities...he looks to the next...seeing his friends...taking eri to Santa...
Nejire: "Merry christmas!" as she jumps in joy on him 
Izuku: "Ah hey!" as he topples over onto his sofa...he laughs as Nejire hugs him tightly 
Nejire: "Why don't you open it him?" as she had a flat box...he slowly rips it open to see 
Izuku: "an ugly sweater?" 
Nejire: "hey!...it has Miruko on there...and us!" 
Izuku: "hehe" as he puts it on...fits like a glove chuckling at this...
Nejire: "well!?" 
Izuku: "I love it" smiling sweetly at her...and now 
Nejire: "psst" 
Izuku: "hmm?" 
Nejire: "what's that up there?" looking up to see a mistletoe there..
Izuku: "heh" 
Nejire: "well..come here" 
Flashback ends 

Izuku: "..." hearing nothing...as the photo in front of him...had a drop hit it...a tear...as Izuku wil never be the same...nor will he ever see the light...again

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