leering dread

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36 hours until LOV ambush

Izuku and Nejire walked around looking through stores and such...
Izuku: "wow...you know besides the mall...this place has some nice stores" 
Nejire holding a cup of coffee: "i know...it's great" taking another sip...
Izuku: "I wonder if anything good is showing at the theater" 
Nejire: "you want to check it out?" 
Izuku: "why not" and they head that way...keeping her close...as onlookers just stare...they didn't care...but Nejire did noticed something 
Nejire: "why are you still wearing your sweater?" 
Izuku: "I'm used to it" 
Nejire: "I know that look...come on...tell me" 
Izuku: "that's all there is honestly...except for the presence of quirk cells in my body" 
Nejire gasped: "is your quirk developing?" 
Izuku: "I don't know honestly...recovery didn't really explain it...only that quirk cells are present in my body...but aren't 'active'...to put it short yes, but actually no" 
Nejire: "hmm..i wonder if it has to do with you wearing this sweater in the heat" 
Izuku: "really?" deadpanning 
Nejire: "of course..your dad was Firedrake right?...it could be related to him" 
Izuku: "forgot i told you that...your right..it could be...useless...but correct" 
Nejire: "it's not useless...any quirk isn't useless..it's how you use it right?...you told me that" 
Izuku: "do you just archive everything i tell you?" 
Nejire: "maybe...probably why i'm everywhere...or maybe i do write it?...did i?...i probably would've remembered" 
Izuku: "I rather not dwell on it, besides it's a possibility...either way..i'm still going to wear long sleeves..." 
Nejire: "is it because of your...you know" meaning his scars 
Izuku: "yeah...that" 
Nejire: "whatever makes you happy zuzu" 
Izuku smiles...then he receives another message which of course caused that smile to fade

'remember your purpose'

Izuku then looks at Nejire who was humming happily...but he ignores the message and they continue on with their day...just them alone...together
Nejire: "well here we are!" seeing the theater...
Izuku: "well i'm sure there's something...i prefer this one over the one downtown" 
Nejire: "much more selection...oh oh what about this one!" pointing...
Izuku: "the Fellow what?..." 
Nejire: "it's the Fellowship of the ring!" 
Izuku: "you like this type of genre?" 
Nejire: "well it's fantasy...plus i'm sure my mind can keep up with the plot...plus i heard it's a timeless classic" 
Izuku: "...Mirio" 
Nejire: "Mirio" 
Izuku: "ah" now getting it...she got this info from mirio...he's never heard of it...so it must be good
Izuku: "alright...lets try it" 
Nejire: "cool!" now going up to get their tickets...Nejire went and got the essentials 
Izuku: "I got it" 
Nejire: "you can never go wrong with Popcorn...like how it sounds...pop..pop...pop" 
Izuku: "hehe...yeah.." now sitting down..there are...a good amount of people in the theater with them...
Izuku: "hmm...must be good if this many people came" 
Nejire: "right?...i think it's the extended version" 
Izuku: "extended?...how long is it going to be?" 
Nejire: "don't know....but lets just enjoy it" 
Izuku: "alright" now reluctant to watch it...he'll keep an open mind about this...hopefully he doesn't go crazy from this 

Spinner: "so he's been training you" 
Ochako: "yes" 
Spinner: "and how is he as a teacher" 
Ochako: "i'm still alive" then Dabi walks by
Dabi: "because he had to save her ass a couple of times" 
Ochako: "screw off dabi...but overall he's been great...and when he's not here Kurogiri also helps out" 
Spinner: "hmm...interesting...wait you said you trained with chakrams..but i see you mainly use a Kursarigama...what happened?" 
Ochako: "well um...you see" 
Kurogiri: "she kept cutting her fingers on the blade...so i told her to choose that instead" 
Ochako: "is everyone going to interrupt me?" 
Spinner: "guess so...but your quirk...it could be very useful with the chakrams...you could even just use one...keep it at your side...in case you need a projectile" 
Ochako: "i mean i already had the practice put in for it...i just never had the chance to use them in actual combat...the Kusarigamas are like the bogeymans hammer...very efficient...and brutal" 
Spinner: "hmm..seems you adopted that merciless attitude from him" 
Ochako: "I just to kill the person who wronged me...how about you...what's the deal with you and him?" 
Spinner: "we did contracts together...i'm sure you heard of Captain celebrities death" 
Ochako: "that was you?" 
Spinner: "he organized the contracts i do the dirty work...and we both get paid at the end of the day...but now it's different" 
Ochako: "well lets hope this will go well" 
Spinner: "don't say that..it's basically a jinx" 
Ochako: "right" 
Dabi: "ugh could we listen to anything other than this ancient shit!?" meaning the classical music 
Kurogiri still shining a mug: "why would i waste energy when i'm busy maintaining the mess you lot make everyday?...this is the only joy i get and will not let you ruin it"  
Ochako: "are we really that messy?" 
Kurogiri: "i cannot confirm nor deny this" 
Dabi: "you just told us!" 
Twice: "i'm messy/THE FUCK YOU SAID TO ME!!?" 
Mustard: "i don't mind" 
Kurogiri: "finally...someone who understands...you and Izuku are the only members that tolerate it" 
Dabi: "whatever..i'm going out" 
Kurogiri: "Shigarakis orders...no one is allowed outside" 
Dabi: "then why the fuck is your fucking monster allowed!?" 
Kurogiri: "Because he already established a rather fragile lifestyle from the beginning...and you don't know how to hide your identity" 
Toga: "aww" 
Dabi: "Bastard" 
Ochako: "it's going to be a long day" now bored 
Spinner: "think of it...as the most intense mug cleaning you've ever seen" 
Ochako: "now i can't unsee it" 

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