Alt End: 'Psychotic Nature'

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Izuku: "HYRAH!!" as he finally  dropped the he cries out...looking at the two...again he groaned and vomit out the black sludge again...mixed with blood and basically his innards becoming liquid as he stumbles 
Eri: "PAPA!!" as she runs up to him...he held out his hand 
Izuku: "Don't...don't step in it Eri..." as she looks at the liquid...seeing it catch fire and sizzle...
Nejire; "'s alright...we're here...come on..." as he slowly stumbles slowly towards them...seeing him getting closer...Mirio and the others noticed something in the background...Izumi was using her quirk to lift Izukus she tried to aim it directly at his heart...
Mirio: "oh shit" but to their surprise as Izuku now grabbed Nejires hand and holding Eri close 
Tamaki: "IZUKU BEHIND YOU!!!" which snapped him out of his state and he turns to see Izumi fling the hammer a highspeed seeing the hammer would not only hit him in the would kill both Eri and nejire...with the last bit of Humanity he has left in him...he grew two arms to push them he jumps in the way to insure they won't be harmed...but of hits him...but not at his it went through his abdomen...he growls out as he takes the hammer out...and the wound barely heals Izuku now charges full on and he slams the hammer on Izumi...caving in her skull...which of course killed her...but that wasn't end...
Izuku; "HAH HAH HAH!!" as he continued to keep on slamming the hammer...and continues on...while the others watch him let out everything he held in and he soon breathes out fire...leaving nothing but Izuku stumbles back with that burst of energy...he then in a last effort...breathes out fire into the sky...screaming out...all of his he then...stops...while the others watched....he turns towards them...looking into his eyes...they see tints of green in it...and he smiles 
Izuku: "...Eri....Nej..." and he collapsed now as Nejire rushes over to hold him close...and the others as well...
Eri: "papa" 
Nejire: "god...come on...stay with me Izuku...just stay with me" as the pro heroes now approach and they see the scene in front of them...and the street lights...for some reason...flickered...and soon...shine   

One week later 

Nejire and the others now enter newly reformed they wait for the warden...they look on over to the T.V playinhg 
TV: "the Shocking news off the recent scandal involving the former symbol of peace All MIght...and his daughter Izumi Yagi...have linked them to several cases of Abuse and neglect towards the unnamed son they never mentioned they had...Toshinori and Inko Yagi have been charged with neglect and abuse upon their firstborn son...who we now Izuku MIdoriya...aka the son of Firedrake...this also revealed that their daughter and some friends had been using their quirks on him...for however long....which caused massive trauma to the boy and he never had any type of care...of course the child was he was ignored for the social status it never ended for him...finally until it did...the child all grown up is now in a medical bay in Tartarus...yes it may seem cruel to send him to a maximum security prison, but he is getting the best medical attention and will on the road to recovery" turning it off...the warden now came out 
"*sigh*...can't believe this shit all happened...all because of bad parenting...not that i blame him" 
Nejire; "Is he alright?" the warden shook his head slowly 
"with the amount of quirks in his body...we tried to use some of the medicine left over from the Yakuza event...of course the treatment from here on is nothing but experimental...right now we have no idea on what will happen then...he still is in the same condition he was when you found him...but i hope you continue to visit him...seems seeing you both keeps him in a cooperating mood...come on" as he leads them in Eri in her new jacket tugged at Nejires shirt 
Nejire; "hmm?" 
Eri: "Is papa going to feel better?" 
Nejire: "he just needs time Eri...i hope this will help him" as they now enter...they were met with Mirio and the others 
Mirio: "hey guys" 
Yuyu: "yo" 
Tamaki waves 
Nejire; "'s he doing?" 
Mirio: "well..for the time being he seems to understand what we're giving him...he does have short outburst here and there..." 
Yuyu: "frankly to me he has more control of his urges..." 
Tamaki: "it hurts seeing him like this" as they look at the cell window...they see him there...the scales slowly fading...but his chains wrapped all over the room...
Izuku: "imustbefreefreefromthisnightmareiamlivinginallthatislostwillknowmywraithiwillkillthemallimustallforoneisstillfreeineedtoendhimendhimfortakingmyfatherawayfrommetakingmyonlyfamilyawayfrommethatmattersIzumigonehehehehshesnowdeadthelivingwhore" as he kept on rambling 
Eri: "can we go in?" 
Mirio: " long as we're supervising...sure" as he waves to the guards on the second floor overlooking they press a button and a door slowly opens 
Nejire: "Eri...remember if anything's not him...okay?" and she they all enter now...seeing Izuku stand up growling...he stops...
Mirio: "hey bro" 
Izuku: "Mirio...wh...what are you..." and he sees the others...and then...Eri
Izuku: "eri.." as the chains now fall apart..he kneels down...and looks at her...
eri: "papa..." and she slowly walks up to she holds her arm out...he cries and clings on to her...
Izuku: "I miss you" 
Eri: "*sniff...I miss you too!" crying out as well
Mirio then looks at his phone and shows it to the others 

'Inko Yagi now facing charges that her husband and daughter have committed' 

Tamaki: "oof" 
Nejire; "so how are you feeling?" as Izuku looks around...and he then looks at the others...he just frowns 
Izuku: "like i just been imprisoned once more" 
Nejire: "zuzu you know they aren't here to harm you" 
Izuku: "I am the bogeyman..i killed many before me...bathed in their blood...there is no room for envy" 
Eri: "papa?...why do you talk like that?" of course he forgets she is there
Izuku: "'s my mind Snowball...papa has a bad mindset right now" but to his surprise...she goes up and kisses his head...
Eri: " should be better right?...Mama said kissing a boo boo always helps?" and he couldn't help but chuckle from this 
Izuku: "thank you" ruffling her hair...but he was careful for the scales on his hand could hurt her...
Mirio: "is there anything you need us to get man?..." 
Tamaki: "oh by the way...i stopped by the pick this up for you three" holding out a plastic container...that had Macaroons in them...each different types of colors in them 
Izuku: "how did you?" 
Yuyu: "I may or may not bribe the warden with some pastries, also the guards" looking up to see them shying away hiding the tarts they were holding 
Izuku: "thank you Tamaki" as he holds the macaroon in his hand 
Eri: "papa look!...this one is green like your hair" 
Izuku: "yes...and look...this is your pretty red eyes Eri" as they were both excited Nejire then smirks 
Nejire; "What about me" 
Izuku: "huh?...oh right" as he bites half of it off...he feeds it to her causing her to giggle 
Eri: "huh?" 
Nejire: "hehe it's alright Eri" 
Tamaki: "gross" 
Mirio: "well...we should be heading two alright with him?" 
Nejire: "yeah...we will be" 
Yuyu: "take care man" holding out her fist he bumps it along with Mirio and he waves to leaving the cell...he just let this moment bath him in comfort...he doesn't have much time left...but...he knows..these last moments..are what he needs...and the revelations of what those fuckers did to the best form....of revenge

Thank you to both Deathmaul19 and Mrpickleman05 for the idea!

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