Welcome to the forest

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as the sudden stop of the bus wasn't a big sign for those who should've sit down as they fly forward
Aizawa: "we're here...you know what to do..leave your things on the bus" as he exits...Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero all lay in a pile from the sudden stop of the bus 
Mina: "ow" 
Sero: "get off man" 
Izumi: "well looks like we're here" 
Jirou: "he just said it...now we're stuck because they thought it was a good idea to be standing up while it was moving" 
Mina: "don't blame us for wanting to stand up!" 
Kirishima: "come on guys..lets just get out" 
and now one by one they all exit the bus 
Aizawa: "see what happens when you stand?" and they nodded...
"Oh let the kids be Eraserhead" they look to the left and a lot of them started to freak 
Mina: "*gasp!* no way!" 
Jirou: "woah" 
Momo: "it's the Wild wild Pussycats!" seeing them doing their signature dance then pose 
Mandalay: "hey there" 
Mineta: "ahh...so...great" 
Mina: could i get your autograph!" 
Izumi: "oh that would be awesome!" now losing the topic for a moment 
Aizawa: "enough" 
Mandalay: "now now..i know all of you are excited to see us..which in turn makes us happy to see so many students look up to us...so after todays lesson..we can give out autographs..is that good?" and they nodded..
Pixie-bob: "now...since it's still early in the morning..the area that you will be staying at..will be..over there" pointing to the small mountain 
Momo: oh" 
Katsumi: "fuck" 
Ragdoll: "you all have to make it there within a 3 hour time limit...using your quirks obviously" 
Jirou: "your kidding" 
Aizawa: "and if you don't...then you can say goodbye to your lunch for today" 
Mina: "NO!" 
Momo: "Ashido" 
Izumi: "well this is going to go bad" 
Mandalay: "if it makes you feel any better the class after you will be facing the same thing" 
Pixie-bob: "except it's going to be later in the day so they will be saying goodbye to dinner" 
Ragdoll: "is that all your questions?" 
Momo: "um what do we do if we get lost?" 
Mandalay: "don't worry about it...there are maps here to help guide you on your little hike...and if you get off track...we'll seek you out to help should it be needed" 
Mandalay: "now that's done with..good luck!" and Pixie-bob touches the ground..only for it to shake...creating a landslide...hearing the screams of the students as they are flinged across the forest..in random groups of course 
Pixe-bob: "Oh youth...how i wish to be their age again" 
Mandalay: "so Eraser...how much will you bet this time on the time" 
Aizawa: "hmm..seeing how much trouble they are at times...and tend to get themselves into a mess...i'd say eight hours" 
Ragdoll: "don't have much faith in them don't you" 
Aizawa: "i know them enough to give an accurate estimation" 
Mandalay: "well besides that...any news on the Bogeyman?" 
Aizawa: "only a couple of suspects...but they turn out to be innocent...although it's believed that he is in fact around the same age as a third year" 
Ragdoll: "what?!" 
Mandalay: "that would be basically a child doing all of this...how could someone so young..be so vile and evil?" 
Aizawa: "if i remember the wise words of a man...Evil is not born, it is taught." 
Ragdoll: "shouldn't it be created?" 
Aizawa: "since he's with the league i'm guessing that would be the case...with their creature called the NOMU...is a essentially a monster created from one person by injecting multiple quirks into them" 
Mandalay: "horrible" 
Pixie-bob: "is it possible he could be one as well?" 
Aizawa: "can't say...the NOMU Variants we managed to capture are still be studied...so far all of them came from one person who had a quirk...none of them were quirkless" 
Tiger: "that would mean the bogeyman was once a quirkless maybe?" 
Aizawa: "again...we can't confirm it...but there is a boy in particular that was interesting..." 
Mandalay: "what's his name?" 
Aizawa: "Izuku Midoriya" 
Ragdoll: "MIdoriya..Hisashis son" 
Pixie-bob: "wasn't he diagnosed as a quirkless?...i remember hearing about that from the agency" 
Aizawa: "well here's something interesting to note" 
Aizawa: "and your positive this is the case?" as both him and Nezu sit in the office with Recovery girl 
RG: "yes i'm certain...the boy...even though diagnosed as quirkless..has quirk cells" 
Nezu; "i looked over his records from his past examination...it is said he had none...of course using the outdated extra joint in the toe test...the blood at the time didn't have any cells present...i wonder if overtime he was indeed a late bloomer" 
RG: "it still wouldn't make sense...as the cells in his body..even if i tried to use the device to make the cells react...they were unstable which could be harmful to the body" 
Aizawa: "has he displayed any sort of abnormalities?" 
RG: "Only the immense strength he seems to possess...but when i asked him to demonstrate...it still didn't activate" 
Nezu: "this is indeed a very unique case...we'll need to study more about it..." 
RG: "i told him that should he feel any discomfort or even managed to activate it..he needs to come back here" 
Nezu: "okay...i think that's all we needed to hear...your set to go" 
RG nods and she exits" 
Flashback ends 

Mandalay: "that is weird...this strength...if it's not a quirk how did he acquire it...i'm sure even a normal person wouldn't do that without a quirk" 
Aizawa: "Nezu thinks it could be related to the genetics that came from his fathers side of the family...that or something along the lines of evolution...i'm to tired to go through the whole thing" 
Mandalay: "well whatever it is...we hope to find out who this person is" 

Izuku: "well then...first day should always be shitty" now starting at his new profound job at the hero agency...right now he's been sent to Mirukos...which is fine...but of course..there is no standards here...
Izuku: "so...this is your bar...not much things in stock" 
Miruko: "we rather invest our budget on things that would benefit the heroes and the sidekicks...no reason to be drinking on the job" 
Izuku: "yes...but the presentation here is horrible...if i were a visiting business man that is trying to make deals here..i would at least require a nice drink to sooth the nerves...it doesn't have to be some viking tavern where you would be given a mug of ale and then be done with it...these are house specials...brews that you will not find anywhere in the city..." 
Miruko: "hah...and you would think i would allow for supplies to be sent in?" 
Izuku: "everything has an expiration date...tell me...has anyone ever drink from this place?" gliding his hand across the counter seeing the small amount of dust on it" 
Miruko: "like i said..no one would drink on the job...especially my people...look your here to be the front presentation of this place... don't give a damn on what you do...just don't be interfering with our work...got it?!" 
Izuku: "*sigh*...your the boss...but could i make possible...'decorations' to the place at least?" 
Miruko: "be my guess...i don't give a shit" now taking her leave...he already has something in mind 
Izuku: "hope a few pointers won't harm the place..." now taking a picture as he sends it to another phone line...which of course is his boss...asking for what he should do to make the place look good" 
"what a disappointing sight...my boy...you do what you do best...make them feel welcomed...make the brew you made for me once...let them see why everything needs to be in perfect condition...show them that you mean business" now smirking he gets to work
Izuku looks behind the counter...and looks over the other brands of alcohol listed there...from the tequila, Liquor, Wine for some reason, Vodka, and Draft beer that is provided...only problem...
Izuku: "most of the bottles are open" seeing the seals broken and some even half empty...he shines a light under the bottle to find
Izuku: "bugs...i wouldn't even serve a rat this shit" as he now pours it down the liquid disposal bin...looking around more..he sees that the draft beer machine isn't even working...
Izuku: "Olives riddled with mold on them...everything in this place looks new...then you have this shit corner away from everything else...see how much replacements will cost" now looking over the phone he noticed something moved in the corner of his eye
Izuku: 'the fuck?' as he kneels down to pry a piece of the floor tile off he sees a roach crawling away of course he grabs it..then puts it into an empty glass jar
Izuku: "promotion my ass...this is a fucking catastrophe" 

Izumi: "ow....unh" trying to sit up...that sudden landslide wasn't really soft landing for them...
Jirou: "ow...shit..that hurts" 
Izumi: "oh...Jirou...you hurt anywhere else?" 
Jirou: "can still stand...but damn..talk about a first lesson...so...what now?" 
Izumi: "well..you have a map and compass right?" 
Jirou: "everyone should have one" 
Izumi: "well i lost mine on the way down" 
Jirou: "hold on" trying to dig through her pockets..to empty out more dirt....
Izumi: "should we worry about the others?" 
Jirou: "they're big kids..they can take care of themselves...plus i'm sure they wouldn't dump us out here in the middle of the woods without tracking where we are" 
Izumi: "i guess so...hold on" as she jumps up the tree to see the mountain in the distance...where the sun is behind them 
Izumi: "okay...i know what to do...we head this way...shouldn't be too hard right?" 
Jirou: "saying shit like that means you just jinxed it" 
Izumi: "Oh...whoops" now continuing on through the forest...they take a slower pace since none of them have a map...
Jirou: "say i have to ask you something." 
Izumi: "hmm?" 
Jirou: "why was mo pissed off at you guys?" 
Izumi: "it wasn't anything important" 
Jirou: "i mean if it manages to make her pissed which is honestly rare sometimes..then you guys did something" 
Izumi: "it's mostly about my brother..." 
Jirou: "ah" 
Izumi: "it's...a complex situation" 
Jirou: "hmm...since we have time...explain it to me" 
Izumi: "look i don't feel comfortable to-" 
Jirou: "I overheard some things you said...and she is right..there are things that shouldn't be said in a close proximity...especially with me around" 
Izumi: "so you heard as well" 
Jirou: "only parts of it...i only heard that you were talking some smack about your brother...being what..a jerk?" 
Izumi: "it's complicated" 
Jirou: "why are you avoiding my question?" 
Izumi: "I just told you why?" 
Jirou: "Izumi..there are a lot of things in this world you can't  bullshit your way out of the situation...now tell me" 
Izumi: "I...he..." 
Jirou: "you either do it...or i will inform Nejire..and i'm pretty sure she'll be pretty pissed about the things your saying about her dear boyfriend" 
Izumi: "you wouldn't" 
Jirou: "try me" 

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