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Three days before Hosu city Assault  

Aizawa: "alright sit down" entering and he sees the students sit down in about 
Aizawa: "Hmm...6 seconds...improvement...but it could be faster you are all there's no lesson for now...again i  know you heard the news recently about Ingenium" and all of them nodded.
Aizawa: "and due to a family Energency your class President is not the leadership is passed down to the vice president...Momo have some files here..only a limited amount of you have received one...inside them...they are the list of heroes who want to intern you" seeing one of them almost looks like a book and he hands it to Izumi 
Izumi: "woah" then hands one flyer to Bakugo 
Bakugo: "what the fuck is this bullshit!?" 
Aizawa: "not my problem" and he just takes it and heads back to his desk 
Katsumi: "well this is okay i guess" 
Shoka: "wow...i'm glad some of them actually liked my progress" looking through them...while Momo had some...but she's a bit reluctant to choose...and she was a bit afraid on her image with the they want her because it'll be easy to just slack around...have her as bait?...or to make fun of her? 
Jirou: "Mo" and she flinched a little 
Momo: "hmm?" 
Jirou: "so...figured one out yet?" seeing the papers she has 
Momo: "Um...not really..but i'm sure i can pick one out before class want to see?" 
Jirou: "sure" and she looks through them
Izumi: "yeah...i got the papers...but you already know who i'm choosing..why are you asking me out of the blue now?" Momo kinda leans over to see who Izumis talking to..but she could barely see their figure...she knows it's a skinny person...maybe another teacher at the school? 
Kaminari: "oh boy...what do you think man?" 
Mineta: "i already have my pick" holding up one to him 
Kaminari: "Mt Lady?...awesome bro" 
Mineta: "I was out of sheer luck i got her." 
Kirishima: " YEAH!!!" 
Jirou: "oi!" 
Kirishima: "sorry..just got an awesome one here" embarrassed but he immediately apologized to Momo
Momo: "it's were's reasonable" 

Izumi: "so your saying he's a bit reluctant...god" 
Yagi: "seems he found out about Izukus dislike towards i guess he's on his side" 
Izumi: "of course..any  reason why...he's not related to him" 
Yagi: "he knew his father" 
Izumi: "oh...that...i don't want to recount that thought again" remembering what happened at their so called family dinner which resulted in Izuku storming out and her parents going into another argument...she really felt out of place...
Yagi: "right...but anyways...just head to his place soon...i'm counting on him to hold his have everything ready up?" 
Izumi: "yeah..i think i'm good" 
Yagi: "you make me proud Izumi...if only...*sigh* just have a good day...going out with your friends again?" 
Izumi: "well we're hoping to be over for dinner" 
Yagi: "that's fine...just don't be late again please" 
Izumi: "alright...see ya dad" and she waves and in the corner of her eye she sees Nezu talking with Aizawa
Izumi: "hmm?" and of course with her nosy nature she sorta drops in on the conversation 
Aizawa: "how's his condition?" 
Nezu: "i'm afraid it's career ending but overall he seems to be alive...despite he'll be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life" 
Aizawa: "yeah and Tenya didn't come in today...just with him saying it's a family Emergency" 
Nezu: "I wonder how he managed to get there so quickly...and who is this mystery partner he has now" 
Izumi: "mystery partner?" 
Aizawa; "seems her quirk is making things float..or using Kinesis...don't know the full nature" 
Nezu: "and the hero killer was there as well?" 
Izumi: 'are they talking about the hero Killer with...the bogeyman!?' are they in an alliance or something?!
Aizawa: "so when i saw Ingeniums injuries...i knew that he wouldn't come in" 
Nezu: "well tell young Tenya my best wishes for him and his family" 
Aizawa: "have to keep an eye on him as well..he might do something you Izumi" and now she she now comes out of her hiding spot 
Izumi: "h-h-h-how?" 
Aizawa: "your smell...your damn perfume hurts my eyes" 
Nezu: "how much did you hear" 
Izumi: "a...all of it?...Isweariwasn'ttryingtodoanythingoddoroutofplaceijustheardaboutsomethingwithIngeniumbeinginjuredand thebogeymanbeinganallianceandlidagoingtodosomethingstupid" 
Aizawa: "i'll assume all of since you have listened in on a conversation" now guiding her back into Nezus office 
Nezu: "I'm afraid that if this gets out into the public about young tenya...please Miss Izumi it will make things a lot more complex than it already is...for both him and the school" 
Izumi: "is he...related to him?" 
Aizawa: "Ingenium is lidas older brother" and she gasped 
Izumi: "where's lida?" 
Nezu: "currently at the Hospital right now seeing his brother likely...but now that you have found out about this...i now have to ask you to also keep an eye on him..since you are fairly acquainted with him if i'm correct?" 
Aizawa: "from what i heard she kissed him during a training course" 
Izumi: 'DAMN IT DAD!!!' 
Nezu: "oh so i don't have to worry about you stalking him in some can just be there normally" 
Izumi: "it wasn't like that sir it's just" flustered now 
Nezu chuckles: "no worries...though i will say it must've been effective to win you the match...just know why we asked you to watch him...he may have an urge to face either the Bogeyman or Hero killer." 
Izumi: "okay...i won't let him out of my sight" 
Nezu: "i know you won't...i'm sure you'll get jealous" 
Aizawa: "now get back to class" 
Izumi still blushing trying to register Nezus statement...and she's not like right? whatever she heads back into the classroom 
Mina; "hey you were gone for a while...whats up?" 
Izumi: "nothing new really" 
Mina: "hmm~...then why is your face red?" smirking 
Izumi: "'m just worried for lida that's it" trying to keep calm and carry on with her day 
Mina: "oooh~" 
Jirou: "Ashido enough already" 
Mina: "Alright, but you owe me some juicy details later...kay?" 
Izumi: "alright" and she heads back to her seat 

Izuku: "..."
Mirio: "so...what do you want to do?" seeing the usual four are here 
Nejire: "hmm..i wonder...not much downtown...what's there to eat?" 
Tamaki: "heard there's a good ramen place not far from here" 
Mirio: "I'm up for Ramen" 
Nejire: "what about you zuzu?" 
Izuku: "i'm fine with it" Monotone about it...she kept the information within the friend circle..of course after asking him for permission..if it was okay for her to tell the others...
Mirio: "well...i'm sure there's something we can find" 
Tamaki: "probably" 
Izuku: "lets just go" and he walks ahead but they couldn't see him but his black veins appeared again...this time around his eyes for a bit before going away 
Mirio: "so what's been going on at work?" 
Izuku: "not much..typical rich people asking for generic drinks...the bar i'm going to be working at soon is going through some renovation so i'm sticking around with them for a little longer" 
Tamaki: "well i'm sure they'll miss you right?" 
Izuku: "not really..i'm just a co-worker to them" 
Nejire: "but you seem real close with your he's a nice person right?" 
Izuku: "i guess...don't really know" 
Mirio: "well...when you head there...when we become pros..i want to have a drink from you someday" 
Izuku: "heh...just ask" releasing some tension 
Nejire: "me too!" 
Izuku: "I don't want to know how you'll be drunk" 
Tamaki: "if she's airheaded already...maybe she'll turn smart?" 
Nejire; "HEY!!" pouting 
Izuku: "a man has fallen in a river in lego city" 
Nejire: "Zuzu!" pouting more 
Izuku: " walked right into that" 
Tamaki: "well he's not wrong" 
Nejire: "mm!" 
Izuku: "well you guy let me pay" 
Mirio: "nah..i don't think we will let you do that" 
Izuku: "really" 
Tamaki: "just let someone help you with the tab for once" 
Nejire: "hey free food!" 
Izuku: " least let me get tip" 
Nejire: "I got it" 
Izuku: "you know how bad it girlfriend getting the tip?" 
Nejire: "and that's what she said!" 
Izuku: "tsk ah" groaning as Mirio laughs it up 
Tamaki: "i'll be honest..i wasn't expecting that out of her" 
Nejire: "i got you" 
Izuku: "alright alright..i give up" looking at the TVs at the tech store...displaying the news...mostly about Ingenium 
Mirio: "we got it man...don't worry yourself" 
Izuku: "so you guys are becoming official pro heroes soon" 
Tamaki: "we're already a big team together" 
Mirio: "the big three will always prevail!" 
Izuku: "i'm guessing you have a dorky pose" and they posed for him  
Nejire: "yup!" 
Izuku: "why did i ask" 
tamaki: "they forced me into it" 
Izuku: "I can tell" 
Mirio: "you could be our official fourth member if we wanted to though...hey..since we'll be heroes..we could intern you!" 
Izuku: "what?" 
Nejire: "*gasp* yes!" 
Izuku: "guys i already told you i'm done with that dream" 
Tamaki: "Mirio...please stop" 
Mirio: "oh..right..sorry" 
Izuku: "it's fine" 
Nejire: "but..just know that's also an option for you" 
Izuku wasn't showing it but he was just in awe at how much she still cares for him..yeah this is probably the hundred time he's thought about just seems too good to be true for him..never in his life has he despised being cared for...being treated like a normal human being..and yet it's something he longed for...something he's always wanted...just to at the very least be a normal person for a day hell even an hour is enough for him 
which is why should they pursue the Bogeyman..which they will..he will have no choice but to give them everything he has
Nejire: "izu you coming?" 
Izuku: "yeah!" catching up

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