Test Of Courage: 'Eye for an eye'

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10 Minutes earlier 

Kendo: "alright...so the plan is that we are going to set up here...their bands are respectively distanced from here..so once i give the signal..you drop your head and make sure you get the corn syrup on." as Setsuna takes her head off she rubs the corn syrup all over her neck 
Setsuna; "this is going to get them good..they don't stand a chance" once they get everything set up...they get into position 
Kendo: "shh" she actually happy they get to do something like this...a chance of having fun is rare in these times...having no time but to train on and on...this is a great break...until she then remembers that in one moment..everything can change 
as the bush rustles nearby...they wait...
Kendo keeps her head low...and wait for the class A students to be coming...how frighten they're going to be...this is going to be awe-
Izuku: "~Children have you ever met the Bogeyman before? No, Of course you haven't for you're much too good i'm sure~" hearing him singing...shocked them both...as nothing but stiff breathing is heard...as they froze in complete fear...from seeing this monster come out of nowhere...
Kendo: "n-n-no" she whimpered out 
Izuku keeps on humming...and soon...reaches out to pull Kendo out and she screams...throwing her...
Setsuna finally snapping out of her trance...she jumps down to help her friend but he just simply turns to grab her foot and slam her down on the ground 
Izuku: "there you are...now tell me little ones..why are you out all alone?" and they shivered 
Kendo: "I...we" standing up now...they shiver...as they had no idea this was going to happen 
Izuku puts down his hammer: "come on then...hero...give me your best shot" 
Kendo growls: "HRAH!!" about to punch him...he grabs her fist...then she swings her other hand enlarging it...only to also stop it...now turning it back to normal...he grabs then both now 
Kendo: "no..NO!" she tries to free herself from his grip...but it was no use 
Setsuna: "ITSUKA!!" as Izuku now just slams her into the ground twice he lets go to grabs her foot..to swing her body and hit Setsuna away...now all bloodied and battered Kendo groans...now being dragged across the ground Izuku walks slowly towards Setsuna
Setsuna whimpers in fear...crying now...as she has no chance going against this thing...now standing abover her...as the moon light cast a shadow over her..only seeing his golden yellow eye glow through his mask...he leans to her face level..just inches away....until 
Izuku: "Boo" and she gets up and screams...running as fast as she could...away from this all..hoping she would just wake up and realize it's a nightmare..no...but it's not...she felt the pain when he threw her...her friend being beatened...in a brutal matter

present time 

as she babbles to the other class she then stiffens up..hearing the bush ruffling behind them 
Jirou: "shit" 
Izumi: "come on we have to go!" grabbing Setsuna and they make a run for it...they have to alert the heroes...they need to get out..they need to escape!
Jirou: "how did they find out!" 
Izumi: "i dont know!" then out of nowhere she was kicked 
Izumi: "GAH!!" 
Jirou: "Shit!" as they now see a girl wearing some type of space armor...her helmet blocking her face...and she has these weird looking weapons 
Ochako: "found you" and she swings downward 
as the temperature rising wasn't a red flag...then the wave of blue flames burning half the forest down is a clear hint...the villains had come...as Aizawa rushes in to try and find the villains...he sees Mandalay and the others rushing in to stop this madness as well...how or when did they get here?...this is a coordinated attack...ambushing them when they were out of their students reach, but to their surprise they see Pixie-bob kicked away by none other than 
Aizawa: "you" seeing the bogeyman in front of them...as he was carrying his hammer..
Izuku: "eraserhead...how nice of you to join us" 
Aizawa: "us?" as he dragged something by the leg...he holds up Kendos body...unconscious but she was bloodied...looking more like a corpse than knocked out 
Mandalay: "my god" shocked seeing her brutally battered
Pixie-bob: "you will stop here now Monster!" shaking the ground he simply just stands there as he holds Kendos mouth open by having the pommel of his hammer forced into her mouth 
Izuku: "any more she will die" then Pixie-bob stops 
Aizawa: "what do you want!" 
Izuku: "I came here for five certain people...i need to...talk to them...briefly" 
Mandalay: "you think we're going to just let you do that!?" 
Pixie-bob: "if you want to fight. Fight us instead!" 
Tiger: "just let the girl go!" 
Izuku: "very poor choice of words" and he swings Kendo around  at Mandalay...to her surprise Pixie-bobs dirt monster blocked the attack...now Izuku charges at them...Eraserhead activating his quirk...but it really doesn't matter...as he swings his hammer down Mandalay dodges barely and the ground shakes from the impact he then jumps over to punch her then elbow her jaw...then he swings Kendo again to push her back...as Ragdoll tries her best to avoid getting hit....for anymore impacts could potentially kill her and Kendo...but it doesn't matter as Izuku turns her around and then grabs her arm to hit her against a tree...but then he felt Kendo being ripped out of his hands....he looks to see Tiger now freeing her
Izuku: "how annoying" now letting go to kick ragdoll through the tree...causing it to collapse...he walks towards tiger...again without looking punches a dirt monster away...Aizawa then uses his scarf to try and restrain him...this time he made sure to wrap around his hands....
Izuku then pulls the scarf reeling him in by his neck and as he was going to stomp on him aizawa rolls out of the way...but he continues to stomp and he keeps rolling...until a dirt monster with Izukus hammer slams him out of the way...
Mandalay: "ENOUGH!!" yelling out...as she sends the message to all the students about the immediate threat...the LOV being here...
Izuku: "it is quite late for you already...but oh well" as the dirt monster tried to swing the hammer at him...Izuku just grabs it and then tosses the monster back then he proceeded to slam it multiple times with the hammer until it was nothing but gravel...now punching her he grabs her leg to reel her up and slam her on the ground...before he hurls her over the tree line...seeing her go...
Izuku: "new record" and he turns to Aizawa and he kicks him again...grabbing his hair he kneels to his level 
Izuku: "now tell me Eraserhead...do you fear death?...Do you fear that dark abyss?" as he looks right him...
Aizawa tried to get out of his grip...but it was of no use...but then Izuku lets go to then grab Tigers fist...and then he puts both of his hands on his head...now squeezing it....as tiger tried to punch his arms to loosen the grip...it didn't work...the scream he let out could echo through out the forest...as instead of having his head crushed...it split open as his screams now gurgle then silenced...letting go of the body he just turns to look at Aizawa who then tries to help up Pixie-bob...but he has no time to play
Izuku: "and you call yourself heroes" now he hears Kendo groan out...trying to crawl away...but she was suddenly pulled again..and was being carried away
Izuku: "I still have more uses for you girl...do not worry...it's all just one bad nightmare" Laughing now...
Aizawa: "no" groaning...he tried to run after them..but after two steps he just fell over 

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