Yakuza raid: 'mask unveiled'

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Izumi: "it's okay...it's okay it's okay it's okay!" as she runs with Eri..who was bawling out....both Mirio and Izumi could only hear the damn screams that was heard behind them...they stood no chance at all
Eri: "LET ME GO!!..LET ME GO!!!" trying to fight her way out of her grip...
Izumi: "stop!" trying to make her stop...but she then sees her horn about to glow 
Mirio: "WATCH OUT!!" as she puts her down Eri makes a small stomp on the ground
Mirio: "papa?!" 
Izumi: "You call that thing papa?" 
Eri: "he's not a thing!...he's not a thing!!" crying out as more stomps is heard....
Mirio: "Shit!" he muttered out...as they see chains peers out of the dark as Mirio used his quirk to avoid them...they missed eri deliberately...but it homes in at Izumi 
Izumi: "shoot style!" as she flicks her finger...to break them...she noticed that small amounts of blood splattered out of it...like...like it was living...
Mirio: "what is this?!" 
Izuku: "Chains of Damnation" as they see him approaching now...his body emitting thermite...
Mirio: "grr...stay back" 
as Izumi shields eri...
Izuku: "You are really testing my patience...i will end you...then this damn itch...this itch..will go away...anything...to rid of it...to rid me of my pain!" as he sprouts more chains from his body....Mirio then phases through it...only to realize the white frost covered the area...as he pours a small stream of thermite on the floor it created a small reaction...an explosion...forcing them back again 
Eri: "PAPA PLEASE SNAP OUT OF IT!!!" crying out to him...but he wasn't listening...he was in so much pain...too much rage has him in some trance..an animal unchained
Izumi: "Detroit..SMASH!!" as she was going to punch him a chain then wraps around her hand..cutting her off and it flings her on the wall...then to the ceiling and back on the ground...
Izuku: "NO MORE...YOU WILL ALL BURN!!!" as he was charging in now...lunging at them....
Nejire: "Nejire....BEAM!!!" seeing her fly in...and releases a huge beam of energy at him...his scream as he was forced back....seeing parts of his outfit...tattered..but the mask remains...
Izuku: "DAMN YOU!!!" his eyes glowing much brighter now...the veins growing larger...and the thermite increased....shining brighter as he picks his hammer up...and she fires more beams at him 
Nejire: "HYAH!!" as she dodges the chains going after her...she then gets close enough to make her condensed energy weapon...using it like a spear she cuts through the chains like nothing...but doing so makes him grunt out in pain...she now sees it..the chains are like ligaments...an extension of him...he can control their movement and they even have blood flowing through it...once severed it causes harm to him..." she starts swinging at the chains 
Nejire: "CUT THE CHAINS!!!" as they nodded...eri could only watch as this lady flies in....and the others now gathering the courage to cut the chains...seeing more growing out of him...he recklessly tried to hit them...but he started missing...even violently swinging his hammer...grunting out gripping his head as he started making noises that a boar would make...he screamed out...
Izuku: "AHH!!!" as he then retracts it back into his body...he then uses white frost and then...thermite...
Izuku: "GRAH!!!" combining them both...it creates another explosion...and he charges through it...grabbing Nejires foot 
Nejire: "AHH!!" as she was swinged around and knocked into the wall...then again into the ceiling...
Mirio: "NEJIRE!!" but then the chains went into the ground to burst out in front of them...forcing them back again...as she struggles to break free form his grip...she can see this thing is in so much rage..he was even twitching...growling...as she could only look at him in complete fear...
Nejire: "if your going to kill me...make it quick..just please...spare my friends...please!" grunting out...as she looks into his eyes...she could see a sign..of hesitation...
Izuku: "Ne....ne..." and he lets go...gripping his head again...as he growls and hiss again...the madness growing in his mind...
Izuku: "ALWAYS REMEMBER I AM FEAR!!" as the chains frantically went everywhere...he even started hitting his head into the wall multiple times...
Izuku: "agh...AGHH!!" hacking at everything within the vicinity...Nejire took this chance to grab eri..and the others ran...again...but one thing she noticed...was when he muttered more...and more...and more...
Izuku: "IZUMI!!!" hearing his screams 
Eri: "PAPA!!!" reaching out...as she was taken from him...
Nejire tried her best....trying to push on....as when they see the light...they soon see...the whole compound was in shambles...like Kamino ward...it had collapsed...
Yuyu: "NEJ!!!" seeing Yuyu coming up to them with Tamaki and Miruko 
Miruko: "You found her!" 
Nejire: "we need to hurry...the bogeyman is on his way here..and he's not happy at all" 
Mirio; "He acquired a new quirk" 
Izumi: "he..he can shoot out chains from his body..they are like ligaments..if you continue to sever them it will hurt him" 
Miruko: "good good..but...we have bigger problems right now" 
Nejire: "what do you mea-" as the dust blew right at them...they see this abomination appear before them 
Overhaul: "You..and the rest of them..will die!" seeing the Yakuza leader fighting the other heroes...Izumi then knows what she has to do now...now she flies towards him 
Mirio: "wait kid!" 
Izuku: "HAH!!!" hearing his scream coming from the tunnels 
Miruko: "looks like trouble" bracing for the thing to emerge now 

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