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Momo: "what?" looking around...she sees nothing but the dark...she tries to move but she couldn't...looking around to see...Jirou and Kaminari in the distance 
Momo: "JIROU!!!...KAMINARI!!!" trying to yell out to they are seen talking to each other she now was about to move...but suddenly she was in a building now...seeing the to still talking to each other...she tries to run to them..only for a gate to separate her from them...only a few feet away from them 
Kaminari: "and how about that Momo hmm?...seems crazy a girl like her wanted to be a hero" 
Jirou: "yeah but she's just...i don't know a bit weak?..." what? 
Momo: "what..what are you saying?!" 
Kaminari: "i mean as hot as she is..that's all she really has to offer honestly" 
Jirou: "says a lot with her hero outfit" 
Momo: "no....noo!" but she then noticed the door opens up...and that all too familiar stomping soon out of nowhere the hammer comes out and hits Kaminari 
Jirou: "DENKI!" but then the Bogeyman comes in and grabs her 
Momo: "no..NO!!! JIROU!!! KAMINARI!!!" watching him come in she tries to open it shaking the gate...trying to pull it with all her strength...but it was too he looks at her he snaps her neck...and then...slams the hammer on his head...seeing it split open...the groan that came out...then he walks to the gate...she stumbles back landing on the floor breathing frantically 
his breathing the only thing that could be heard..and with one pull rips the gate off the hinges and he now walks slowly towards her 
Momo: "stay back...stay back!!" crying out...soon he gets a good grip on his hammer now 
Momo: "please!" before he swings it overhead and the last thing she sees is the hammer about to come down..screaming....until

she woke up 

Momo: "AHHH!!!!" screaming loudly gasping for she looks around to see she was in the hospital...then the door busts open 
"ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" the guard there coming in and she just cries  
"out of the way!" and she see Recovery girl coming 
RG: "just breath deary" trying to calm her down as she just panics and tried to get out of bed 
Momo: "he's...he's after me he's after me!" 
RG: "he's not here!...shshshsh it's all over now...your safe deary" feeling her wrinkled hands in hers...provided a grandma helping her grandchild from a bad dream...she cries 
Momo: "I...all i see is him!" 
RG: "and he's gone..he's gone deary" then her teacher comes in 
Aizawa: "looks like your okay Physically" coming to her bed...sitting on the edge 
Aizawa: "how are you holding up?" 
RG: "she's having nightmares" and he nods 
Momo: "is..Kaminari and Jirou?" 
Aizawa: "they're okay...they're alive and well..they just need rest right now"  
Momo: "thank god" whimpering out...Aizawa couldn't help but just feel enraged...this his students...traumatized...along with the others....he failed them...he failed in protecting them 
"hey she here?" looking to the door to see Nejire Hado one of the big three 
Aizawa: "she still a bit shaken right would be wise to leave her be" 
Nejire: "but i have to make sure she's going to be could help from a student like me" 
RG: "let her come in Shota" and he sighs 
Aizawa: "alright...make it quick..." and she thanks him and enters now 
Momo flinched just from the door opening 
Nejire: "hey are your wounds doing?" knowing it's useless to say how are you doing?....but rather ask physically 
Momo: "they...they're healing...who are you?" 
Nejire: "oh i'm Nejire hado...i'm one of the big have heard of us right?" 
Momo: "I wasn't...aware" 
Nejire: "Phooey....oh well...i heard about your encounter against" 
Momo: "the bogeyman" 
Nejire: "that's what he calls himself?...i can see why from the way your shaken you want to talk about it?...i can lend a shoulder to" 
Momo just hesitates for a moment...but...she is a student here..and she is full of concern...similar to a big sister
Momo: "it was horrible...i-i-i dream that he killed my friends...while i couldn't do anything...while...they talked about how i offer nothing as a seeing him rise out from the shadows..with...with that hammer...i couldn't help but scream...i remember how inhumane his strength didn't seem like a quirk at he was just running off from fear and anger all at once...that mask...that bleeding mask that may seem harmless to own..but...its nothing short hiding the monsters true face...wearing a mans skin...*sob*" crying again...Nejire reaches over to hug her...rubbing her back as she collapses into her...full on bawling 
Nejire: "it's alright...i'm going to be here...don't worry" after a while...Momo stops now...still sniffling she makes a tissue box and blows into it 
Momo: "s-s-sorry for ruining your uniform" 
Nejire: "oh pshaw don't worry about it...hey...i have an idea...since your going to be here...why don't i call my boyfriend to help cheer you up!" 
Momo: "boyfriend?" oh right...Izumis brother...
Momo: " will he make it better?" 
Nejire giggles: "he's quite the nice guy..and hey the more the merrier right?" 
Momo: "i guess that's true..." and she quietly shouts yes..and she takes her phone and starts dialing his number now 
Nejire: "hmhmhm" humming a song he would normally sing to himself..very catchy...Momo doesn't recognize it but the phone picks up 
Nejire: "hey zuzu i was wondering if-" but she she her bubbly and friendly turns into full on concern...and shock...gasping a little 
Momo: "w-whats going on?" and she holds her hand up...she stands up and covers her it was her turn to start crying 
Nejire: "could..could i see him?!...okay...thank you" and now she hangs up 
Momo: "what's wrong?!" 
Nejire: "he....he just got jumped...and he's in the hospital" talk about shitty sad this is...she reached over to now hug her...seems to be a back and forth thing they have 
Momo: "i'm sure he's a strong guy...i'm sure he's going to be okay" 
Nejire: "i know...but..he can be a bit reckless at times..but this was out of the blue 
Mirio: "NEJ DID YOU!?" and she sees another guy come in...her friend
Momo: "who?" 
Mirio: "sorry i'm a friend of hers...did she hear what happened to!?" 
Nejire: "yes" 
Tamaki now comes in: "we're going to see him...want to come?" 
Nejire nods: "i'm sorry i had all of this planned..but..." 
Momo: "it's alright...i know he's important to you..i don't blame you...go see him..we...i hope we can talk again soon" 
Nejire: "Definitely...okay...okay lets go" and they rush out of the room now 
RG: "poor girl...she's been having it rough for a while now" 
Momo: "why?" 
RG: "because of her boyfriend of course" 
Momo: "is he abusive?!" 
RG: "dear heavens no...he's the nicest there is...pretty sure a lot of girls want to be with him...but...i'm pretty certain it took longer for him to get to a hospital that would actually help him" 
Momo: "what do you mean by that?..aren't they supposed to help everyone?" 
RG: "Not that simple deary...her boyfriend..Izuku Midoriya...he's a quirkless" and now she gasped hearing makes sense...since quirkless aren't really looked at equally...and they are always treated lower than the average a plague...people deny it but she could see it's just a cycle of discrimination against them...this Izuku is a quirkless that was born like that...which makes the treatment worse she guesses 
RG: "and you may not know this...and please don't repeat it to anyone...but Nejire Hado is a late bloomer as well...she didn't manifest her quirk until she turned twelve" 
Momo: "a late bloomer?...then she knows" 
RG: "yep...she knows how badly the quirkless are treated...and even with her quirk..she never lets it deter her path from trying to help them all" 
Momo: "that's..very admirable" 
RG: "yep...i know this is sudden...but would you like me to stay here with you so you won't be alone?" 
Momo: "you don't have to do that" 
RG: "nonsense...i know your just recovering..can't act all mighty now...either way i need to make sure you don't mess up your IV" 
Momo: "i guess that makes sense...o-okay" 
RG: "good..just let me know if you need anything okay?" and she nods...laying back down in the bed...she can't sleep..she was too afraid to fall asleep...fearing that she'll end up back in that dream again...he was right after all..he is a nightmare that will lurk in your dreams 

Nejire was running as fast as she could...
Mirio: "WAIT UP!!!" seeing the two running from behind..this was the fastest they have ever seen her run...ignoring all the stares and with the two following...kind of raised some suspicions...but it made sense when Mirio said they're going to see their friend at the hospital...and they moved now she goes into a full sprint she managed to make it to the Mustafa hospital...where she enters the emergency room and she reaches the front desk 
Nejire: "IZUKU MIDORIYA IS HE HERE?!!" yelling and she was calm 
"yes yes he's here..i'm guessing your the one they call Nejire right?" and she nods worried 
"he's quite the this to security and they'll take you to him...are those two with you?" and she nods as well as Mirio and Tamaki breath...out of breath 
Nejire and the two now head to security where they checked in their bags and they enter now...she fiddles with her fingers worried....
Mirio: "if we know anything about Midoriya is that he is a fighter no matter what" 
Tamaki: "he's going to be okay Nejire" and now they managed to reach his room where a doctor comes out 
Nejire: "is he!?" 
Doctor: "you must be the one that called...he's awake right now so please...don't jump on him" 
Mirio: "what happened exactly?" 
Doctor: "well your friend seemed to have been attacked by several far his nose, wrist and a couple of ribs are fractured...multiple bruising and mild internal bleeding...course we had to flush it out and put on a for now he's been refusing pain meds...he wouldn't say why" and they thank the doctor and enter now...Nejire slowly walks in...seeing her boyfriend on the hospital bed...and he turns to look at her and he smiles 
Izuku: "hey" he said...and she now starts crying and runs up to him....and he grips her hand 
Nejire gently hugs him...worried anymore pressure will break him....
Izuku: "i'm okay" 
Mirio: "hey man" 
Izuku: "hey guys" 
Nejire: "what..what happened!?" 
Izuku: 'it was a pretty bad mugging crew..tried to take my shit...especially when they figured out i was quirkless...beat me with a crowbar...but..i wasn't strong enough" 
Mirio: "not strong enough dude you could've eaten that crowbar" 
Izuku: "not when i was hit from behind" 
Tamaki: "oh" 
Nejire: "do you need anything?...are you sure your okay? i need to bring back the doctor?, why didn't i call sooner?!, how could i just leave you alone!?, i'm such a bad girlfriend!, i'm sorry IZUKU!!" 
Izuku: "Nejire...i'm fine...i don't need anything you being here is enough, you didn't know about this, i wasn't alone my co workers helped me, your not a bad girlfriend...and don't be wasn't your fault" bringing her in with his free she cries into his chest 
Mirio: "we'll give you some space" 
Tamaki: "we are?" and he was pushed out of the room and they just sit there for now...
Izuku: "I'm sorry for worrying you like this" 
Nejire: "just...*sniff* like you's not your fault" 
Izuku: "but i'm sure in a few days i'll be discharged...i'll be okay..." 
Nejire: "but what about your work?...your school!...are they going to be okay with that?" 
Izuku: "since my boss was the one that saw me...he said to not come back until i'm ready...and by that i mean at least two weeks...he'll have me be a waiter." 
Nejire: "okay" as he wipes her tears off...she holds his hand on her cheek...
Izuku: "what about was your day" 
Nejire: "you wouldn't believe me if i told you" 
Izuku: "try me" 
Nejire: "apparently the USJ..where first years would go on their first week..they were attacked" 
Izuku: "okay that is unbelievable" 
Nejire: "right?...then i heard that this big mean person who calls himself the Bogeyman...he terrorized the students...and i talked with one of them...her name is Momo Yaoyorozu" 
Izuku: "daughter of the Yaoyorozu corp family?" 
Nejire: "she had it the worse...he held her captive and did god knows what to her" 
Izuku: "i see" 
Nejire: "i just..and then when i tried to call you...that's when i heard the news of you being attacked then i ran all the way here" 
Izuku: "oh" 
Nejire: "but..i know this is out of topic...but..are you willing to come to U.A to at least cheer them up?...try to? off your quirk analyzing skills and what not?" 
Izuku: "to cheer them up?...isn't that the point of trying to be a hero?" 
nejire: "Izu please" begging him now 
Izuku: "*sigh*....sure..why not" 
Nejire: "yay...thank you" 
Izuku: "no problem" though it's kinda ironic really...wonder how much fear he instilled in them?

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