Training day

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one day until LOVs Ambush

as the sun rose in the horizon...through the view of the top floor of his apartment building 
Izuku: "nnh...goddamn..." stirring the beams of the sun hit his face...he peers over to see that it's morning now...
Izuku: 'right...i have to get prepared for the event' as he was about to get up he felt something on top of him
Izuku: "hmm?" now realizing that right on top of him...was Nejire...sleeping...of course..he only has the futon to sleep there's little to no room for the both of she slept on top of he tried to move she instead clings on to him tighter...nuzzling her head into his neck 
Nejire: "mmm" groaning not wanting to move 
Izuku: "*sigh*...what did i do to get into this situation" now that he realized it...he doesn't have a shirt on...nor does he remembers 
Izuku: "oh shit" paling now...
Izuku: "are you" after Mirio and the others left....she stayed behind because she has something important to tell him 
Nejire smiles: "yes...Izuku...i'm sure" 
Izuku: "b-b-but i have no experience...i-i have no idea...or even could fathom the thought of..." he couldn't finish his Nejire just kisses him 
Nejire: "it's okay..i'm in the same boat as you...a ton of questions on what to do...i think...we could slowly progress" 
Izuku: "oh boy...o-o-okay" she smiles...blushing...both of them in fact...
Flashback ends (not making the effort to write it) 

Izuku: " really happened" at first he thought it was just a dream...but now that he sees her can't think about it right now..he needs to get to the hideout to prepare for the mission...
Izuku: "Nej" nudging her...and she groans....her hair must be tiring to even brush it to how it is normally...
Izuku: "Nejire" but she remains quiet...
Nejire: "mmm" groaning out 
Izuku: "*sigh*..." he takes his phone out...scrolling through to see if there's been any messages for far none...except one that's about his car extended warranty....he doesn't have a car...and another one about Kurogiri to continue his training...he writes back 
Izuku: 'had a different type of training' and he sends it to him...guess he'll have to wait...bringing her close...and she smiles again...
Izuku: "what am i going to do with you?" he couldn't help but smile as well 

Izumi and the others are out in line...waiting for their teacher to come out from his they had breakfast and even had time to prepare for whatever he's going to assign them today...
Katsumi: "hey...what did Jirou asked you yesterday?" noticing the bags under Izumis eyes
Izumi: "" 
Katsumi raises an eyebrow: "bull" 
Izumi: "it's true" 
Katsumi: "no it's not" 
Izumi: "why is everyone pestering me?" 
Katsumi: "because your obviously hiding something?" 
Izumi: "even if i am..i don't want to talk about it" 
Katsumi: " that way...but know i'm not going to forget this..." 
Izumi: "an eye for an eye" 
Katsumi: "hmm?" 
Izumi: "sorry..that's what Izuku would say" 
Katsumi: "but an eye for an eye makes the world go blind right?" 
Bakugo: "the fuck you two shitheads talking about" 
Katsumi: "about how your IQ level is the same temperature as this fucking cup of water dickhead" 
Bakugo: "YOU FUCKING!!!" and there's another argument 
Izumi: "it just never ends" 
Shoka: "it doesn't...say what do you think today is going to be?" 
"Quirk training" seeing Mandalay and the others arrive 
Momo: "good morning Sensei" 
Aizawa: "meh" drinking his coffee...looking much more tired than before 
lida: "sensei have you gotten the appropriate rest? seem much more tired than usual" 
Mandalay: "i told you they would notice" 
Aizawa: "it's nothing to worry about...right now your training is your priority...its....*sigh* you explain it" 
Mandalay: "so today we are going to have you all train your quirks." 
Momo: "that's it?" 
Mina: "hmm..seems simple enough" 
Jirou: "but i feel there's a catch" 
Sero: "glad i'm not the only one to notice" 
Ragdoll: " are correct...but what's you all are gonna push past your limits" 
Jirou: "what?" shocked 
Mandalay: "meaning that in order to further improve your must strengthen it by continuously using it...oh and you cannot stop until we say if you are seen slacking off we will make you do the whole process all over again" 
Momo: "that's" 
shoka: "borderline torture" 
Aizawa: "it's what we suffer the same you are back here...and i'll tell you what you must do next" 
Mandalay: "okay lets get this show on the road!" god kill us already 

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