USJ: A Nightmare appears

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the first thing Izumi witnessed was Aizawa coming in and telling her and the class are going to a place called USJ...which of course she knew ahead of time of what it is...for her father told her while riding the bus she sat by Katsumi 
Izumi: "well you ready?"  
Katsumi: "ready to kick ass then fuck yeah" 
then the girl in front of them...the local frog girl Tsuyu turns back to them 
Tsuyu: "hey Izumi i have a question kero" 
Izumi: "uh...sure what?" 
Tsuyu: "sometimes i may be a bit blunt...but i noticed that your quirk seems to be similar to All mights...are you two related?" and Izumi kind of got a little nervous  
Izumi: "huh what do you mean? way i could be related to know a ton a of quirks can somes be similar to fire type quirks" 
Katsumi: "y-y-yeah like Izukus dad he had a fire breathing quirk and Shotos fire hehehe hehe!" 
Tsuyu: "who's Izuku?" and Izumi smacks Katsumis head upside 
katsumi: "fuck...bitch!" 
Izumi: "i'm sorry Tsu...Izuku is my brother" 
Tooru: "oh he as powerful as you!?" 
Mina: "is he hot?" 
Izumi: "what?!" 
Katsumi: "as if she'll talk about her brother like that you fucks...this isn't Alabama!!" 
Bakugo: "shut the FUCK UP!!"  
lida: "LANGUAGE!!!" chopping his arm in the air 
Momo: "and please lower the noise!" 
Aizawa: "SHUT UP!!!" and they all quiet down as he just grumbles 
Izumi: "yeah..he's my brother...but..we're not on good terms right now" without her knowing...Aizawa twitched his eye...and he tightened his grip on the steering wheel 
Aizawa: 'they have a son...that has been hidden from everyone!?' he has to tell Nezu about this and soon..because he will not have any of this all...fuck this job he he continues on now grumbling about not taking his morning coffee. 
Jirou: " think your brother would be cool to hang with?" 
Izumi: "well i don't know..he does hang out with his friends Mirio, Tamaki. and Nejire" before she was suddenly cut off 
Mineta: "YOU MEAN THE GODDESS NEJIRE HADO!?!"going up to her face all wide-eyed until Jirou pries him off: "you damn pervert" 
Kaminari: "how does he know the beauty queen of U.A!?" 
Izumi: "Uuuh...she's his girlfriend" and that's when they both collapse crying 
Mineta: "why do have such bad luck?!" 
Kaminari: "he doesn't deserve to bask in her pure beauty!" and then the bus suddenly stops and they fling foward 
Aizawa: "Everyone out...we're here" and he gets off as they arrive in front of this giant building and they see a figure in front of them...wearing a space suit 
Mina: "ooh it's the space hero  Thirteen!" seeing the hero 
Thirteen: "hello there Students now i know you are all excited to know what's going to happen for todays the lesson today is....Rescue lessons!" and they soon got pumped up now...ready to learn how to save those who they protect 
Thirteen: "now the USJ..which is Unseen Simulation Joint for a multi-Environmental simulation that would recreate certain situations you may being on a boat...a plane...a forest...and the city...what kind it may differ which is why we have to train you to adapt quickly to it...we have some ways to simulate on the rescue victims..being a dummy...but right now we just want to walk you through the scenarios your going to go through today" 
Izumi was listening they were focused on this all...they didn't realize the black portal that opens up behind them...and now she snapped out of it she nudges Katsumi and she sees it as well 
Katsumi: "SENSEI!!" pointing behind them they all look...they see a hand that pops out of it...and now walks out of it...stumbling a little..a man wearing multiple hands on his body as he grunts hearing his raspy voice 
Shigaraki: "had it fucking two feet above the ground goddamn it" and now more portals appear as more of them come out now and along a man who seems to be made of flames in a bartenders outfit 
Kirishima: " even have fake villains..this lessons going to be awesome" having stars in his eyes in awe...but it was obviously cut short as Aizawa jumps in front of them along with Thirteen 
Aizawa: "those aren't fake...they're real VIllains!" now the thrill and excitement took a fucking rain check and now fear and worry fills the room the main guy..who seems to be the hand guy just walks back and forth observing each student 
Izumi: "we need to get the heroes" but she sees Jirou is trying to listen in on their conversation 
Jirou: "shit..there's more of them...don't know how many" 
Shigaraki: "about 80 squirt" and she now flinches hearing this...they know about their quirks and they seem to be great in numbers  as they look and they could only try and put up a brave face...however  
Katsumi: "You forget that we got two great fucking heroes with way you stand a chance!" 
Kurogiri: "I see...quite the obvious since we are here in U.A where only the most talented and those with powerful quirks could only enter...but you do forget the one thing heroes fear" 
Aizawa: 'no...he didn't' 
Thirteen: "oh no" 
Momo: "what does he mean by that?" then a portal opens up behind they now turn to the most intimidating figure ever...the wheezing breathing...the large figure...the blood coming out of the eyes of the gas mask he's wearing...and of course..who could forget...the hammer...that bloody hammer that has claimed many lives before them 
Kurogiri: "none  could put a brave face on when facing...the one and only bogeyman" seeing the villain just standing there...
Izumi now this is the one who killed those students...a lot of new pro heroes...nearing the count of the hero killer himself...
Kirishima: "shit" muttering in his breath 
Aizawa now turns to try and wrap his scarf around the figure...which seems to work 
KatsumI: "HAH!! TAKE THAT FUCKER!!!" thinking it was going to be okay 
ShigarakI: "stop fooling around" and now the bogeyman starts growling as he breaks free of the scarf easily he now holds out his hand about to reach for one of the students..only to be pushed back by Izumi 
Izumi: "GO!!" flinging a door open as lida was the first to go...the others then started falling through a portal underneath them 
Kurogiri: "now now...we can't just up and is rather rude to leave on such an important even for you heroes in training..correct?" now taunting them Aizawa now sees the other villains going through the portal as well...and he sees the bogeyman was gone as well...he prays that whoever is stuck with him...lives  

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