Before the storm

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Nejire: "mmmm" ruffling around the sheets...she didn't want to get up...seeing the sun shine in through her dorm...there's a reason the top floors have a skylight on top...with the suns rays shining down on her...she tried to cover herself up...groaning...she didn't want to wake up today...sure she's an energetic girl...but on a weekend...and having a day off for some reason..she's not letting this go to waste...trying to snuggle up to the pillow she grunts trying to adjust herself...and sleeps in...finally she found that position...and she was about to fall asleep...until her phone rings 
Nejire: "GGGRRRRR!!!" growling...of all times to ring...she reaches out of her sheets and tries to find it...not wanting to move anymore...ends up knocking over items hearing it thud and scatter...that is she realized she fell asleep watching a she looks around and found was Izuku...and answers 
Nejire: "mello?" muffling under the sheets 
Izuku: " sure are different on the weekand" 
Nejire: "it's a nice day to sleep in...don't you have work today?" 
Izuku: " for good reasons...i'm not working there anymore" and now she sits up instantly 
Nejire: "WHAT!!??" yelling through it 
Izuku: "that woke you up" 
Nejire: "oh no did you get fired. did they let you go?...are you in trouble? it something you did?...did you do something?...why did they fire you? need me to come get you?...what's the address?!" 
Izuku: "Nejire" and she keep spewing out questions...rambling on and on 
Izuku: "*sigh*...Nejire...i " and she kept rambling and then...he plays a horn over the phone catching her off guard 
Nejire: "AH!" 
Izuku: "there we then...the reason i'm not working that's a surprise...come meet me at the restaurant in the evening...don't worry about it being's not...okay?" 
Nejire: "o-o-okay you" and she hangs up...plopping back down on the bed....great of all the times to be told this...she doesn't even know what it is...maybe it's her being nosy..but she wants to know!...what is going on?!...
Nejire: " i can't fall asleep" pouting she has to get up and get ready like a normal if falling off the bed wasn't a sign...she gets ready..hopping into the dormitory herself up and putting on some regular clothing..she was feeling annoyed so she just tied her hair back into an extremely long pony tail 
Nejire: "wonder if i should cut it?...maybe?...or maybe not?...meh" and she walks out sitting on the couch in the commons...she thought back on her encounter with she seemed...normal?...she has no clue..Izuku wouldn't go much more into the details...but she leaves it be...she hopes he's doing fine...and she is curious again on what this surprise is" 

Izuku now hangs up the phone as he now has his outfit on...hammer and all..
Shigaraki: "alright...let me go in first...then you" 
Izuku nods and he now opens the a bunch of villains...mostly common criminals...thugs..murderers...well mostly murderers...least about a hundred of them 
ShigarakI: "good good i see we have found some pawns to throw away" talking to Kurogiri 
Kurogiri: "watch what you you say in front of them..any wrong wording will cause us the plan" 
Shigaraki: "right right" and now he gets up to the podium where the villains now stop talking 
Shigaraki: "i cans see that a lot of you are wondering why you've been set free from prison..or broke out...or as much as being tracked down by my associate here...and i'll tell that you should consider this offer" and two of them kept talking in the back 
ShigarakI: "what i can grant you is freedom...expenses...and most of all..the joy of killing without remorse or punishments" and now some of them grew interested but more started to talk among themselves 
Shigaraki: "and yet here you all are ignoring per usual...i would not advise disrespecting me" and that's when one of them gets up now 
"or what pipsqueak?" walking right up to he owns the place 
Shigaraki chuckles: "as if i'll waste energy on a moron like you" 
"what did you say?!" now he gets closer and more also followed 
"what we should do is kill you and take over this hideout..has everything...get some girls and that's going to be the life" and some cheered Shigaraki shakes his head in disappointment 
Shigaraki: "i warned you...*sigh*..or" 
"or else what?!" 
Shigaraki: "why don't you show them what i mean" and the door opens to Izuku walking in...slowly...holding the hammer in his hand...of course a lot of them recognized who he is...
"holy's him" 
"child killer" 
"he seems like a coward targeting children" 
"lets kill them both" that statement was cut short as Izuku with just one hand grabbed the one close to Shigaraki by the neck and he started to gag hearing his wheezing cries to breath...
Shigaraki: "now i know what your thinking...why do this?...he's not strong enough..he kills kids...those aren't just see they are the very same people...who made his life a living hell..the one who had everything to look forward to...until they made...this....society created their own bogeyman..he will be lurking in the dark..he will be what the heroes fear...but hey...if you want to attack him go ahead...he'll kill you faster than you could imagine...and he is merciless...unlike me" and now they see Izuku drop the hammer...and with one grab..he reaches into the thugs stomach...creating a massive cavity in it..slowly sinking in...and now he lets go
"AHHHH AHHHH!!!" his scream in agony as Izuku just watches him scream...made him tilt his head...intrigued by the reaction...soon he picks up the hammer and he just smashes the top part on his head killing him...hearing the scream abruptly stop...
Shigaraki: "eugh...anyways...we are not here to kill you...except for that guy..but you know to see we have a plan in set...and to invade U.A...and kill the symbol of peace himself" now they all now stayed silent...not wanting to make a wrong move knowing that freak is there 
ShigarakI: "the Unseen Simulation Joint..or USJ for a place where All Might is scheduled to teach the class of heroes in training...and we will come in and kill i know some of you may die...or even get captured..but it's a sacrifice..i am willing to make." if he could just smack him he would Izuku just rolls his eyes under the explaining the real plan...he soon caught attention to one detail
"what about the students..will they try to call for help?" 
Shigaraki: "that is already been taken care see in the plan we will set up a small portable jammer..intercepting and scrambling the radiowaves in the area...making phones useless...and for their quirks..they're can probably take them on" 
Izuku: 'quite the understatement' after a whole hour speech...which was boring as hell...Shigaraki now made sure to make them feel welcomed 
Shigaraki: "you are free to stay here if you wish..but know that these phones here are for you to message Kurogiri here and for you to not forget this mission...and for that we must purpose a toast!" now seeing some small portals open to multiple large cups of alcohol and they all grab it 
Shigaraki: "to the the symbol of peace" 
"DEATH TO THE HEROES!!" and they hold them up now 
Izuku just drags the body away from the room...maybe he should've just ripped his head off..because not only did he damage the spleen and the other organs...he ended up opening the small intestines...which made the whole room smell like shit...and some other unknown scent that was unholy to even breath in...dumping it into the incinerator he leaves now...he keeps the outfit on..knowing if they find out the so call bogey man is a quirkless kid..he's sure to lose respect that for now he just observes the whole thing...while Shigaraki immediately retreats back to his room..after that whole speech...he enters his room "
Shigaraki: "this is off limits...oh hey" and he sees him downing a coke 
Izuku: "don't like alcohol?" 
ShigarakI: "messes up my throat" 
Izuku: "you mean mess it up more" 
Shigaraki: "fuck you" 
Izuku: "so...any idea on how to deal with the students?" 
Shigaraki: "well i'm sure you want revenge on a certain group of bitches" 
Izuku: "always..but death is to merciful for them..i want to make them suffer mentally...begging for death..but even then..i may or may not give it to them" 
Shigaraki: "holy shit you can turn evil fast" 
Izuku: "learned it the hard way" soon they hear cheering and some screaming 
Shigaraki: "aw fuck" and he opens the door and he turns to him  
Izuku: "what is it?" and he looks to see 
"she's going to be so used up" 
"fucking her would make my day" 
"i call the mouth!" 
Ochako: "NO!...NO!!" seeing that her clothes are about to be ripped off a smashing sound is heard and they all stop 
Shigaraki: "and what do you think your doing?" seeing Izuku walk past them all with his hammer...
Izuku: "who is the one that took her out" he said calmly...he asserts authority..and Ochako was afraid 
Izuku: "" he repeated and soon he looks to the ones that were closest to her one had a hand on her private area..feeling her out as she whimpers 
"come on man let could've told us she was your private bitch" 
Izuku then growl and shoves him away..with his strength made him fly a couple feet away from him...the others move out of the way 
Ochako just got picked up and he walks back to her room...and he slams the door shut 
Ochako: "who..who are they?!" scared for her life 
Izuku now makes sure the doors lock..and he checked around for anyone else...
Izuku: "villains that we attack U.A..tomorrow" and she gasped 
Ochako: "tomorrow?" 
Izuku: "do you know who came in?" 
Ochako: "i um...all i know is i saw a bunch of thugs and criminals comes into my room and lift me out of bed like they discovered treasure" 
Izuku: "hmm...tonight i have plans...i might have to cancel if this fucking act keeps going" 
Kurogiri: "i'm here to inform you that i can bring her to Sensei..he wishes to talk to not worry..she'll be safe" 
Ochako: "sensei?" 
Izuku: "the true leader of the LOV...although Shigaraki is proving himself to be a leader..he still needs practice...but for now..i'm sure he's gonna want to see you" 
Ochako: "okay" 
Kurogiri: "i will make sure everything is in order when you get back" 
Izuku: "thanks" now changing out of his outfit...he takes a portal out to the area he was going to meet Nejire 
Izuku: "and hey...don't worry...i won't let them touch you again...and if they do...tell me" 
Ochako nods 
Izuku: "good kid" and he walks through 
Kurogiri: "hmm...first time i seen him have concern for someone other than his friends" 

Nejire now walks through she sees the are she's supposed to meet Izuku at...she wanders for a bit...curious on what's going on...that is until 
Izuku: "hey" and she screams 
Nejire: "DON'T DO THAT!!" crying out 
Izuku: "i'm sorry..i..i had to do it" laughing he just hugs her 
Nejire: "jerk" 
Izuku: "come on..*sigh* i'm sorry" and she pouts looking away still 
Izuku: "I'm really really sorry" still not budging 
Izuku now just gets on his knees: "i'm so very sorry for tainting your image princess Hado" and she turns around 
Nejire: "mm" sticking her tongue out and turns back 
Izuku: "*sigh*...i'm sorry" now it was genuine 
Nejire: "apology accepted...zuzu" 
Izuku: "you just wanted me to embarrass myself" 
Nejire: "maybe a little" 
Izuku: "oh well, but in any case...i have some news to give to you" 
Nejire: "okay" 
Izuku: " promoted" and she gasped in delight 
Nejire: "REALLY!!?" and she jumps on him 
Izuku: "HEY!!" 
Nejire: "OH I'M SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU ZUZU!!!" rubbing her cheek on his face 
Izuku: "Nejire" embarrassed now 
Nejire: so when are you going to start? it going to be close?...are you gonna have to move?...when did you find out? are you going to get there?" and he puts a finger over her mouth 
Izuku: "i start next week, and it's a bit far but it's still bearable to walk there...and i have discussed and talked here and there about getting an apartment...i found out today...and i'm still going to take the train and walk" 
Nejire: "I'm sorry for being talky but i'm just so excited...*gasp* we should celebrate!" 
Izuku: "that's why i brought you here" turning around to see she sees some of his co worker...and the others 
Nejire: "oooh" and she now just kisses him while the others cheer and tease him 
Izuku: "great" 
Nejire: "i always believe in you zuzu" 
Izuku: "i know...thank you" and from a distance...

Shigaraki: "he better not forget the plan" 
Kurogiri: "he won' in him Young tomura..i know he won't" walking off now 
Shigaraki: "I have no clue what Sensei sees in you...but i hope your stats are high enough to beat the shit out of the heroes...even if your skill points are in charisma" and he walks off

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