Epilogue: 'Finishing the cycle'

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the news of Izuku Midoriyas death along with Izumi Yagi spread like wildfire...among the world the people have been praising Izumis death as a grand sacrifice to finish the nightmare that instilled fear among the people...but that's not how it's perceived...by the very people who were there...as for Nejire...she wasn't charged for Murdering Izumi...as told by her friends...that the bogeyman managed to get her lance and used it to kill Izumi...why they lied about it..she was ready to tell them she was the one that did it..but Aizawa said it was for a very good reason...for them
to her...it was another one of Izumis problems she had to deal with...and she hates it and that very night that it happened 
Nejire: "huh?" as she wakes up in a void...looking around to see nothing..parts of her body was unseen and was just static...well that's how she perceives it...the fog moving endlessly...for some reason...she felt an unknown presence...and she wasn't alone...as she walks around for a bit...she looks further...squinting her eyes to see a figure...and it looked like 
Nejire: "zuzu?" and as she got closer...it faded off...as she tries to keep herself under control...she keeps walking...until
???: "So i see you became the new inheritor" 
Nejire: "huh?" and she turns around to see a figure coming out of the fog...and to her...she was pretty...
Nana: "so...I take it that Izumi is dead...because you killed her" 
Nejire: "w...who are you?" she was afraid...she just wants to wake up out of this nightmare 
Nana: "You're not in a nightmare Nejire hado...I'm Nana Shimura...i was once a pro hero...and was...All Mights mentor and you...have something very important.." 
Nejire: "All MIghts Mentor?...so you...wait..what is this thing i have?...what is it's purpose?...why are you here?..and what do you mean by Inheritor?" 
Nana: "You know Izumi Yagis quirks correct" 
Nejire: "I don't like saying or hearing her name...but i do...Telekinesis and stockpile..a mixture am i correct?" 
Nana: "wrong...you see her original quirk is Telekinesis...and that was it...you see this power is the only i can communicate with you...and this is no ordinary quirk...you have One For all" 
Nejire: "one..for all?..." 
Nana: "yes...too simply put it...it's a quirk that can pass on to new users...by ingesting the former users DNA" 
Nejire: "Izumis blood" 
Nana: "even if you tried to spit it out..it has already entered you and One For all is now part of your body..." 
Nejire: "wait...why am i given this power...if it was originally Izumis?" 
Nana: "because she as at the brink of death...and if she died we would fade away...in the past there was about eight inheritors All Might being the eighth...and i was the seventh...as we die a fragment of our memories or 'spirit' if you want to call it that..remains in the quirk itself...that way we can communicate or interact with whoever is in possession of the quirk" 
Nejire: "Ookay...what about the users...what does this all have to do with me?" 
Nana then sighs: "It means...that your job as a hero is still not done Nejire Hado" 
Nejire: "no" 
Nana: "You don't have a choice" 
Nejire: "I refuse...has enough happened already?...what..what is the purpose hmm!?" Agitated 
Nana: "to defeat All For One...the villain that you saw back at Kamino ward." 
Nejire: "that guy in the suit" 
Nana: "yes...and it is vital...because he is growing stronger by the day since his escape...and also" she waits for her answer 
Nana: "I'm sure he's the reason why Izuku was taken from you" 
Nejire wanted to just throw up from there...hearing all this was just nonsense...she wanted to wake up and pretend none of it ever really happened...but..for some reason...she can't 
Nana: "I know you never wanted this burden put on you...but...it is what it is...and Izumi knew that...she knew that if she dies then all hope will be lost...you've already had some training about your endurance...you practiced your quirk to a rim...and mastered it well" 
Nejire: "not with another quirk...it's not that simple...i...I can't do this" 
Nana: "but you have to try..." as Nejire just falls to the ground...bringing her knees close...she can't believe this...she barely had the time to grieve...along with Eri...who was told not to use her quirk on Izuku...for very obvious reasons...
Nana: "I know the dangers of reversing his death...the quirks themselves wouldn't just stabilize it could just put him through more pain...i'm sure he wanted to have peace" 
Nejire: "I don't know what to do...me and eri...we cherished him a lot...a lot of people did...he was buried in a nameless tomb...even when i tried to tell them to put his name on their...they only ignored me...but...i still left something there to remember him by...as for the hammer...they still can't find it..." doing a little gesture with her fingers...she kept it...
Nana: "but...please...i beg you...take this evil down..it is the final thing you need to do...but you don't have to do this alone...this way you destroy the villain...and also...avenge your lover...for he was nothing but a tool to him...and all the lives he tormented" 
Nejire thought about it...and she waits patiently for her answer
Nejire: "will i be okay after this?" 
Nana: "No...but...if you succeed...you will not be the same" 
Nejire: "that's what i thought...I...I'll do it...but worse come to shove...I will drop anything for Eri...should she end up in danger from this" 
Nana: "I understand...now wake up...you have a lot to do" and now the fog cleared up and Nana fades with it...as she now looks up to see a light coming up...and then her vision became white...
and she woke up

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