Yakuza raid: 'Apotheosis'

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Nighteye: "seems all the points have been taken...so now..there's the hideout itself" 
Bubble girl: "there's been a lot of questioning..if the Yakuza are now retreating" 
Nighteye: "they'll be there...that much i can promise you..." 
Bubble girl: "You saw something else..didn't you" 
Nighteye: "what makes you say that" 
Bubblegirl: "your usually the one trying to ensure things are going right...like being prepared and such..yet...we haven't even got the warrant for the place yet...you didn't even call up the other heroes to inform them of the raid going to happen" 
Nighteye: "it is imperative that they get rid of the other outposts before hand...having them cave in the tunnels below will cut off any escape they would hope to have...this is the way" 
Bubblegirl: "i see...but..you also seem eager to see what's going to happen" 
Nighteye: "lets just say...that it's irony at it's highest...that's all" but it's also to give the girl..a chance at survival
Bubblegirl: "well...Nejire chan has showed off her new supermove" 
Nighteye: "I was informed...very impressive and creative with her quirk...hopefully she'll train with it more...as it seemed to drained her completely" 
"NIGHTEYE!!" turning around to see Izumi and Mirio go up to him 
Izumi: "everythings ready" 
Mirio: "we're ready for anything now" pumped up for the big fight ahead of them 
NIghteye: "good...head out with Miruko..she'll guide you to where you need to be set up at...which is of course a small area near the front entrance of the Compound..." 
Mirio: "alright...anything else we should be prepared for?" 
Nighteye: "Our spy..was killed" 
Izumi: "Oh god" 
Nighteye: "and the others are aware...but they are prepared to kill the girl" as they gasped...
Mirio: "NO...those..heartless...Bastards!" growling...hearing this 
Izumi: "could..how much time until we can get to her?" 
Nighteye: "i'm sure there's enough...keep to the mission...take out the members...and then find her...the heroes are going to be preoccupied with what Overhauls..the Eight precepts of death...or eight bullets to be straightforward" 
Mirio: "who cares...they're going to execute...a child..an innocent girl!...what...what could be the intention?!" 
Nighteye: "well from what the message said...Overhaul wanted to see first hand..how the Bogeyman earned the nickname...child Killer" 
Izumi: "forgot about that damn name" 
Mirio: "no...NO!!" now that monster is going to kill her...how...how could this all go to shit!
Nighteye: "but there is time...you have to stick to the plan..you two are the only ones that can make to her on time...do that..and we'll be set...once Overhaul is taken care of..do i have any objections?" 
Izumi: "N-n-no" 
MIrio: "no" 
Nighteye: "alright...now head on and try to get some rest...god knows we need it" 
and they head off 
Bubblegirl: "what are you really hiding?" now stern with him...he's hiding something 
Nighteye: "Eri will live through it...it's the storm that's going to unfold even if i tell them...it won't matter...all we can hope for is to continue on and focus on the main threat...the LOV" meanwhile Nejire: "Phew...that's refreshing!" as she drinks the Cappuccino she had just ordered...well..her third one"
Yuyu: "Your going to be up until tomorrow"
Nejire: "well i need the energy...plus you know how i have a bad habit of not being able to sleep before any major event...like exams...going to the airport to catch a flight....the mall...oh or just having an a date with zuzu.....*sigh*" now her cheery attitude turned sour immediately
Yuyu: "hey" noticing it right away
Nejire: "sorry..I know we have to focus on the issue here...but...i can't stop worrying for him" Yuyu: "even if he's...you know"
Nejire: "I just wished i was there...to get him away from that path...how much i wanted to just stop him..and then hug him...even if he was different at the time...I'm sure...i would still fall in love with him"
Yuyu: "that says a lot about your dedication to him...hope he's the same"
Nejire: "I'm sure...I'm sure" as she takes another sip...

Shigaraki: "alright people..we have about...thirty minutes before we get ourselves ready...we have to get the goods out of the area...gather up all of the resources and intel...maybe sneak some of it in your suits...just because we formed a small alliance doesn't mean they are friends...they want to kill us as much as we want to kill them...oh..and make sure to kill some heroes while we're at it...do i hear any questions?" waiting for any answers...but there was none 
Shigaraki: "Midoriya" turning to see him sitting in the corner...silent...unwavering...his mask on...muttering to himself
Izuku: 'you knew...you knew this would happen' 
'i told you didn't i?' 
Izuku: 'how...how fucking stupid was i from the start' 
'they saw you were a threat...they had to put the leash on you...remember...remember what those rats did to you...don't lose sight of what your purpose is..your neither a villain...nor hero' 
Izuku: 'then...then what am i!?' 
'a monster...the world doesn't need anymore heroes...or even villains...all it needs...is a monster'
Izuku: 'your right' 
'a beast...you will kill them all...let their blood drip from your hammer...let their scream calm your anger...soothe your hatred...Wild and strong...we can't be contained' 
Izuku growls...until he was shocked 
Shigaraki: "this is tiring" 
Ochako wanted to just smash that remote...
Izuku: "what" he said out to them 
Shigaraki: "just want to remind you...that your grand killing...needs to be entertaining...i want to make sure they will fear you...and that will be enough to have the cooperate...do i make myself clear?" 
Izuku: "Y.....yes" 
Shigaraki: "good...now...lets get this show on the road people" as Kurogiri made a portal for them to enter...Izuku slowly gets up...as he heads in through the portal..Ochako grabbed his hand...as he looks at her....seeing her expression he felt something handed to him.. then he rips out of her grip..and continues on
Dabi: "he's really pissed" 
Ochako: "if you had a taser injected into your bloodstream without your consent would you!" going in now 
Dabi "I was talking about...never mind" and he follows along through the portal 

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