Test Of Courage: 'A demon rises'

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Katsumi: "come on you bastard!" dodging yet another attack from Spinner 
Spinner: "you bitch!" as he tried to attack again...Todoroki then releases another wave of fire...dodging it...Spinner tries to take cover in the trees...
Spinner: 'fucking easy to take down my ass' as he recalls Shigaraki saying it should be easy to take them down...he then jumps again...hiding in the trees.....waiting for the right moment 
Katsumi: "shh...keep quiet" as the two look around...and try to hear for anything unusual...they wait...
Katsumi: "hold on" 
Katsumi: "THERE!!" blasting in that direction toppling a couple of trees...only to be punched out of nowhere...and a chain is then wrapped around her to be pulled
Shoto: "Katsumi!" now...Spinner takes this chance to jump forward then slices his back...ripping his shirt...
Katsumi...being pulled..felt..weightless?...she doesn't know..only after she felt the impact of slamming into a boulder...then falling down...
Spinner: "took you long enough" 
Katsumi gets up...to then see another villain enter the fray...but her face was hidden in the dark 
Ochako: "Katsumi Bakugo...you and Izumi Yagi have done a terrible deed" 
shoto falls back to help Katsumi up 
Katsumi: "who..the fuck...do you think you are!?" 
Ochako: "of course you could care less...only about you and your worthless friends reputation...that's why you would stomp on others who could be a greater hero than you...that's why you saved your friend Izumi Yagi...from the zero pointer back then...leaving behind a helpless girl..who tried to call out for help...but instead had to be crushed and left to die" 
Katsumi: "how do you know all this!?" this was in full detail of the event...there's no way anyone was there at the time 
Ochako: "I know about this because i was the one crushed by the immense weight...i would've slowly died if it weren't for the bogeymans rescue..." now walking into the moonlight...Katsumi freezes...along with Shoto 
Shoto: "what?" 
Katsumi: "no" 
Ochako: "because of that...i want to repay the favor" 
Katsumi: "you...you died...i saw you died there's no way!" 
Ochako: "i honestly expect you to just grab your friend and run away again" 
Shoto: "Ochako Uraraka...how...why" 
Ochako: "i just told you idiot...honestly..i had enough of this...i'm only here for one thing only...show you what i felt" great now she's acting like him
Spinner rolls his eyes and she throws the weapons away...to just hold up her Chakrams. 
Katsumi: "great...i guess i'm gonna have to make sure you stay dead...Again" 
Shoto: "why" 

Izumi: "Gnnh!....GNAAAAHH!!!" trying to pull her wrist out of the branch...she could only watch in horror...as to what this fucking monster just said 
Mandalay: "I love him dearly...he's my nephew...my sisters son...you think i'm gonna let you harm him!?" 
Izuku: "shameful that last statement is...you and i know you can't harm me...look behind me...these are your promised student to be heroes?...pathetic...they quivered and stumbled from the sight of me alone...you as well...those tears may be for your nephew...but they also represent your fear of me...Kota was it...tell me...who do you think i should kill...hmm?" 
Kota: "wha?" 
Mandalay: "DON'T ANSWER HIM KOTA!!" 
Izuku: "the boy is old enough to know what death is...i see that look in his eyes...hatred...suffering...grief..." walking towards him Mandalay tried to walk...but she could only watch in horror...as Kota stood there frozen...he then kneels down to his level 
Izuku: "how much do you love your aunt?" and he just stumbles a bit...
Kota: "I.." looking at her...she could only smile at him for reassurance 
Kota: "I love her...she's the only family i have left..since....since my parents" 
Izuku: "hmm...and would you have me kill your aunt so you may live?" 
Kota: "NO!...never...she doesn't deserve that...if anything...KILL ME!!" now Izuku was surprised at this
Mandalay: "Kota what are you?" 
Kota: "I'm sorry auntie...but...ever since that man took mom and dad away...i couldn't help but feel i'm reminding you off what you lost...that im a constant reminder of my mom...which is why i hated heroes...they went out there to do their stupid patrol and they...*sniff* i don't want you to go...which is why i was so afraid to go with you...i didn't want to go home alone...I want to make sure you stay safe" 
Mandalay: "kota...you are never a bother...you never were a burden...i love you like my own...like how your mother loved you...i would never...do anything to harm you...please...if your going to kill someone...please..kill me" 
Kota: "no...kill me!...you killed children before..this shouldn't be any different!" like looking at the grim reaper...having a choice on who to spare...but even then..it doesn't matter...
Izuku: "how touching...sometimes..i forget on the small things of life...that things like this exist...how Annoying" now grabbing Kota he screams 
Mandalay: "NO!!!" 
Izuku: "you really think you can tell me that in this final moment that you admit your wrongs to your aunt..what if i was never here in the first place..you would still hate her for being a hero..until i came...it brings out your fears...for such a small boy..you are quite the brat...willing to get yourself killed and have your aunt take the grief...what if i just killed her..and let you go home alone..then maybe you could build some character" 
Kota: "Your cruel!" 
Izuku: "LIFE IS CRUEL...WHY SHOULD THE AFTERLIFE BE ANY DIFFERENT!!!" soon he heard electricity...behind him...he turns and lets go...to only be punched right in the face...by Izumi 
Izumi: "Get...AWAY FROM HIM!!!!" as her wrist are still together she broke the branch off and used OFA to launch him away...going through several trees...as he was pushed away Izumi now took this chance...and used her teeth to rip the branch out of her wrist 
Izumi: "GAH!!!" now free of it...she kept it concealed by using her quirk to avoid bleeding out 
Kota: "come on!" trying to help his aunt 
Izumi: "You two get out...i'll try to hold him off!" 
Mandalay: "but what about the others!?" 
Izumi: "don't worry..i got this" groaning in pain 
Kota could only see her...even in this state...a very cool...hero 
Izuku: "HRAH!!!!" screaming out in rage....now getting out of the small crater he was just in...he looks at the two escaping...and Izumi despite her injuries ready to fight again 
Izuku: "You are one persistent bitch" 
Izumi: "what...can i say...i don't...know when to quit" 
Izuku: "you fucking rat!" he now charges at her...screaming with all he has...
Izumi: 'please...please let this work' now charging up OFA...she reels her fist back...
Izuku: "IZUMI!!!!" 
Izumi: "One for all...50%....DETROIT SMAAAASH!!!!" now both fist collided...releasing a huge wave of energy...that shaken the sea of trees surrounding them...the blast went so far as to disrupt the others as well 

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