Left behind

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Izuku now stands in front of U.A with nejire 
Nejire: "so...wish me luck" 
Izuku: "always...want me to wait for you?" 
Nejire: "nah...it's good...i can meet you at your work later" 
Izuku: "sure...see yeah" giving her another kiss she waves 
Nejire: "oh oh make sure you save that coupon!!" 
Izuku: "my benefits are better!" and she went in and he just laughs...she tried opening the door on the left..which was locked...and then the door was a push not a pull 
Nejire: "who put handles on the outside!?" and she goes in now 
Izuku: "amazing" now his smile disappears as he walks away...passing a building...to then now 
Izuku: "your here early" seeing the cloaked figure walking by him 
???: "You haven't been giving me contracts since you joined them...bailing out on me?" 
Izuku: "no...never...i thought you would want to keep some targets to yourself...making a living out here" 
???: "no shit...seen your gal there...quite the pick you managed to snag" 
Izuku: "Believe me it was her who wanted a pile of shit" 
???: "not into that" 
Izuku: "figure of speech" 
???: "so...what's your goal right now" 
Izuku: "wondering if you want to help out at my work..." and the figure laughs 
???: "really..me?...you got to be kidding" 
Izuku: "i don't joke about this...your the only other person who i can trust...with certain information...having you working there will make gathering info much easier...and it pays good" 
???: "being part of the food industry?...nah man..i'm good" 
Izuku: "it's not like that...waiters are already set...just needs...someone to help finance the stores goods" 
???: "Hmm...and what's the description?" 
Izuku: "just ordering good..cooking...or if you want...pick it up and bribe for them...either way you can use whatever method that's effective...my boss doesn't see it but he's being cheated out from the quality of the good" 
???: "i see...hmm...why the hell not...fine...but about your little LOV situation...i can join..if only i work under just you" 
Izuku: "that's fine by me" 
???: "and man..those killings...you really gotten ruthless haven't you" 
Izuku: "just showing how it felt for me" 
???: "crushing a kids skull?" 
Izuku: "collateral" 
???: "yeesh" 
Izuku: "the leader has a plan conjuring..but knowing him so far...it's going to be thought out recklessly..i'm gonna have to put in a word with my sensei for helping out with minions" 
???: "you do that...just give me a holler if you need the help" 
Izuku: "will do" 
???: "see ya then kid" and they fade away 
Izuku: "Never understood that" it's not even their quirk...but hey he's not judging...he takes a right going to a different towards work...why?...because in the distance he sees a little girl just standing there in the alleyway...not even moving 
Izuku: "hmm" and he slowly walks towards it...why would a kid be all alone in this area?...in this part of town?...he then opens the dumpster to pull out a sledgehammer...yes he has bought a good amount of hardware tools and distribute them all over town...and he holds it ready to swing 
Izuku: "kid...what's going on?...why are you out here all alone?" asking the basic questions..no answer...
Izuku: "hmm" and he goes up closer..to see..mouth..was secreting green slime 
Izuku: "OH SHIT!!!" He jumps back barely dodging a tendril and soon the child bursts open to the large red eye all to familiar to him 
SV: "looks like i found you finally...think that it would be the last time you saw me?!" 
Izuku: "the fuck man...what is your purpose going after me?" 
SV: "to compensate for the embarrassment ALL MIGHT PUT ME THROUGH!!!" 
Izuku: "and your point being?" 
SV: "WHAT!?" 
Izuku: "so what...your a villain..at least you had a reason...he decided it was a good idea to have become a laughing stock in the whole fucking country" 
SV: "yeah i saw that...but i want to strike up a deal kid" 
Izuku: "...what?" 
SV: "you see i've been meaning on finding a new host..and that kid..well it didn't last long..." 
Izuku: "no shit" 
SV: "i want to share bodies with you" 
Izuku: "sounds pretty gay" 
Izuku: "kill me you have more than trouble going after you." 
SV: "please like what?!" 
"like me" turning around to see the hero killer now 
SV: "YOU!" 
Stain: "surprise" and within a flash...the eye was cut into piece...and the villain screams...Izuku now irritated swings the hammer overhead to smash the eye even more now...and he continues to do it for a minute...until he finally stops 
Izuku: "fucking dumbass" throwing the broken hammer away 
Stain: "and you keep getting into trouble" 
Izuku: "not my fault" 
Stain: "you and i need to talk" 
Izuku: "what's with people talking to me?..i'm just trying to get to work" 
Stain: "good i'll walk with you there then" and he sighs...todays not giving him a break. 
Izuku: "so...what's the deal" 
Stain: "I know you've been the one killing those people" 
Izuku: "i thought you always knew that...the moment you saw the fighting style" 
Stain: "i know you had a rough life kid...but taking the blood of an innocent isn't the right way...taking the lives of the people who wronged you is one thing i could tolerate...but when you add the entire family...it's a whole other story" 
Izuku: "so you just want me to keep it minimum?" 
Stain: "if you could just kill them...and leave those to survive..they will live to tell the horrible tale...of the villain who came and left...similar to the boogeyman" 
Izuku: "hmm...interesting" 
the boogeyman...that has a nice ring to it...the one who waltz into the victims home..and leaves without a trace...like a nightmare...yes...yes it's all coming together now 
Izuku: "i can what your saying...and i like it" 
Stain: "finally" 
Izuku: "so..any tips on stealth?" 
Stain: "since your face is plastered all over the heroes board...might as well make it sinister...just perform a curveball..be there and leave...it's useless to try and hide..but to have sightings...it's going to scare them...to know they cannot catch you...already puts enough tension...to expose those who are willing to do it for the right cause...and those who did it for just fame...and the corrupted" so that's why 
Izuku: "i'll do it then...know i won't be so nice with the display...for some are afraid of the monster under their bed...others are scared of the monster in their closet...but only those realized that the real monster sleeps inside them..waiting to be awakened...and i have already embraced the monster inside me" and he leaves from there...
Stain: "what quote he pulled that shit from" 

Izumi ran through the place...of course she helped Ochako get a headstart as well...for she's on her own destroying the mech...so far she's managed to get up to 36 points...using One For All...since she knows they can't really see her real quirk yet...not wanting to draw in to much attention..she managed to keep a steady flow off avoiding and also helping out those who are in trouble...
Izumi: "have to do this...have to do this for Izuku...i will make it up to him...if i can prove that he can become one..quirk or not..he can become one" fighting through them easily...as she lifted one up to fling it towards another...then uses one for all to punch through another one...effortlessly...she smiles knowing she's gone far in training for this moment of her whole life...she then flings another one out of the way to then see the ground shake causing her to fall over and hit the ground 
Izumi: "what the?!" she looked around to see the others also were wondering where it came from...is it an earthquake?...a quirk?...bomb? and it was about to answered...from a missile hitting the building beside her causing it to collapse and she got out of there right away
Izumi: "ARE THEY TRYING TO KILL US?!!" yelling out...barely avoiding the flying debris...the ground shook again...and they realized...it wasn't an earthquake or anything...it was a stomp...and it belonged...to what Present mic said 
Izumi: "the zero pointer" seeing in front of her the colossal mech that towers above the buildings...now it starts firing missiles overhead...aiming for the others...she gets up to try and help out the others...to avoid getting crushed...soon it took notice of her...and now about multiple green lasers lock onto her..
Izumi: "oh shit" she stuttered...seeing it look right at her...now it fires the micro missiles and using One for all channeling energy into her legs she jumped ahead avoiding it...each one missing it's mark...until the last one was too close and it launched her forward from the force
Izumi: "AGH!!" rolling on the ground now...she then hears screaming...that voice she knows all too well 
Izumi: "URARAKA!!!: and she runs back now...heading towards the screams...she keeps looking around trying to find the source 
Ochako: "IZUMI!!!" now she turns to see her trapped under rubble...one of them...the iron rod even impaled her leg...bounding her to the ground as the concrete traps her broken arm...and her body being crushed by the rest of the rubble...her head barely sticking out...god knows she's in a lot of pain 
Izumi now runs to her now and she slides to her level now 
Izumi: "okay okay we can get you out of this" 
Ochako: "i don't want to die" 
Izumi: "Your not dying,...your not dying" using her quirk to life some weight off...to try and ease the pain....soon came the complex part...the leg 
Izumi: "Oh man" barely touching it made her groan in pain
Izumi: "Sorry sorry sorry!" seeing tears running down now...soon she waves at Katsumi who sees it and she runs towards them as well...only for her to point up now...what is she saying? 
Izumi: "WHAT!??"" and now it makes sense...the stomp that shook the ground...and then Ochako groans more from her leg sliding down the rod even more...and the zero pointer staring right at them 
Izumi: "fuck" now seeing this thing up close...she froze...she couldn't snap out of it...Ochako also was in the same trance as well...soon it lifts it's foot up...and it recalibrates to where it's right above them now 
Izumi: "NO" 
Ochako: "IZUMI PLEASE HELP!!!" now she looks back at her...she was still stuck...she was going to do something until 
Katsumi: "COME ON!!!" 
Izumi: "NO!! NO!!! WE CAN'T LEAVE HER!!!" trying to break out of her grip...and Ochako...just cried more...and now...she had accepted her fate...as Katsumi activates her quirk..launching them away from the danger...she looks right at the mech...and it now...grows only bigger...for the slam that came with it wasn't a sign...that it meant...the one time she wanted to become someone to do good...was betrayed and left behind... 

Izumi: "NO..NO!!!" soon it already stomped on Uraraka...and now...she just kneeled down...she had failed to save her...failed to save the one in danger
Katsumi: "Izumi i" she puts a hand on her shoulder to only smack it away 
Izumi: "WHY YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" jumping on her now pinning her down on the ground 
Katsumi: "Izumi!" 
Izumi: "WHY!!!" she then was about to punch her...only for Shoka to pull her off and she struggled to try and attack her...Katsumi did what she thought was right...but then again...she just wanted to save her friend...she couldn't bear to lose her...right?...but at the cost of a life...she could've just distract it...or deter the attention to her...since she was faster...but no...she did neither of that...and it ended with being selfish...it's what she's always been

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