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Ochako: "unh...huh?" waking was feeling so groggy..and sore...all over the place...especially her...her..LEG!! she tried sitting up only to feel the pain come back...and she plops back down on her bed 
Ochako: "ow ow ow ow....ouch" now she didn't want to did she survive?...the zero pointer...then...the man in the gasmask...came in and brought her she a hostage...a prisoner?...le gasp!...a slave?!! 
Ochako: "okay..okay Ochako you can figure out what's going on...just need to think for a moment" muttering to then hear doors opening behind the room she tried to look at it...but looking down really puts a strain on her neck...she decided to see where this goes...and then it the same mask figure entering...breathing as his wheezing isn't a sign of being a creep in her mind 
Ochako: "who...who are you?...where am i?" asking him and he sets down a tray...and it seems to have...soup?...and a drink...she smells smells delicious 
Izuku: "Minestrone and some tea here...since your pretty much crippled" seeing him pull up a chair next to her...and soon he takes his mask off..and oh boy Ochako was not ready to see him 
Ochako: "i" 
Izuku: "you seem flustered" 
Ochako: "um...i...who are you again?" slurring out... 
Izuku: "it seems we've gone without Introductions...I am Izuku Midoriya...a fellow member of the infamous LOV" and she now shivers...this LOV doesn't sound good...
Ochako: "what does it stand for?" 
Izuku: "you saw the getup...guess" and now she looks closer...and she paled now...the stains and the recent blood on him..and in the corner she sees the infamous hammer...
Ochako: "your...the one who killed those students?!" 
Izuku: "students?...i just simply repaid a favor to them...not like you have anything to say about it...since you were pretty much pronounced dead right of the bat...didn't even wanted to check if you were alive in that rubble" 
Ochako: "wha?" 
Izuku: "why don't you take a look?" and he hands her a mirror...with her free hand she grabs it...and soon...gasped at her reflection...she had bandages all over her body...some even showing stitches and even the fabric was slightly red...what did they do to her?!" 
Ochako: "what did you do!?" 
Izuku: "we did nothing...only saving your life...your injuries weren't easy to treat...broken bones literally in multiple areas of your body...multiple ruptured organs...multiple punctures...even your left lung was was honestly astounding that you were alive...i would've thought you were russian at first glance" 
Ochako: " did they do to me?" 
Izuku: "Surgery...they had to do something called a total bone replacement...basically the doc took out the shattered bone in your arm...leg...jaw...and even your ribs...and he then reinforced it with a titanium steel alloy that would act as a replacement...your knees also had to have the joints replaced...that a part of your tendon that connects to the leg that over laps the kneecap...was torn almost completely...have to say if you were just taken to a regular hospital they would've just said that you were beyond saving...but me and the doc did our fucking best to keep you alive" 
Ochako: "You..did all of that...for me?" 
Izuku: "yes..." 
Ochako: "why would you do that?...aren't you a villain?" 
Izuku: "Because i'm a villain..doesn't mean that i have my own morals...if i told you my lifestory you could see why i committed those crimes...but that's beside the point...take off your shirt" and she blushes now 
Ochako: "Wha...WHAT!?!" 
Izuku: "please you have a bandage covering your entire torso..i need to take a look at the incision that's on you back...i need to make sure it doesn't get infected..alright?...i promise that's the only thing i'm going to do" showing complete concern for her now...for some reason she felt compelled to just let him do it...he doesn't seem to be lying either 
Ochako: "o...okay...but that's it!" 
Izuku: "fine by me" and soon she slowly takes her shirt off...even though it's not even hers technically...but she did...and he takes out a flashlight to then shine it on her bandages...and he undoes it...
Izuku: "so what i'm doing is i have to put a antibiotic ointment on your back here...since the stitching here became undone from your little sudden movement of sitting up..." 
Ochako: "s-sorry" 
Izuku: "it's nothing to be sorry just woke up in some strange place...i don't blame you for anything...okay" wiping it on the wound now...she felt his was very calloused...and rough...seems he's either done a lot of construction work...or something else 
Ochako: "did you work in construction?" 
Izuku: "my hands are's not from working...i had gone through a lot...some things i don't want to talk about...but all i can say is my hands aren't the only limb like this... everything below my neck is like don't let the face fool you...i'm pretty much a freak of nature...
Ochako: " means you survived...right?" 
Izuku: "what do you mean?" 
Ochako: "I seemed to know a lot about relate with a lot of people" 
Izuku: "I guess...hang on" and soon she grunt in pain 
Izuku: "sorry...had to redo the procedure...and the medical tape was stuck to your skin so yeah...alright i'm finished" and soon he starts wrapping it around as she sits still for him...and now he was done...
Izuku: "you can put the shirt back on...that was like..literally the only thing i needed to here you go" handing the food to her
Ochako: "thank you" and she was given a 
Izuku: "use a spoon..learned it's best to try Minestrone like this" handing her she scoops it up..and tastes it...she felt relieved 
Izuku: "I take it meets your standards" 
Ochako: "mm..this is the best thing i've eaten in a while" biting more into it 
Izuku: "hmm...well you can thank our local mother Kurogiri...i call him that because that how he acts honestly" 
Ochako: "well tell him thank you" 
Izuku: "i'll be sure to do that...the reason i'm finally answer your's because i have been appointed your teacher...and you are my apprentice..." and she stops 
Ochako: " mean for being a villain?" 
Izuku: "you could say that...have you seen what it's like out there?...the cruelty of the's suffering to deal with" 
Ochako: "but...why are they making me a villain?" 
Izuku: "because it was either that...or become a guinea pig for the docs twisted experiment...saying that your body is weak and couldn't even survive the preparation instead of having you Sensei appointed me as your teacher...this way i'll teach you everything you need to know about fighting...strategic lessons...and to help you recover....because starting tomorrow i need to help you walk" 
Ochako: "Oh....i see" looking down this where her life is leading her?...she had dreams of becoming a hero..and aspiring one to help not only her family...but everyone who needs it...and here this boy...telling her that the same people who she aspires to be...just up and left her...
Izuku: "let me ask you something...what was the last thing you saw...before that damn zero pointer stepped on you?" and she recounts it instantly 
Ochako: "i was crying out for throat was burning but i didn't care...when that missile hit the building next to me...i was knocked over...and the first debris hits my leg...i tried to use my quirk but then the rest came...rendering me helpless...i cried out to a girl who i met on the way in...her name Is Izumi Yagi...she was the one who came to my aid...telling me she's not going to leave me...but...she did...the last thing i saw was her being pulled out of there by her friend...blond girl...and then..i woke seeing you...but this helped me" 
Izuku now clenched his fist...even though he's not showing it..but he's now know both sides...and seeing she actually was pulled away by Katsumi...moreover she had a fucking quirk that could've just lifted up some rubble or hell..deter it's attention away from her...he calms himself's pass on now...right now she's here alive...and well..fuck them...fuck the heroes...fuck everyone...he will make sure that she will be the best goddamn fighter in this whole group...he swears it...but then he thought back to Nejire again...knowing she's becoming a hero...becoming a part of them...
Izuku: "well best get some rest...alright?" patting her shoulder he gets up now 
Ochako: "'s normally cold down here?" ah...he chuckles..
Izuku: "i'll have Kurogiri bring up extras sheets" 
Ochako: "t-thanks" 
Izuku: "see ya around Ochako" and he exits...
Ochako: "what just happened?" 

Aizawa: "seems that fourteen minutes is not even enough time for all of you to be here in line and quiet" seeing the massive group just barely making it...he was irritated 
Aizawa: " much as a first day...i'm willing to let one slide...when i say you go get chitchat among your friends...or trying to make friends...this is a hero school...and if you cannot follow simple rules such as may as well leave"walking past each one observing them 
Izumi was still unfazed...she kept her cool so far 
Aizawa: "Today is a quirk assessment test...where you all will test and assess the usage of your quirk..and will figure out how you can improve on i know some of you may have quirks that may not be suitable for these test...but rest assure you will have a chance to explain on how it can be utilized in your favor...but for now..just treat it like any normal fitness test...Katsumi...your the one who seemed to score the highest on the test...step forward into the circle here" and she walks up to him and steps into the circle 
Aizawa: "tell me...have you ever thrown a ball to see how far it can go" 
Katsumi would've said something snarky...but she sees this guy is scary 
Katsumi: "yes" 
Aizawa now hands her a ball: "here..try that very same test...but this time i want you to use your quirk" and she nods...soon she concentrated..and she reels back...from the time she was in Softball she spins it..and now 
Katsumi: "HRAH!!!" letting out a small explosion giving it a boost...seeing the ball fly off into the distance...she still kept her form up...and she waits...soon her teacher takes out a device and showed them the results 
Aizawa: "748 Meters." of course this would be awesome to know you can use your quirk in the test since it's forbidden to use it in public by law...but that was until 
"OH COOL THIS IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN!!!" and then everything went down hill from there 
Katsumi and Shoka could only the others now slowly turn to the source of the voice...a girl with pink hair black eyes with yellow iris and yellow horns seemed to shiver down from Aizawa remains quiet 
Aizawa: "would anyone care to repeat what i just heard.." and they remained quiet...another wrong move...until 
lida: "Sir i believe one of the students have said it was going to be fun to which in my viewpoint is not the case for a prestigious school like this and" 
Aizawa holds his hand up: "i asked for what's been said..not a whole philosophy lesson." no one wanted to say anything now...he turns away 
Aizawa: "if that's how all of you think of this whole class is going to be like...then i'll make it a game...for the testing coming up you best know that whoever ends up in last place...will be the one i'm sending home" 
"what..that's totally unfair!" another one said..who had yellow hair and a bolt...
Aizawa: "Natural disasters...villain attacks...the incident of the zero pointer malfunctioning...thieves...murders...and the one who the people reported with the large hammer...who never has been caught...these sort of things are never fair...for they don't even give us a chance to prepare...unfair is what it is...and here you all are thinking it's unfair i'm sending a student home...truth be told if you can't bring what's expected of you here...might as well send you home alive...then having your family come and try to identify you in a body bag...know this." and now he brings out his small device 
Aizawa: "moving on..." 
Izumi: '*sigh*' she interally felt dead inside...yeah she knows he's a teacher in using examples...but is the zero pointer incident really needed...he could've just said accidents...that was it...but who cares...
Aizawa: "Yagi i'm not here to babysit you...get over here" and he's a dick as well...

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