Stealing the files

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Izuku and Shigaraki now approach the front gates of U.A they see the crowd they had managed to gather seems enough to cause a huge chaotic mess for the staff...trying to get through the crowd...navigating to the front where the people are even shoving each other they yell out questions and sometimes a bit of they managed to get the and not with out getting some backlash from the reporters themselves..wondering who these masked people are...that is until they planted the seed of illusion..for Shigaraki touched the front locks and Izuku then undoing the hinges to the gates themselve...once it was over...they both kicked it down and now they come rushing forward demanding to see All Might and soon more of the pros started to come out...
Shigaraki looks at Izuku and he the signal that it's his turn he slowly branches away from the rest of the crowd he sneaks in another way...kicking the door it was muted by the crowds rambling. so he heads on in to the school itself...and he did got a bit see how it all looks like...and Tomura was right...very shitty security..since he only saw about a couple of camera that monitor certain he takes a right and heads through the east staircase leading he managed to get to the third floor he sees a couple of students coming down now...and he avoids them jumping behind the door...hugging the wall their conversation lasted a while but they were focused on the topic not him...he sneaks on by and heads up to the fourth floor...that is until he sees one of the teachers come out of the lobby...the skimpy outfit...the bimbo and whore-like behavior...yep..this is the pro hero she is quite the looker...for some boys..Izuku was fine with Nejire...he would have no one other than far she seemed to be occupied talking to other teachers...even so much as flirting with them...doing odd movements 
Izuku: "please" scoffing at her attempts...he managed to sneak by she keeps talking...the other stair case was a bit less used...since the other one he was at lead towards the food court...all kinds of things they can get from just that one he's seeing some girl wit earphone jacks for ears 
Izuku: 'could be possible she has enhanced hearing...have to be careful now' and he's sure his steps are muted from the amount of noise being made...then he overhears an alarm going on talking about a level 3 threat 
Izuku: 'then what's a level 1 if reporters just came in...litering?' soon he heads up more...and now he reaches the fifth floor...thank god...seeing that it's completely empty just as expected he didn't worry much about the idea of being caught...completely...he still sees cameras are literally monitoring his every move...he makes it to the door leading into the data room and he sees it's locked...picklocking is an option..but it'll take too long...might as well...he grips the door and breaks the glass window on it...and with one pull...rips it off the hinges...and throws it hearing the threat proceeding to level 4...guessing it's an intruder coming in...he doesn't care 
Shigaraki: "what the fuck are you doing" irritated hearing the alarm level going higher 
Shigaraki: "your supposed to just recieve a file..not trying to get a five-star speed run!" 
Izuku: "reasons" and he then sees the computer...and he has no time right now...he rips the computer out and the server itself...he gives the location to Kurogiri and he now jumps out of the window...not caring now that people are hearing the ruckus...and he runs...his heavy breaths going through the mask may sound like he has a breathing problem..but that's the illusion of it...and he sees the portal...throwing the computer and the server in he turns to go back for Shigaraki now 
ShigarakI: "don't worry about me..i'll find a different way out..." but he's not having it...he rushes around the building and he sees the food court is panicking and they are in dismay...this is the future pro heroes of Japan? he shakes his head seeing how pathetic they are...
Izuku: "go around the corner...the portal will appear" guiding him through the crowd...worried he's about to get caught...but the reporters are like animals just keeping the heroes completely occupied...finally they go through it and of course they both collapsed to the ground 
Shigaraki: "stealth isn't really our thing not going to lie" 
Izuku: "agreed" 
Shigaraki: "next time i'm going to hire someone" 
Izuku: "you do that then" and he gets up holding out his hand to help out...gripping it but not without lifting his pinky...knowing his quirk...makes him pretty smug 
Izuku soon felt his pockets and now he was reaching into he started to fidget more even so much as to look around the bar area..where he's normally not allowed 
Shigaraki: "what are you doing" 
Izuku: "i'm trying to look for my phone" searching more now..and he can't find it..
Kurogiri: "it 's not here if your wondering..believe me during your little mission i cleaned up the place..and found nothing that would belong to you" 
Izuku: "shit...did i drop it at the school!?" now worried...if they find his phone could be bad 
Shigaraki: "whatever...i'm going to play games you deal with it" and he leaves 
Izuku: "agh fuck" now he was panicking and Kurogiri brought up the leagues phone 
Kurogiri: "perhaps you should call your work?" handing it to him and he takes he enters the number and he hears it ringing...
Suji: "hello there this is the Picasso bar and grill how may i help you" 
Izuku: "Suji" 
Suji: "ah Midoriya are you calling about your phone?" and he let out a sigh of relief 
Izuku: " you have it?" 
Suji: "ah you just missed your girlfriend she picked it up for you so i would ask her for it" and he face palms again 
Izuku: "okay...thank you" 
Suji: "no problem" and he hangs up 
Izuku: "well one good thing is it's not at U.A...second is my girlfriend has it" 
Kurogiri: "well that's good...shall i locate her through her phone?" 
Izuku: "putting a tracker on my girlfriend is beyond fucked up for it" and he enters in the coordinates and where she is...and she' Kiyashi mall
Izuku: "of course...well then..i'm off now...let me know when something comes up" 
Kurogiri: "no worries Young Midoriya..just fix up your...marital problems" 
Izuku: "what?" and he opens a portal and walks through it 
Izuku: "*sigh*" so now he exits...and leaves...running through the streets to get there before they leave 

and thus begins another headache for Aizawa...sure he's had plenty of them in his life...but this one in particular wanted him to just bundle up in a dark corner and wallow in pain as he and the other staff are there with the principal...and that is Nezu...the small chimera 
Nezu: "now then..i see that we had a little..intruder in our mist" 
Aizawa: "you don't say" 
Nezu: "either way it's no problem to me...seeing how reckless they acted...and even so much as to taking the actual server and computer...don't know why they took the Monitor" 
PM: "well who were they?" 
Nezu then pulls up a remote turning on the projector showing the masked outside and the other that infiltrated the school 
Nezu: "so far we don't have a connection to them yet...but there is one crucial detail have...look at the one who entered the building..doesn't he seem familiar to you all?" and they look closely now..seeing his towering height..the cloths of course covered every part of his body...not a glimpse of skin showing...and they see him ripping the reinforced door off it's hinges 
Aizawa: "is it a strength quirk?" 
Nezu: "don't know..but not the point...keep looking" and now they see it...he turns to the camera and they knew who it was...the Villain that they couldn't catch..the one for the pass six months that has been on a killing spree...they saw his mask and it match it with the other evidence...why is he there in the first place? 
Midnight: "how did we not see this?" and Nezu switches to another screen showing her flirting with the other staff 
Midnight: "oh" 
Nezu: "oh then...on to the next problem...what they stole was not other than our schedule for the upcoming events we have planned out for the year...USJ, the sports Festival, the winter festival, Everything...why they want this particular info is sure to be for the villains...who they will be we don't know yet." 
Aizawa: "did anyone see where they went?...they obviously made a very loud exit" noting the video of one of them jumping out the window 
Nezu: "no other than this" showing them another piece of footage..showing them just walk into the wall and disappear 
Aizawa: "no other angle?" 
Nezu: "only one we have right now" 
PM: "so pretty much a deadend" 
Nezu: "well we can see that they are villains in the making possibly...i know we will continue on with the schedule...but to know that it is possible of them to attack at any one of these events...which isn't quite smart to be honest" 
Aizawa: "i'll make note of it" 
Midnight: "same here" 
PM: "me three" 
Nezu: "good..i also notified the others as don't are dismissed" and they stood up and left from there...and once they left Nezu looks back at the one where the door was ripped off with ease replaying it again...and sees he's struggling to rip it off...
Nezu: "interesting" 

Izumi: "god kill me please" tired now...walking outside through destroyed gates...she couldn't believe it...the reporters have infiltrated the school to to her father?...she can't stand it when people act like this....of course her and lida managed to calm down the crowd during lunch..but it doesn't get any better when the threat level went from a three to a four...meaning that someones gotten into the where when they went up they saw the window broken on the fifth floor and a door ripped off..with the police there investigating asking students questions...even one of her classmates Kyoka Jirou didn't notice anything strange during the time...and she had to deal with another problem again...the whole class president thing that went around..of course lida got first place...she never understood why she got she ended up giving it to Momo Yaoyorozu ...she seemed to be perfect in everyones she thought fuck it..give it to her...and that's what happened...walking home now...she runs into an odd display...Katsumi was giving money to Shoka...and she gave it to Shoto 
Izumi: "uuh" and they just looked at her 
Katsumi: "if your wondering i lost a fucking bet" 
Shoka: "it was about who Izuku was going to date" 
Shoto: "she voted on herself...Katsumi said it was someone else...but i said it was someone his i won" 
Izumi: "and why wasn't i notified about this?" 
Bakugo: "because we could not give a flying fuck about it" 
Izumi: "you too?" 
Bakugo: "I bet the nerd wasn't going to find anyone!" handing his share to Shoto 
Izumi: "the nerve of you guys" 
Shoto: "so..what's the plan...mall as always?" 
Shoka: "i mean it's the only other place near the train home..and theirs" 
Izumi: "oddly enough..a lot of things happen whenever we go there" 
Katsumi: "hopefully this will be the last" 
Shoka: "or not" 
Izumi: "either way lets go" heading on towards the area...of course they're going to have to deal with some drama...again

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