Negotiations/Advice given

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Izuku: "and you know how bad shit's gotten..if right away when someone finds out your quirkless..they automatically assume..your just weak and can't do these task..with the usage of a goddamn's always about quirks...quirk this..quirk that...i'm fucking sick and tired of that word...ever since the whole world of heroes shit...and when people started becoming these freaks..they look at us..the supposed dead relic of the past..and just right away think that we are so much more lower than their own egotistic brains the size of a fucking fly...i trained for not just days..but months of non-stop training..and this is what i was it must be a strength has to be a quirk..otherwise how could he do that...fucking morons...and in felt bad for Nejire..since she was the one who wanted me to come and help cheer them up...right now i'm very much considering on going back home to sleep it off...fuck!" kicking the dumpster as it bends from his onslaught of kicking...and beside him...
Stain: "is this the reason you called me" 
Izuku: "I wanted to tell you what happened...thought you wanted to know what the fuck is going on and what is being accepted into this forsaken society" 
Stain: "as expected...i remembered when the people would hold up a day for heroes who have served in war...served in the times before honor their sacrifice..but now that all of them have perished...they have no reason to respect reason to respect a dead mans wishes...heroes...a word that has been long tainted and rotted into nothing but a corporate brand to just make a few bucks for your pocket..while the whole saving the just a where even failing to save them..will fall under collateral damage" 
Izuku: "along with the expenses and damages to the property...and those who also lose their jobs or homes from the's sickening" 
Stain: "and you with your *ahem* crusade isn't exactly harmless" 
Izuku: "I'm well aware" 
Stain: "and i saw how that girl reacted to left quite the impression didn't you" 
Izuku: "only two outcomes can come from she pulls through..but is much hesitant to face me...or two...she'll quit altogether...either she won't interfere with Tomuras plan" 
Stain: "believe me that brat is a pain the ass...invited me...i nearly killed him...if it weren't for that girl" 
Izuku: "Ochako...heh..her training is and Kurogiri are doing what we can to prepare her" 
Stain: "your leader just contacted me...and i do have two more idiots to look i'm likely just going to give them to you" 
Izuku: "Morons" 
Stain: "one is literally bloodthirsty...the other...don't know..have to see it for yourself" 
Izuku: "very well then...when do you plan on meeting them" 
Stain: "after i'm done hunting Ingenium" 
Izuku: "you need help" 
Stain: "you have things to do on your being seen with you is like a magnet for trouble" 
Izuku: "ouch" 
Stain: "at least you don't complain...these punks don't compare to the willpower you put into yourself" 
Izuku: "hmm..flattered" pulling out his he rubs his wrist...he can hear popping noise 
Stain: "normally broken ribs take a long amount of time to heal..not..a week...what did they do to you" 
Izuku: "i'm being experimented...they want me to become an Enhanced NOMU..they call it...this fucking..beast like creature that is made from one injecting multiple quirks at the same time into the person...turning them into that" 
Stain: "a literal only have one i'm guessing" 
Izuku: " be fair...i still don't get why this shit thing makes you above everybody a rank." leaning on the railing overlooking the small part of town 
Stain: "Hosu city...know that's the next place he plans to strike" 
Izuku: "hmm...and he told you to tell me" 
Stain: "your teacher said he didn't want you to be involved this time" raising an eyebrow now 
Izuku: "and why not" 
Stain: "something about...raising suspicions...and the fact it takes place on one of your workdays...right after the sports festival" 
Izuku: "hmm...not going to question his reasons...i'll obey them...tell him that" 
Stain: "when are you going to call your little hitman buddy" 
Izuku: in time" and he turns to see him gone now...smirking wondering how fast he had to be to pull off a trick like that..and he wondered how many of them he failed...he got a text saying Nejire and the others are at the food court...taking his mind off those brats did help calm him...for he has no choice but to head over there now but then he hears 
"OKAY THANKS LOVE YOU!!" he turns to see Izumi sprinting into the mall...full's late...then he remembers that class also involving those four fuckers...curse his brain...the injuries might've knocked a few brain cells...oh he heads in 
Izuku: "this should be interesting" 

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