Unexpected meeting

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once everyone got settled up and went their separate groups to look for what they need to bring on their camping trip Izumi and the others just wandered off and looked on their own 
Izumi: "so..i guess we'll meet back here then?" 
Katsumi: "that's what i'm assuming" 
Shoka: "i'm okay with that" 
Izumi: "alright then..i just need to get some weights for my training" 
Katsumi: "you already need heavier ones?" 
Izumi: "yeah...just want to keep up to strength you know" 
shoka shivers...remembering the time the bogeyman just shrugs off their quirks like nothing..makes her wonder on how strong he truly is
Izumi: "well i'll be heading off then" and they now split apart...heading two separate direction the mall seemed much bigger than she remembered before 
Izumi: "lets see..beauty...phone....cloths..maybe later...oh there it is!" seeing the sporting goods store...she heads on in...of course since the start of the year this place has been quite crowded...from the oncoming heroes in training...striving on the path to become a pro hero...
Izumi: "weights weights...ah there it is!" as she was going to pick it up...she bumps into someone 
Izumi: "oh sorry..my bad" and she sees his red eyes...his hair is the same like Shokas...albeit a bit darker...but the one thing she's noticed is how crusted and dry his skin looks...like if he has lived in a desert his entire life" 
Izumi was glaring a bit...
Shigaraki: "Hmph..you know it's rude to stare...got something to say" and even his voice..sounded like it's dried..like he has drink water at all! 
Izumi: "No i'm...i apologize i'm just not used to seeing peoples um" 
Shigaraki: "you and me both...Izumi Yagi" now she was a surprised 
Izumi: "uh how do you know my name?" growing nervous...a villain..here...now!? 
Shigaraki: "are you seriously that naive..your all over the news...the sports festival" 
Izumi: "oh..right..i'm just not used to the attention" 
Shigaraki: "seems no one cares about you winning" 
Izumi: "i'd rather have no attention...it's a win win situation" 
Shigaraki: "say i have a few questions to ask you if you don't mind" 
Izumi: "uh..sure...could i get this first" 
Shigaraki: "go right ahead" getting the weights...the clerk had to use multiple bags to have her carry it 
Izumi: "thank you!" waving to the clerk...now back to this creep 
Shigaraki: "now...i heard you went against this so called League of Villains...how was it facing a villain for the first time?" 
Izumi: "well...as much as it looks on T.V...it's frightening...because in the situation it could also cost you your life..." 
Shigaraki: "did any of them stand out to you?"  where is he going with this?...why the sudden survey now! 
Izumi: "well...if i had to guess...it would be the-" 
Shigaraki: "Bogeyman" 
Izumi: "yes...him" 
Shigaraki: "quite the specimen is he" 
Izumi: "i'm sorry?" 
Shigaraki: "he fooled you once but twice...first time in USJ then in Hosu" 
Izumi: "how do you know about Hosu" okay this scary now 
Shigaraki: "I'm trying to understand how could someone create such a being...it could have multiple reasons...like having to been abused...harrased..bullied...or worse..." 
Izumi: "where are you going with this
Shigaraki: "Hmm..thought that would've sparked something...oh well" 
Izumi now was ready to fight him 
Izumi: "why you!" stopping suddenly to see he has his hand around her neck 
Shigaraki: "i wouldn't recommend that...you see if all five of my fingertips come into contact with something..they will just...decay" 
Izumi: "d...decay?" shivering 
Shigaraki: "and no it's not just turning into dust instantly...for a moment..your going to feel the skin on the surface here...just to start shrinking..your gonna feel the it just to start rotting...and the pain...think off...necrosis...but a thousand times worse" 
Izumi: 'this is bad..how..how will get out of this..one false move and i'm done for..what do i do!?' 
Shigaraki: "but there is one more question i have to ask you..come here for a moment and humor me" now sitting on a bench as she remains in a perfect posture Shigaraki just slouches over a little 
Shigaraki: "why become a hero...is it to protect something hmm?...to protect the foundations of the hero society itself...no...i think...in my honest opinion here...i think..it's to protect someone...you should've chosen the path of a villain..your emotions betray you" 
Izumi: "your wrong..." 
Shigaraki: "am i?...come on Izumi...i'm sure your used to hurting people right?" 
izumis breathing is now starting to become faster 
Shigaraki: "gotcha...so you have hurt someone right?...i wonder who though...so many people...so many lives to ruin...you find pleasure in it?" 
Izumi: "you would never understand" 
Shigaraki: "i'm pretty sure i can..." 
Shigaraki: 'Shit!' as he looks up suddenly to see Momo and some of the others there 
Nejire: "Hey!" 
Izumi: "uh..hey guys" waving nervously..seeing Izuku there...trying to give out a signal for help 
Mina: "who's that?" 
Momo: "why is he holding your neck?" 
Nejire: "is he a weirdo?!" 
Izuku then looks at the others...sighing now he then lets go of Nejires hand and walks on over 
Izuku: "Tom...what did i tell you about picking on people i don't associate myself with?" 
Mina: 'Tom?' looking at momo and she shrugs 
Nejire: "oh you know him?" 
Izuku: "yeah...guys...this is tom...short for uh" nudging him 
Shigaraki: "for Tomoko...just tom is fine" smiling nervously 
Mina: "uh..okay then...interesting name though"
Shigaraki: "my mother wanted a girl" 
Mina: "oh"  
Jirou: "say..why did you have your hand around her neck" 
Izumi: "because he was" then Izuku smacks the top of her head 
Izuku: "because he was joking about killing her" 
Momo: "that's..kind of morbid" 
Jirou: "that doesn't sound funny at all" 
Kirishima: "i mean..everyone has a sense of humor right?" 
Nejire: "are you a comedian?, a long time friend?, where did you go to school?, why is your skin dry?, do you need water?" then Izuku stops her 
Izuku: "so Tom...about that game last night" 
Shigaraki: "hmm?" 
Izuku: "remember we talked had a discussion about stealing other peoples 'kills'?" 
Shigaraki: "unless your fast enough and finish the job...i swear the class you choose...the way you play annoys me" 
Izuku: "really?..i did not know that" 
now everyone was confused...
Kirishima: "uh..i'm lost" 
Jirou: "i think we all are" 
Nejire: "anyways...we have to get to the meeting point..come on!..it's nice to meet you tom!" 
Izuku: "see ya around" 
Shigaraki: "yeah...see ya...bastard" seeing them walk off now...Izumi before she heads off..looks back at Shigaraki who had his phone out messaging someone...then he heads off 
Izuku: 'you think they would realize it without the hand mask...this is some kent clark type of bullshit...at least it worked' 
Nejire: "so why is tom picking on Izumi?...i'm guessing he knows" 
Izuku: "he knows more about the situation...that's his way of showing he cares...at least i think" 
Nejire: "hmm..odd..but i like him..he seems like a good person" 
Izuku: "you have no idea" 
Mirio: "hey!" 
Tamaki: "we were looking for you" 
Izuku: "right...anyways"
Nejire: "we just met Izukus friend" 
Mirio: "another?" 
Tamaki: "from work i'm guessing?" 
Izuku: "no...long time friend...not much really..." 
Mirio: "well come on guys..let's go!" and they continue on 

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