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Izumi: "..." 
Mirio: "..." 
Yagi: "well this is awkward...i really didn't expect you to intern not one...but two students" as in the background laughter is heard...seeing his sidekick...bubble girl..being some...bondage contraption...
Izumi: "Izuku would have a field day if he ever saw this" 
Mirio: "for once i agree with you on something" as the machine stops...she just falls over breathing heavily 
Mirio; "real huge field day" knowing the type of things he would say about this Yagi then just walks up 
Nighteye: "i thought it told you to not interfere with my punishments" 
Izumi: "why was she strapped to it?" 
Nighteye: "hmm..." 
Mirio: "Uh...sir?" smiling nervously 
Nighteye: "she has failed to make a joke on her field's not to my least a cheap joke would be suffice..but she has failed on making me at least scoff" 
Izumi: "that's your ONLY reason?" 
NIghteye: "why are you here?" 
Yagi: "well...gran was i already told you that your going to intern her correct?" 
Nighteye adjusts his glasses...before continuing on with his work 
Nighteye: "yes i did say that didn't i...togata help Kaori recover..i expect another routine lesson from her...and make sure she at least makes a her if you must" 
Mirio: yes" helping her up 
Bubblegirl: "i will do better...*sigh* next time" trying to keep herself from vomiting 
Izumi follows the other they head out from another hallway...into what she presumes is his office 
Nighteye locks the door and presses a button above the lightswitch 
Yagi: "well...i guess we can safely say that you are well prepared should Ms Joke come around?" 
Nighteye: "please even with her quirk...she could hardly get a chuckle from me" 
Izumi: "why are you so keen on jokes?" 
Nighteye: "as if i need to explain myself in front of you...especially with your current doings...leading to not just one...but many people who you made your enemy" 
Yagi: "we agreed on not discussing this" 
Nighteye: "and you expect me to obey it blindly?...Toshinori..what would Nana say if she had seen you doing this?" 
Yagi: "I don't want to dwell on it" 
NIghteye: "mm yes...but either way..i have no choice on the have the quirk...unfortunately..i have to help you control it should it at least give us a chance on whatever the league is planning...but i have to ask you order for me to intern must at a point..make me laugh" 
Izumi: "Oh god" 
Yagi: "Night you know how much" 
Nighteye: "I give the conditions here not you may be the one who has given me many opportunities in my life...but this one time i'm dealing with fragile topics...this is the least i can do" 
Yagi: "*sigh*...very well then...i...i will leave you two to it then" now getting up...he puts a hand on Izumis head 
Yagi: "i know you can do this Izumi" and he leaves...hearing the door lock again...Nighteye then patiently awaits for whatever god awful joke she has planned 
Izumi: "uuh" 
Nighteye: "we have about four hours until i run out of the mean time...i suggest you make a good use of the time given to you...and make me laugh" 
Izumi: "alright" she's so gonna fail this

Izuku: "so...she's escaped" now looking at the empty room...where Overhauls daughter is be's filled with things a child would dream of many toys and even plushies that are neatly organized in the racks...a nice bed...even the room was painted pink and purple..
Overhaul: "'s quite disappointing that she is ungrateful for the things i have done for her...i just require one thing and she wants to run away" Izuku doesn't say anything 
Overhaul: "but that's how kids work i day they will be all over you begging for attention...the next they want to be an individual of their own...and maybe try to be rebellious which is another headache for me" 
Izuku: "do you want me to find her" 
Overhaul: "no...not yet...but i will ask you to look around her room to see if there's anything notable that i should pay attention is the key...i will be back..and hopefully with her" and he Izuku just closes the door...he looks around to see if there's any cameras...about two...but they seemed to be tampered with...worthless...he rips them out and takes this moment to take off his mask...breathing 
Izuku: "alright..lets see what i'm dealing with here" as he plants a small chair against the door...he looks around the room...even taking his gloves off to prevent any of the blood getting on it...checking the small items...from the little lockets...little makeup boxes...he sees nothing in the toys...they seem perfectly fine...and he also takes note that they still look fairly i they never left the store they were bought in...checking the doll house...he sees some writing on it...attempts to write the alphabet...but were crudely made...the kid can't write for her life...
Izuku: "so much for being grateful" it's so obvious Overhaul doesn't really care about her at all...he checks the bed now...lifting the pillow to find a small stain...
Izuku: "blood...dry too...seems to have been building up for a while...the sheets haven't been washed in quite a while...reeks" as he now takes a sheet he looks closely...seeing some more blood stains...but they were around the corner of the bed...
Izuku: "white sheets...asking for trouble...what's this" since the blood remains on the corner of the bed...he sees signs of it on the floor as his hand with the thermite to see what's under the bed...he looks to see...scratches...marks on the if she tried to stay under the bed...struggling...even pieces of nail on the clawmarks...he looks back down on the blood drops...and sees it well spaced from the corner of the bed...then he realizes what had happened
Izuku: "i see now...your innocence have been taking from you...forcefully..." as he sees other stains there...he doesn't want to dwell on it...lifting the bed up he sees more clawmarks...her vain attempt on trying to get away from whoever was toying with her...he's seen enough now...and he puts everything back where it was...putting the glove and mask back on...he opens the  see one of Overhauls men there...who tried to fidget with the door 
"hey..what you doing here" 
Izuku: "seeing what the deal is...your boss ordered me" 
" gonna kill her to?" 
Izuku: "pretty sure she's begging for death right have anything to do with this?" 
"why the fuck do you care?" 
Izuku: "because it matters for the job i'm doing for Overhaul" as they get into a small standoff...of course he couldn't care less..
" what they say is true...your a fucking ruthless tool aren't you" trying to get into his nerves
"if your so concern with what's going on in their...this isn't the first time she's escaped...other attempts lead into more...questionable punishments even he isn't aware of...his right hand man is the one you should be talking to...but he's not you should be patient and wait for their return...bitch" and he walks off...
Izuku kept to himself..and locked the door again...
Izuku: " please" he hid under his bed...hoping Izumi and the others won't find him 
Izumi: "deku~" saying that name slowly taunting he shivers more...he tried to cover himself...but it was no use 
Izumi used her quirk to pull him out of his he so desparately tried to keep himself there..he felt his nails being filed away by the wooden floor...even some splinters got in...anything to keep away from them for at least a second...he 
Izuku: "NO!!" he tried to move back but it was in Izumi holds him up 
Izumi: "are you gonna stop dreaming of being a hero?" 
Izuku: "Please...please no more zumi...please" as he rambled on...begging for her to stop...of course she was frustrated and slammed him into the ground multiple he groaned out in pain...she then pokes into one of his burns...he couldn't scream...
Izumi: "well are you!" but again...he was in so much pain..he couldn't think...
Izumi: "I'm gonna have to teach you another lesson aren't i" 
Flashback ends 
Izuku: "alwaysremember....always remember what i am" clinging on to his head again...about to go into another breakdown

"All Might" in the maximum security prison...Tartarus...Yagi has made a visit to try and hopefully..get some answers...
Yagi: "show me" as the warden guided him down into the tenth sublevel nearly 100 meters they walked through multiple bulkhead doors....even the toughest villain wouldn't even escape...looking into one of the main chambers..he sees 
Stain: "All interesting that your here" seeing the hero killer just laying on the metal frame given to him Yagi just ignores he proceeds into the next room...where a bulk head opens..similar to how a vault in a bank would open...and of course..lies a single standard door
"he's all yours" now heading up to it...he opens it...
AFO: "if i could see i would be asking if i'm seeing things...Toshinori Yagi here to visit his dear old enemy" again ignoring his attempts on his sitting at the table set in the middle of the room...bringing out some notes and notebook...he looks at him 
AFO: "quiet today aren't we?...usually you like to run your mouth off to the so called people you continue to fail protecting" 
Yagi: "You know why i'm here" 
AFO: "surely it's not just to talk...otherwise you have your wife for that...even if she has another man in her mind" 
Yagi: "where is the league of Villains" 
AFO stays quiet for a moment...before he just chuckles 
Yagis: "what's so funny" 
AFO: "You're unbearably really think i'm gonna know that" 
Yagi: "Knowing you..nothing gets past you..." 
AFO: "*sigh* sadly i do see once you and your pawns dragged me down into here...all information regarding my apprentices has been...well lost...even with Ragdolls quirk i don't know" 
Yagi: "one word would've worked...where is Tenko Shimura" 
AFO: "Now that's the same question your asking might...such tactics are hopeless for me...but i will say...when you messed really did messed did it feel to come into terms...on what your mentors legacy has decayed into" 
Yagi: "how did you manipulate him you rat" 
AFO: "oh it was such an easy task...who knew that in order to get something i as right there on the streets...surely you have heard of the boy who unwillingly killed his entire family...that much is factual" 
Yagi: "and yet your using him for your own gains" 
AFO: "use is such a strong word...I would simply state that i'm guiding him on his path of becoming a great villain" 
Yagi: "what game are you playing...we both know you aren't the type to be selfless...your using him...simple...and the league...your so called NOMUs...are they being guided" 
AFO just chuckles again 
Yagi: "tell me the bogeyman?" 
AFO: "and would you like to know?" as if he's making an offer 
Yagi: "yes" 
AFO: "no don' fact i'm just gonna spare you this one detail and leave at that" 
Yagi: "why not" 
AFO: "because all those who tried to find out who he either dead or has met a painful demise before their end...and to be frank...I'd rather leave it to you to find out...oh how it pains me that i'll never see what you'll truly find under that mask..." 
Yagi: "then it's someone we know" 
AFO: "It's someone you know as well...something you..and your heroes have created...and i'll tell's not going well...but i will give you this...all those deaths...all those he killed..the heroes...the students...the children...they are connected in some it it random...maybe revenge" 
Yagi: "Revenge?" what is he talking about? 
AFO: "when they finally see what the heroes have created...they will never trust in the saying eye for an take something from me...I will do the same" 
Yagi had enough: "I'm done here" getting he was going to walk out 
AFO: "oh before you last thing" he waits and turns around 
AFO: "Everyone creates the things they dread...You heroes wanted to protect the world...but you never wanted to change...never wanted to let go of that glory of your daughter" 
Yagi waits for him to finish
AFO: "You know what's in that boy?...the power to make real changes...and your terrified of it..know that" 
"times up" hearing the warden speak through the intercom...Yagi leaves...what does he mean by that?...
Yagi: "everyone creates the thing they dread?" 
even in the end...he still won't get it...until it's thrown right in front of him literally

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