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My fucking life has been dedicated to this shit man ;( this story was supposed to be 30 chapters long NOW LOOK WHERE I AM!

Almost 87 chapters and a new story..


Anyways if you haven't read the first story- you should go do that Lmao, click on my user and acc to find me other storiesss.

Yeah- and my dumbass missed a hole big chunk of the omega verse- I forgot about the heat and rut bs.

Stuff in this story bla bla: sexual stuff, assault, rape, etc.


Smut, etc

This is the sequel to the first book my little pet! Go read that before you read this or you will be confused!!

Dream huffed as he sat on the couch, treating the scar on zumas face.... God it's been almost three months already without George..
"There you go baby..." he kissed zumas forehead.

"Mama..?" Zuma glanced around... everyday he always asks for George.. but he's not here...

He stopped calling about 3 weeks ago.. cause apparently he had to up his training..

"Moms not here right now zuma.." Dream ruffled Zumas hair.
"He will be back soon." He smiled.

"Yeah! Daddy's gotta go to work later, He has a a lot of paper work and Karl will be taking care of you tomorrow!" Dream smiled as he rubbed zumas cheek.... It made him miss George more and more everyday.

Zuma just whined..

"Cmon.. it's time to go to bed.." Dream picked zuma up, rubbing his back.

Zuma just yawned as he laid into dreams arms.

"Just a few more weeks and we have George back.." Dream had a faint smile as he walked over to zumas room.

Zuma just rubbed his eyes.

Dream carefully settled zuma down in the crib.
"Goodnight Angel..." he kissed zuma on the forehead.

Zuma just yawned as he nuzzled into the crib, gripping his small blanket.

Dream chuckled before turning the nightlight on.
"I'll be just in the other room zuma.." he turned the light off before shutting the door behind him.

He sighed as he walked down the empty hallways.. walking into his quiet room... it's so empty without George.

He closed his door behind him, flopping down on his bed....

He missed george... more and more.. everyday...

As he was about to drift asleep, his phone went off.... Who the fuck is calling me.

"Huh...?"Dream reached over and grabbed his phone, picking up the call.

'Hi!' George giggled threw the phone.

"GEORG-!" As Dream shot up, he hit his head on the bedframe.
"OW- FUCK-" he grabbed his forehead.

'Did I call at a bad time..? I can call another time-' George tone soon changed into a sore one.

"No! No! I'm fine! I just hit my head is all." Dream smiled as he held the phone close.
"It's so good to hear your voice again." He smiled as he gripped his phone.

George just giggled.
'Well I got some good news! Hannah said that I'm done my training! I can come home this weekend!"

"Actually?! Saturday or Sunday?! What time?? Will it be in the morning or afternoon??" Dreams smiled widened, he wanted to know when George came home.. exactly-

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now