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Zuma be talkin now

George sat on the couch cuddling zuma.

"Here you go." Dream walked over and put a plate of fruit on the coffee table.
"Cut up fruit for you and zuma." He hummed.

"Thank you." George giggled as he kissed zumas forehead.. cradling him in his arms.

"Mhm." Dream sat down next to george, wrapping his arm around The omegas shoulder.
"It didn't take long.."

They all sat in comforting silence.. well- until Sapnap came busting in that is-... interrupting there moment.

"WHATS UP FUCKERS!" Sapnap yelled raising his arms up.
"Fuck!" He stubbed his toe on a corner.

Dream and George both jolted as they looked over at Sapnap.. idiot.

"Jesus Sapnap you scared u-" before Dream continued he was interrupted.. but not by George or sapnap- but by zuma.

"Fuc-k" zuma repeated Sapnaps words as he raised his arms up, copying the beta.

Everyone in the room went silent.. especially Sapnap... he made a big fucky wucky.

Sapnap awkwardly glanced over at dream... oh..

George just looked over at Dream seeing his reaction and Dream stared at Sapnap... he was pissed.... Even though he himself swears a lot-

"Uh- it wasn't me." Sapnap crossed his fingers making an X over his chest, shaking his head.. he shook his head repeatedly.

"I am going to kill you." Dream growled as he stared at Sapnap.. he may swear himself around zuma- but Sapnap was the one that made him swear.

"WH- NO!" Sapnap shook his head.
"IT WASNT ME!" He shook his arms as well.

Dream looked over at George for permission to beat Sapnaps ass.

George just nodded as he covered zumas ears, knowing Dreams probably going to swear really loud.

"GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OVER HERE SAPNAP!" Dream quickly stood up running after Sapnap.

"AHHH" Sapnap sprinted away as Dream ran after him.

Dream sprinted a full speed, chasing Sapnap
Through the halls.

.: George POV :.

"Don't say things like that alright darling?"  George held up zuma, trying to look serious.

Zuma just whined as he curled his legs to his chest.. he thinks George is mad at him.

"I'm not mad at you because you probably got it from your father since he swears a lot- " George faintly smiled as he tilted his head.
"But don't swear like that okay baby?"

Zuma had a small nod.

"Good.. now here's some fruit." George kissed zumas forehead before bringing the plate of fruit Dream cut up for them.

Zuma made a happy noise as he grabbed an apple slice.
"Yay!" He gasped.

George smiled as he nuzzled zumas forehead.. he didn't have the heart to be mad at zuma... he loved him way to much.

But Dream is most likely going to be the more harsh parent-

.: Dream POV :.

"SAPNAP! I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!" Dream sprinted threw the halls.. ready to punch Sapnap.

"IS IT FOR TEACHING HIM TO BITE YOU OR TO SWEAR??" Sapnap ran ahead, glancing back worried how close he's getting.

"YOU TAUGHT HIM WHAT?! SAPNAP! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Dream caught up to the beta.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now