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Dream slept peacefully in his bed, right next to his mate... how could it get any better then this?

Well- at least he was sleeping peacefully anyway.

Zuma jumped onto Dream stomach, making him wake up in a great hurry.
"Daddy!" He gasped happily

Dream jolted awake, seeing zuma giggling on his torso.
"Jesus.. Christ zuma.." he pinched the bridge of his nose- he thought something bad happened.

Zuma happily swayed side to side.
"Daddy!" He kneaded dreams chest.

"What are you doing up..? You should be asleep.." Dream rubbed his eyes, why is zuma still awake.
"It's... 1am.." he checked the time.

"Movie!" Zuma smiled, he pushed on dreams chest.

Dream blinked before checking the time again.
"One movie..." He grumbled.
"That's it."

Zuma giggled, hopping off Dream.

"Shh- your mother is still sleeping." Dream pulled himself out of bed, he wasn't wearing a shirt but he was wearing sweat pants.

"Sorry." Zuma apologized, speaking quietly.

.: George POV :. 5 hours later.

George yawned, being woken by a few loud noises..
"Hmm..? Dream?" He mumbled, glancing over to see if he was making the loud noises.

Him and zuma weren't there, he must have gone to work.

"Oh.. Dream must be working" George pushed himself up, leaning against the bedframe.
"I should go see if zuma is with him.." he rubbed his eyes- wanting to know where his pup is.

He grabbed the keycard just in case he's in his office.

George eventually made his way out of the bedroom, walking down to the living room.
"Is he in his offi-" he cut himself off.

He saw as Dream was laying on the couch with zuma sitting on his back- watching some random movie.

Zuma was burritoed in a blanket while Dream was just trying to sleep in the couch

George furrowed his brows- why are they both up?
"What are you two doing.. it's like- 6am.." he rubbed his eyes with the back of his palm.
"You shouldn't be watching tv this early"

"Daddy said I could." Zuma giggled, looking over at Dream.
"Movie!" He kneaded his dads back.

"I said that almost 5 hours ago... and I said one movie.." Dream groaned, so so very tired.
"Why do kids have so much energy." He mumbled groggily.

"I don't know, why did you cause for me to have another pup." George scrunched his nose, crossing his arms with a bit of annoyance.
"We are going to have to care for another soon."

"I can't tell if that's you being serious or your mood swings." Dream groggily mumbled, still half asleep.
"It's hard to tell."

George rolled his eyes before walking towards the elevator.
"I'm going for a walk." He yawned, stretching his arms in the air.

"Where and how long will you be out for." Dream looked over at George- he wanted to know exactly where George was going in case anything happened.

"Mmm.. probably the garden... or somewhere in town." George shrugged, holding up the keycard.
"I have the only keycard down her-"

Dream chuckled before getting up, letting zuma carefully roll onto the couch.
"Well- I don't think that's such a good idea." He walked over to George- adjusting his shoulders.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now