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Dream pulled George across the room, passing different people.. alphas and betas.

"Some of these people seem a lot more fancier then you." George looked up at the blonde, furrowing his brows.
"Are they from higher groups..?"

"Yeah- it seems like to that.. but-" Dream glanced at the other alphas and betas around the room.
"That group over there- there known for sexually assaulting girls." He pointed.
"So no- there not higher then me in the charting."

George lightly whimpered, walking over to Dream- he wasn't getting caught up with them.
"Yeah- I'm staying with you tonight." He hooked his arm around dreams.

"Good, cause I'm planning on having a dance tonight." Dream hummed, grasping George's hand before lightly spinning him around, putting him in front of him.

"I thought you didn't dance." George cocked a brow, letting Dream hold his hand tightly.

"Mmm.. I have taken it into consideration that I only like to dance with cute omegas that have brunette hair and two different coloured eyes.... Oh! And has a pup waiting at home for him." Dream rubbed George's Hand with his thumb, holding his hand up, resting his forehead on his hand.
"Mostly the omega part-" he glanced up at George.

"Your a fucking idiot." George scoffed, shaking his head, flicking dreams mask.
"I thought you were supposed to be charming-"

"Well- I am charming." Dream tucked his arm around George's back, pulling him closer to him.
"I'm also hot, amazing, the best mate ever." He smirked under his mask, holding one of George's hands up as he interlocked his fingers with the omega.

George scoffed, shaking his head lightly.
"You are also short tempered, stubborn, angry.. aggressive- a bitch." He named out other things.
"Oh! And Also bi polar."

Dream smiled, lightly spinning the two around.
"But you love me." He guided George around the dance floor.

"Mhm, I do." George rested his other hand on dreams shoulder.
"Even if your a bitch sometimes." He squeezed dreams hand.

"I've cut off all alcoholic drinks- and I've been making time for you." Dream tilted his head to the side, he loved George and would do anything for him.

"Yeah- but you've also been getting behind on work." George softly chuckled, shaking his head.

"Well- I need to make time if We are having another pup." Dream lightly swayed the around, putting one foot in front of another.
"I want to be there for you this time- and not be stuck for months without you."

"Dream- we still have like 8 months.. you can work for at least 6 or 7 of those months." George scoffed, shaking his head.
"I don't want to be the reason for the dream mafia to get destroyed."

"I don't care if it does- as long as I have you by my side." Dream shook his head, squeezing George's hand.
"All I need is you and zuma."

Before George spoke- someone else did.

"aw- isn't that sweet." Jax held his cigar in his hand, looking at the two.
"I've been meaning to talk to you about our last conversation- Dream."

Dream let go of george, turning to Jax.
"You cannot do anything here at this masquerade." He walked in front of George, knowing that Jax was here probably to bother him.

"Technically I can't do anything too you." Jax pointed to Dream, smirking under his half mask.
"But the omega- he isn't really apart of the mafi-"

"He is registered under my care, which means you can't do anything to him." Dream crossed his arms, glaring at Jax.
"Not as he stands in this room by my side.. you cannot touch him."

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now