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I don't like this chapter very much but here you go, angst

.: 3 days later :.

George sat in the bed while Dream slept next to him- he Just stared up at the ceiling.... He was- unhappy?

George didn't understand why he was unhappy-he has been for a few days, but now things are back to normal- at least that's what George thinks.

His attention turned to dreams phone- it's been going off all night and morning... for days.

George scrunched his nose, shaking dreams shoulder.
"Dream, your phones going off again." Be sighed.

"Mmmm... yes..?" Dream mumbled, rubbing his cheek.
"What is it?" He grumbled.

"Your phones been going off all night." George had an unimpressed look.
"Silence it"

"What-" Dream sat up, reaching for his phone- he noticed different messages and emails from various people.
"Oh shut!1 Sorry love- I have to go work-" he turned to George, quickly sitting up.

George nodded.
"Alright- I can watch zu-" he was cut off.

"Daddy!" Zuma kneaded his hands.
"I wanna come!" He smiled.

Dream softly smiled, nodding.
"Alright- you can help me with work then." He picked zuma up before sliding out of bed.
"If it's alright with your mother that is."

Zuma looked at George, whining.

George softly nodded.
"Yes Zuma, you can go with your dad." He smiled- chuckling a little.

Zuma gasped, nuzzling into dreams chest.

Dream chuckled before making his way towards the door.
"I love you darling."

George smiled.
"I love you too." He hummed.

Once Dream left- George frowned.

"Things aren't gonna go back to what they used to be." George sighed, looking at his hand with broken fingers.
"Definitely not"

.: 6 weeks later :.

It went on for weeks like this- Dream wakes up early in the morning and doesn't come back till late at night from his office- zuma always goes with him... leaving George alone all day.... For days.

Except hopefully for today.

George smiled, looking at his phone- it was there day before there anniversary.
(I don't even know the time frame of this story so go with the flow)

George walked down the hall towards Dream office, lightly knocking on it before walking in.
"Hi!" He carried a plate of fruit in- wanting to brighten the mood.

Dream glanced up, seeing George.
"Hi darling, how are you." He hummed.

"I was wondering if we can do something tomorrow! Like go out for dinner." George happily smiled, holding his phone.
"Or go to the movies!"

"I can't George- I already have to go to dinner with Hannah." Dream sighed, standing up.
"I'd love too if I could."

George gaze softened.
"But- it's our-" he was cut off- sighing.

George clutched his phone- Dream forgot there anniversary.

Dreams frowned, walking over to George.
"We can go next Friday, will that wor-"

"No- it's fine, your busy..." George sighed, walking away.
"I'll be in our room.." he put the plate of fruit down.

"George- come on-" Dream tried walking up to George.
"I'm trying the best I can" he frowned.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now