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Dream wrapped the bandage around George's leg firmly.
"I know it hurts, I'm sorry." He let George rest his leg on his lap.

George grumbled, leaning back.
"I regret this now." He mumbled.
"I regret those motorcycle lessons."

"I'm sorry." Dream finished bandaging his leg.
"But I hope you know this does revoke you from using a motorcycle." He looked up at George.
"Just until your better."

"Yeah." George nodded, looking out the window.
"I know."

"If I may ask- how did you learn to ride the motorcycle." Dream settled George's leg on his knees, letting him stretch his leg.

"Sapnap taught me." George hummed, watching the rain drop down.

"I know that fair bit- but why?" Dream furrowed his brows, speaking in a soft tone.
"Why did he teach you."

"It was his idea, he wanted to teach me how to drive and ride a motorcycle to escape places- he didn't want you knowing cause he knew he would be furious." George watched as more rain drops fell, keeping a soft tone.

Dream growled under his breath unnoticeably.
"I'm gonna kill him." If Sapnap didn't teach him how to ride- he wouldn't have crashed.

George giggled softly, rubbing zumas back.

Dream glanced up, seeing it lightly drizzle outside.
"Do you want to go outside?" He soon calmed himself, speaking in a soft tone.
"It might help release some stress."

George nodded happily.
"I'd like to go outside." He sat up carefully, letting zuma settle on his chest.
"I think zuma would like to go to."

Zuma yawned, rubbing his cheeks.
"Mama..?" He mumbled, holding his hands up.

"Don't worry, I'm here zuma." George nuzzled zumas cheek, rubbing his back.

Zuma giggled, glancing around.
"Dada?" He rubbed his eyes.

"I'm right here zuma." Dream ruffled zumas hair.
"Don't worry." He chuckled, cute.

"Mad?" Zuma looked between the two, confused- he was confused if they were still arguing.

George shook his head.
"No no, we just didn't see eye to eye zuma." He hugged zuma- he shouldn't have witnessed there argument.
"It's okay"

Dream smiled, standing up.
"Come on Georgie, get a jacket on." He poked George's forehead, flicking it.
"You don't want to get more sick now."

George grumbled, standing up.
"Take zuma while I change." He held zuma over to Dream.
"DONT. Drop him." He growled.

Dream rolled his eyes, holding the pup.
"I wonttt." He groaned, shaking his head.

George glared at Dream before walking over towards the stairs... a shirt and shorts probably won't protect him much in the rain.

.: Dream and Zuma POV :.

"Wanna go outside zuma?" Dream looked down, smiling.
"It's raining slightly."

Zuma blinked at Dream before looking over at the stairs.
"Mama." He pointed, trying to reach for the stairs.

Dream struggled to hold Zuma- but maintained a grasp.
"Don't make me drop you... please?" He did not want to get his ass beat by George.

"Mama! Mama! Mama!" Zuma tried reaching for the stairs, struggling in dreams grasp,

"He will be outside with our us soon, he's getting ready." Dream walked over to the door.
"Now, put your jacket on." He looked around for zumas jacket.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now