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Dream walked into the room with the doctor, seeing George on the bed with some sort of.. air mask?

"What's wrong with him.." Dream stared at the doctor before glancing at George.
"Why did he-.. fuck-" he stared in worried.
"Is he okay??"

"Don't worry- he's stable now." The doctor nodded.
"His body was overwhelmed by the C section... we are just giving him extra oxygen with a bit of steroids to make him stronger."

"Will he be okay." Dream turned to the doctor, holding the pups back... he didn't trust this doctor- or anyone here..
"That's all I care about." He rubbed the pups back.

"Yes- but there are some- complications." The doctor sighed, holding up a clipboard.
"Nothing serious- unless you want more pups.. but it might as well affect your mates entire life of being an omega."

"What complications." Dream furrowed his brows, walking over to his mate on the bed.
"What's wrong with him.." he frowned.

"If we are getting straight to the point- he can't have anymore pups.." the doctor held the clipboard up.
"During the C section- there was inflicted damage around the area that we had to remove.. which ruined his chances on having any pups in the future."

"So he can't get pregnant anymore.." Dream rested his hand on George's thigh, squeezing it slightly.
"Or.. if he gets pregnant will he die." He anxiously muttered.

"No... he can't have anymore pups- sex is fine.. but it's psychically impossible for him to have another pup." The doctor shook his head.
"We apologize.. but his health comes first." He sighed.
"Worse case.. you can adopt- there are many pups up for adopti-"

Dream nodded, cutting off the doctor.
"When will he be in stable condition to take him home." He stood next to the hospital bed.
"I'd like for him to be comfortable while getting well.."

"We are going to run some more tests alright? Just to check if he's stable enough now." The doctor nodded.
"We just need to make sure he will be alright." He walked towards the door.

Dream grabbed a chair and pulled it close.
"Thank you." He muttered, sitting down.
"But make sure he is okay... I don't want to take him home unless he's stable.

The doctor just made his way out.

.: Dream and Sapnap POV :.

The pups started to shiver, snuggling into dreams chest.

Dream sat next to george, holding the pups carefully.
"Shhh..." he spoke softly.
"Daddy's here- don't be scared."

"Jesus dude-" Sapnap walked in.
"Is he okay..?" His attention turned straight to George.

"He's resting- there just giving him extra oxygen." Dream glanced at the sleeping pups.
"I can take him home after a few tests." He spoke quietly.
"Unless something bad shows up."

Sapnap made his way behind Dream.
"There so- small." He squinted his eyes.
"They looked like baked beans with hair."

"Oh no fucking shit- there pups." Dream elbowed sapnaps stomach.
"Now quiet.. there asleep- and if you call them baked beans again I'm going to beat your ass." He growled.

"Mm...what..?" George coughed, blinking slightly.
"What's this..?" He poked the mask.

"Oh, he's awake." Sapnap pointed at George- but he was elbowed in the chest.
"Ow- dick." He glared at dream.

Dream turned his head over to George- surprised how fast he woke up.
"George- oh my god." He smiled happily.
"Your awake."

"I feel like shit." George whimpered, leaning back.
"My torso hurts... what happened." He took off the strange mask on his face.
"What is this."

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now