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George sat on the couch, sipping a cup of tea.
"I'm glad to have you guys back." He glanced at Karl.
"It's been lonely here."

"Mhm!" Karl nodded, holding his cup of tea.
"Even if Sapnap is still being scolded." He glanced out the window- seeing the beta.

George looked over, seeing Dream yell at Sapnap outside- hitting the top of his head.
"Those two are strange- there still arguing."

Zuma stumbled around, holding his two plushies tightly.
"Bunny and wolfy!" He held them up giggling,

George looked back, seeing zuma.
"Yeah! You found them!" He smiled instantly.
"Good job zumie!"

Zuma laughed before walking off to go play with some of his toys.
"Me play." He carried the two plushies.

"He's so well behaved" Karl was quite surprised- most kids where quite... destructive but zuma.... He was well behaved.

"You just gotta show them that you love them." George watched zuma from another room, keeping an eye through the doorway.
"And don't be rude to them." He smiled.

"Does Dream have troubles with it?" Karl's gaze softened, a little worried that they argue quite a bit.
"Since the hole- anger issues...?"

George quickly shook his head.
"Dream is a loving father to zuma, he always tries his best to spend time with him and make sure he's okay and safe" he took another sip from his tea.
"The anger issues don't get in the way."

"Aww." Karl's smiled, looking at zuma.
"This makes me want to have a kid even more..." he mumbled, his inner frown growing.

"You can always adopt and keep them here, it's safe here!" George wanted zuma to have a friend... so he's not alone.
"But it's all up to you and Sapnap"

"I want to, but I need to talk to Sapnap." Karl frowned, looking outside.
"But there still arguing- or well.. your mate is still scolding him."

"Hold on.." George's sighed, placing down his tea.
"I'll get them inside- I apologize." He shook his head.
"Please watch zuma."

"Of course I'll watch zuma." Karl quickly nodded, perking up.
"I don't mind!"

.: Dream POV :.

"HE COULD HAVE DIED!" Dream snapped, growling at Sapnap.

"YOUVE SAID THAT LIKE 90 TIMES!!" Sapnap groaned, leaning back.
"I didn't know the wheel was going to give out! I told him not to drive in the rain!"

"WHY DID YOU EVEN TEACH HIM?!" Dream ran his hands through his hair.
"It was a terrible idea!" He bared his fangs.

"I thought he would enjoy it! He's been cooped up in this house for so long without anyone to keep him company, I thought teaching him to ride a motorcycle would be fun." Sapnap nudged dreams shoulder.
"Take him out of the house a little."

Dream sighed.
"I'm worried too..." he Mumbled under his breath.

"I don't mind it here as long as I have someone to talk to." George leaned against the door.
"Now get your fucking asses inside." He pointed in.
"Before I get pissed off."

Dream and Sapnap both glanced over, sighing... they couldn't talk back to George- they would get there asses beat.

"Yes darling." Dream nodded, walking over to the omega.
"We will be inside shortly."

"Thank you." George pipped up, smiling happily- at least they ain't getting mad,

"Pfft- simp." Sapnap laughed, nudging dreams sighed.
"What a dumba-"

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now